Author's posts
Nov 14 2010
Tenacatita March on the Governor
To keep you up to date, I have written about Tenacatita there, here and here.
This post is an update about real activism, people whose very lives are on the line, and their attempts to address injustice by any means necessary. My friend Dobie, the author of the update is an American Ex-pat that has my full respect. She does not live separate or above the people she chose to live among, she lives as one of them, family. She does not direct them what to do, she listens and offers help in any way she is needed. She is a lifelong activist, pressed into service for her people once again… and for her? Her people are where ever she is. I respect and admire her to no end. She works so hard, and when pressed to deliver the contributions as one of the sole people with a truck, had to be pressed to take anything for herself. “Others first” is my impression of Dobie. She is my kind of kind.
So Wednesday, she joined hundreds of others on a long overnight bus ride to Guadalajara to protest to the Governor, and be heard.
This is the Power of the People in Action. This Unity.
Nov 13 2010
Birds of a Feather – The Exclusionary Clause
Exploitation Capitalism takes more forms than you can imagine. In writing “Clueless Class” I began to brush the surface of just how deep, just how ingrained our thinking is, so much so, that some on the “Left” went ballistic defending their well-to-do Investment Class Liberalism.
Skimming the quagmire that is all things I/P on dKos, and a few other putrid places I loathe to admit being an occasional voyeur to, I ran headlong into one of the biggest mental fortresses that both the left and right share.
In essence? It is the idea that “we” should be able to live where ever “we” want to, and look how much “better off” this place is because of us! It is about “enclaves” and “neighborhoods” and walls, both concrete and economic. It’s about cultural appropriation and cultural segregation. It’s about tourism and settlements, and the exceptionalism so ingrained in our psyches we cannot possibly objectively view the impact of our thinking. Its about gentrification by “cheap living” and ultimately about the colonialist mindset that we damn in history, but refuse to admit is still alive and thriving within our Western Mindset.
It’s mostly about melanin and birds of a feather and cages both illusory and real.
Nov 12 2010
Wild Wild Left Radio #87 Catfood, Soc. Security & a Devalued Dollar – An Austerity Trifecta !!!
Join Wild Wild Left Radio every Friday at 6pm EST, via BlogtalkRadio, with Host and Producer Diane Gee to guide you through Current Events taken from a Wildly Left Prospective…. her Joplinesque voice speaking straight from the heart about the real-life implications of the Political and the Class War on everyday American Citizens like you.
The “MSM Headline” stories are treated by what they are NOT telling you, as much as by what they are. From Domestic Policy to International Politics, WWL Radio also speaks freely about the un-and-under reported stories, a vigilant watchdog of what you should know.
The True and Radical Left, WWL’s Diane Gee and our Regular Contributors form a coalition of subversion undermining the PTB by speaking Truth to Power!!!!
The call in number is 646-929-1264 to join the conversation!
Listen live here:
The live chat link will go live around 5:30.. found at the bottom of the show page, or by clicking the link below. Be heard via the live chat page too!
CHAT LINK:…Miss the show? The podcasts are available at the link above, or at
Our Topics This Week:Fire up your helicopters, and burn your worthless Benjamin’s to warm your catfood, the perfect trifecta of economic shocks will have austerity measures in your lap before you can say “re-regulate.”
While former Prez’nit Decider re-writes history to give us a warm fuzzy about the anal probe, he extols the virtues of our Current Capitulater for a good reason… he’s about to help jam it in us deeper than the Shrublet’s wildest dreams!
Viewed within the history of deregulation, business personhood and recent overt Elite favoring SCOTUS rulings, let WWL Radio guide you into the latest Shock therapy the US is undergoing. The market has been flooded with a weakened dollar, while Obama tries to market it to the G20. (or 19 he’s screwing) The Catfood Commission has ruled that we need to give the rich more and the people less. Trillionaire businessmen have bought ads to flood Prime Time to convince us that the SOLVENT Social Security must be privatized or you won’t GET yours! (bullshit)
And not ONE of these measures will bring you a JOB or the Country economic relief.
As the Fear and Loathing is ramped up against our own citizens and our Justice system takes a pass on everything from rich hit and run drivers to CIA destruction of Evidence – the rise of a Class War 2 tiered system is evident on every level. Will we wake up before its too late?
In 1975 Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said, ‘The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer.’
That time is NOW.
Please join us for the only “out there where the buses don’t run” LEFT perspective with interviews, op/eds and straight talk without the hand-wringing PC that has crippled our movement!
