(10 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
It’s here! It’s about time! This really is wonderful news!
Finally, after all their talk and noise about the mission from God to spread freedom and democracy around the world, and all the complaining over the past eight years from crazed left wing spaced out paranoid disconnected from reality radicals that too many billion$ were being spent overseas and not enough spent domestically, and that totalitarianism was just around the corner, all the ridiculous fears are magically allayed, and bushco is at long last living up to their bright promise, and bringing true participatory democracy to the country.
Finally the people will have a true voice in the affairs of the nation, with the knowledge that everything they say, every opinion they express, every concern and suggestion and profuse thanks to their compassionately conservative dear leaders will go directly to the ears of those who need to know, without delay, mere milliseconds after it’s typed!
And the best part is… you won’t even have to type it.
They’ll come to you!
At last! It just doesn’t get any better than this! Thanks George!
New FBI Rules Make It Easier to Spy on Innocent Americans
TChris at Talkleft this morning…
New operating procedures at the FBI will encourage rogue agents to spy on anyone they want, for whatever reason they want, without obtaining a supervisor’s approval.
The changes would give the FBI’s more than 12,000 agents the ability at a much earlier stage to conduct physical surveillance, solicit informants and interview friends of people they are investigating without the approval of a bureau supervisor. Such techniques are currently available only after FBI agents have opened an investigation and developed a reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed or that a threat to national security is developing.
Post-Nixon-era reforms will be undone. Infiltrating groups that lawfully assemble to urge policies of peace and social justice will no longer be seen as off-limits.
Policy guidance for FBI agents and informants who work as “undisclosed participants” in organizations is still being written, the officials said yesterday.
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they will not get mad enough to end the bullshit.
They count on you having hope.
Get used to the bullshit.
they have to lop the top off the heads of all those agents to get them to do this…
How do they get them to agree to that, wonder?
Why don’t we just have an en masse turn in?
Do you take this to mean there will be no dissent? LOL!
David Swanson, of AfterDowningStreet.org has some plans for us for each day of this coming week.
What You Can Do to Put Bush and Cheney Behind Bars
On the other hand, an “en masse turn in” might overwhelm the lot of them — what would they do with millions all at once? Faces to feed, mouths to shut, etc.
I wrote a little diary about this in the orange juice: October 1st: FBI Strengthens Police State and h/t your essay over here.
…”Hey Mr. FBI man
what-cha wanna know
i am eager and I really
want to please you..
So please, Mr. FBI man
tell me what you
want to know
and i’ll write it
in a heartbeat
and you’ll love-uh-uhve it.
I point to the night sky and say.
“That is my personal satellite”.
Lasthorseman-keeping a staff busy censoring what I might say next. Yeah, this is my second try at commenting on this thread.