Historian Gareth Porter and Real News CEO Paul Jay discuss the state of the US and the world, the Bush doctrine, and Bush’s “war on terror”, near the too long awaited end of the disastrous Bush presidency.
Talking us through the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, though relations with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the Iranian view of the larger picture of the Middle East, through the entire simple minded good versus evil worldview of the worst US president in history, Jay concludes the interview with the question: “Maybe someone should ask the empire: Empire, are you better off than you were eight years ago or not?” as the setup for the next in this series.
September 25, 2008 – 8 min 8 sec
Gareth Porter: The US and the world near the end of the Bush administration
Gareth Porter is a historian and investigative journalist on US foreign and military policy analyst. He writes regularly for Inter Press Service on US policy towards Iraq and Iran. Author of four books, the latest of which is Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam.
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…that McCain may not know economics, but he has experience with bailing out. I seem to recall that didn’t go so well.
Unidentified Deal Reached
Of course, no particulars as to details supposedly worked out!
how the crisis came about and his plan to take care of it.
Be sure to read it — the plan makes so much sense!
…the bridge to nowhere we’ve heard so much about?
on the bailout:
The audio podcast is at the bottom of Greenwald’s post yesterday: Salon Radio: Digby on the bailout
I could cheat and embed it here, but I think I would violate Salon/Greenwald copyrights if I did, so go there to listen to it. Great discussion about why all this is happening…
probably gives us the right slant about the whole mess:
CBS News this afternoon:
ABC News
Dems Blame McCain as Bailout Talks Go On
Obama, McCain Leave White House Without Deal on $700 Billion Bailout
Throwing $700B into this isn’t going to fix anything, even in installments and with “oversight,” whatever that is these days. Someone(s) will get very rich as a result, though.
Capitalism is on it’s death bed, perhaps. May have a few gasps left.
Albert Einstein, from Why Socialism, Monthly Review, New York, May, 1949.