Controversy? We face it. Cutting Edge? We step over it. Revolutions start with information, and The Wild Wild Left Radio brings you the best in information and op/eds from a position that others on the Left fear to tread…. all with a
grainshaker of irreverent humor.
Nov 08 2010
Last Tree Falling.
Between the hours of back breaking but super cool accomplishing tree-work yesterday, I popped in an out of my three usual haunts. It always amazes me how each site and its users have their own personalities, and as such, interpret my words differently. WITR thought my very personal “Shades” stupendous, while it failed at DD.
DD thought my Clueless Class worthy, but that I went too far in my UMC rant. In fact one guy decided that I was a tea bagger! Heh. My sister IS a Prius-owning, illegal alien housekeeper employing Tea Bagger. I know what they smell like, and yeah, I’m not one of them.
Of course the guy who tagged me with it also despises my writing because I don’t “quote” the right people. I don’t do short quotes or a video with a few lines describing them, or rants about dKos-fail. I am no raw reporter quoting others. But my style includes fiction, allegory, rants and very personal tales. I am a propagandist for the far left, of the commie-pinko, all hail Che, viva la revolucion type. I guess being post-partisan enough makes me outside the mental safe-zone of people who want to not see anything bad about the Libs or the D’s and solely to castigate R’s and Neo’s. I don’t want reform, I want to re-form the system.
Perhaps I did go too far. I don’t know, a decent piece of writing is not meant to make people complacent and feel good all the time…. it is supposed to jar people enough that they may at least look at their own actions through a different lens. I’m a writer who reads many, and draws my own conclusions. I also have allegory tourette’s – you know Obama as the string-tying puppet binding himself into oblivion – things like that just pop out unplanned.
Nov 06 2010
The Clueless Class
Its not always the sneering angry faces that are the cause of our plight here in the Land of Inopportunity… in fact, some of those angry sneering faces have a point once in a while. Take Sarah Palin (Please!) speaking about “Real Americans,” I can totally understand why that resonated with some people as a Mid-westerner. We ARE far removed from the what Elites, even the Upper Middle Classes think of our reality.
Sometimes our worst enemies are the ones speaking “for” us. The nice people, genteel people, with silver hair, impeccable taste, jowls dripping over their collars, sipping champagne at a nice little reception for the patrons of the arts like themselves, having conversations with perfect diction and overwrought British accents on how dreadful it is that the American public doesn’t DO something for themselves.
It is not only the Uber-rich stomping us down, it is those clinging to their entitlement and superiority, telling we working people what we should care about, how to vote, and to rise up and protest.
It is the Upper Middle Classes who have never missed a meal who truly does not get us.
Its easy to be armchair warriors, with all the free time in the World to fly-over us, and be “seen” at protests on the Coasts. Easier yet when you have a home on each coast. Workers have neither the luxury of the time nor the money.
We are barely surviving here.
Nov 04 2010
Wild Wild Left Radio #86(‘d)~AND~Interview with Ernest Stewart!!!
Join Wild Wild Left Radio every Friday at 6pm EDT, via BlogtalkRadio, with Host and Producer Diane Gee to guide you through Current Events taken from a Wildly Left Prospective.. her Joplinesque voice speaking from the heart about the real-life implications of the Political and the Class War on everyday American Citizens like you.
WWL Radio: Free Speech in Practice.
The call in number is 646-929-1264 to join the conversation!
Listen live here:
The live chat link will go live around 5:30.. found at the bottom of the show page, or by clicking the link below, to add to the discussion via chat.
CHAT LINK:…Miss the show? The podcasts are available at the link above, or at
Hear the Unreported & Under Reported Headline stories that are shunned by the mainstream, from Domestic Policy to International Politics by the WWL”s Diane Gee and our Regular Contributors forming coalition of subversion undermining the PTB by speaking Truth to Power!!!!
This weeks Topics:Interview Edition:
I am honored to be interviewing Ernest Stewart for the show!
Ernest Stewart a.k.a. Uncle Ernie is an unabashed radical, author, stand-up comic, DJ, actor, political pundit and for the last 9 years publisher of Issues & Alibis magazine. He is an actor, writer and a producer for W the Movie.
His weekly Magazine, Issues and Alibis was kind enough to reprint my essay, I Want to be a Real Boy this week. Our own Phil Rockstroh is also a regular in his issues, along with Amy Goodman, Uri Avery, Jim Hightower, Chris Hedges and Glenn Greenwald. I am thrilled to be included in such company.
This should be a great evening.
86(‘d) Edition:
The Urban Dictionary misses the Urban Legend of the term “86’d” – When a man too drunk to be served demanded another drink, the barmaid would claim to be out of his favorite, then call back to the owner to “Get the good stuff, the 86 proof” for the customer. The owner would then come out with a bottle, and determine the man cut-off, leaving the customers with good will toward the barmaid, and letting the owner do the dirty work of having to throw someone out. 86’d went from being “cut off” to “out of it” to just plain “over” in our common day use.
An oddly appropriate show-number for the end of Gottlieb’s contribution to the show. He really wants to focus solely on directing his several plays a year, as well as his position of managing the small Teatro Santa Ana located inside the library at San Miguel de Allende, Mexico where he lives. He has been far too busy lately to give his full attention to the WWL Project. I am far too invested as producer, invested as someone who lives and breathes the very air that is effected by the Political Atmosphere to let WWL Radio fail from neglect or indifference. WWL is one of the ONLY truly Left voices left in America. It is the only voice left (LEFT) for those of us who live here. It matters the world to me.
Did I mention I am impatient by nature? Despite my total enjoyment of speaking to and admiration for the man, it just wasn’t a good fit anymore. Demanding boss? Perhaps. Absentee employee? Mostly. But ultimately, the decision to part ways was mine. He is very pleased to be done with blogging and politics, he says. I am sure you all will miss his voice, but you are now stuck with me solo. Sorry about that. Either I expect too much from friends/partners, imagine friendship in what are really actually casual business relationships. Or maybe, ultimately, I don’t play well with others.
Bloggers have a fairly short half-life anyway, most give up and move back to focus only on their personal lives within a few years. The sacrifice to the all and to others is just too great. They needn’t shut down the internet to kill connections on the Left, we tend to do it ourselves, if those connections were only “blogging” in the first place.
I will do my best, and get by with a little help from my friends. I hope not to disappoint you.
Here’s wishing gottlieb the best in his personal endeavors!
Please join us for the only “out there where the buses don’t run” LEFT perspective with interviews, op/eds and straight talk without the hand-wringing PC that has crippled our movement!
Controversy? We face it. Cutting Edge? We step over it. Revolutions start with information, and The Wild Wild Left Radio brings you the best in information and op/eds from a position that others on the Left fear to tread…. all with a grain shaker of irreverent humor.
Nov 03 2010
I Want to be a Real Boy!
The shows had been dull on the Main Stage the last two years. Predictable. Polite. Passe. Pat. So much so, that the audience, hungry for a not-trite answer, a thrill, any stimulation at all started attending all the little Side-stage productions that popped up. Ah, there it was, all the drama, the blood, the titillating sleazy sexiness that had been missing from the slow, dull plod of the main stage. Meanwhile, those hungry for a more intelligent play, one based on humanity, justice, honor and true love drifted away unsatisfied by either stage. They knew there was nothing for them here anymore.
Something is always better than nothing, when it comes to feeding an audience.
It was inevitable that the hate-porn charlatans would storm the boards of the hallowed hall of the Grand Theater and demand their shows be Top Billing. Goodbye Shakespeare, hello American Gladiators. Goodbye Dickens and Hemingway, hello Gaga.
The Puppet was dismayed, of course.
Nov 03 2010
Goodnight, Sweethearts.
A singeing cold burned you before I knew it, leaving me rushed to save whatever essence was left of you. The earth saved you, and lo and behold your roots were robust and firm despite the withered tops. Good bye, sweet leaves and flowers that bring me such joy in the spring. Perhaps this year will be better and you will reach your full potential, I will plant you in the Spring before Summer has already blossomed. Oh, the Bishops Children took a beating that way, the bulbs are tiny and fewer; the Cannas and other Dahlias seemed more forgiving.
I made it in time. Sure, there are still leaves to burn, a semi-load of wood to be split to help us survive this winter, but bit by bit I am making wonderful progress in restoring order to my world.
Soon, a sparkle of lights will light my pines through a mystery of snowflakes. The softest rustle making the world clean and bright. The shortest day will come and go, and the light shall return in all its glory to warm the land.
And you will be reborn. Good night, sweethearts, enjoy your rest through the dark and cold, in your carefully labeled bags, written in my son’s still childish scrawl, safe under our home.
Its not so very long a wait.
Life is seasons.
Oct 29 2010
Wild Wild Left Radio #85 Another Day in Insanity
Join Wild Wild Left Radio every Friday at 6pm EDT, via BlogtalkRadio, to guide you through Current Events taken from a Wildly Left Prospective..
WWL Radio: Free Speech in Practice.
The call in number is 646-929-1264 to join the conversation!
Listen live here:
The live chat link will go live around 5:30.. found at the bottom of the show page, or by clicking the link below, to add to the discussion via chat.
CHAT LINK:…Miss the show? The podcasts are available at the link above, or at
Hear the Unreported & Under Reported Headline stories that are shunned by the mainstream, from Domestic Policy to International Politics by the WWL coalition of subversion: undermining the PTB by speaking Truth to Power!!!!
This weeks Topics:
Well, hell… by the Comedy Channel’s standards I am thoroughly insane. I think its time to open the windows and scream, “I’m mad as hell, and i’m NOT going to take it anymore.” I mean really? Lumping Anti-War Protesters in with TEABAGGERS? Thats not Comedy, it is trying to subvert activism and turn it into slackerism.
Restore Sanity? My version of sanity includes raging against the Headlines this Week. No sane people would take this shit quietly.
WIKILEAKS IS BEING TARGETED AS AN ENEMY FOR BEING A WHISTLEBLOWER, AND NO ONE IS REPORTING/CONDEMNING THE ACTUAL ATROCITIES DONE IN OUR NAMES.(& we remain skeptical whether this is an “approved” leak or not)Call me insane. I think louder yelling is EXACTLY what is called for here.
Please join us for the only “out there where the buses don’t run” LEFT perspective with interviews, op/eds and straight talk without the hand-wringing PC that has crippled our movement!
Controversy? We face it. Cutting Edge? We step over it. Revolutions start with information, and The Wild Wild Left Radio brings you the best in information and op/eds from a position that others on the Left fear to tread…. all with a grain shaker of irreverent humor.
Oct 29 2010
A Letter from Tenacatita.
(Crossposted from The Wild Wild Left Back ground story here then this week here.)
It is good to know these people have names, have stories. Dobie. Richard. Mary Ann. John. Oscar. Emma. Isela. Barb.
I feel like they are becoming family to me. They have offered to open up their homes to me for a visit there, when they get their beach back. Hammocks and palapas, they say, no cooking or cleaning for me! HA! They must not know me too well. Stopping me from cooking and cleaning? You would have better luck stopping the tides.
I want to share a note from Dobie. I will be speaking to her soon, hopefully next Friday on WWL, as soon as their internet becomes high-speed.
At about 10 PM last night Isela (who was here on Sunday), a lawyer for
Diputado David Hernandez called to ask me if I could go to the gate
this morning because Villalobos and the governor were saying that
there was free access to the beach.I printed out the article in the Informador with the following quote
by Villalobos,
“El acceso está dado, la gente puede entrar a la playa, pero pueden
entrar tres, cuatro o cinco turistas; si llegan 300 personas con
palos, piedras y se quieren meter, pues eso es una invasión, es una
agresión y no lo vamos a permitir”.Las únicas condiciones para ingresar al litoral, explicó, son no
acudir bajo los efectos del alcohol, en posesión de armas o a bordo de
un vehículo, ya que en el interior del predio en cuestión no hay
estacionamientos.”Translated says “The access is given, people can enter the beach but
3, 4 or 5 tourists can enter, if 300 people show up with shovels,
rocks and that want to go in, well, this is an invasion, it’s an
agression and we won’t allow it.
Oct 27 2010
Assange’s WikiLeaks Unforeseen Role
At least, GOD, I hope this is unintentional.
You see one of the tenets of The Shock Doctrine is that seldom do things “happen” outside tacit approval. They did not “get” Bin Laden, because it did not “serve” the greater purpose of war profiteering and re-engineering the Middle east to become Open Markets for the Western Profiteers.
Yet, as Europe starts to rebel against the Oligarchy and the “austerity” measures meant to ensure that the plebes ask for nothing, and accept their lessened lot so that the wealthy can still live in the manner to which they are accustomed, I wonder.
In this, the surveillance age, they cannot find this man and stop him?
Or does letting this information leach out incrementally serve a more nefarious purpose to those (and it is a target audience) who would read it?
Psychological warfare is subtle.
Oct 25 2010
Tenacatita Clash Escalates
(Originally posted at The Wild Wild Left)
I have been following this story for a while now. In a land dispute on the coastline of southern Mexico, hundreds of people, families, homes and businesses have been forcibly evicted from their homes by a developer employing local police to forcibly keep them from their property.
I had originally hoped that the convoluted titling would be resolved fairly quickly. While “beach” property titling is tenuous at best for foreigners, the tradition and law of the land says the public beaches can never be restricted from residents, and are held collectively. I thought, “This is not the West Bank, after all, where a rich “settler” can demolish generational homes and put up fences to keep people out at gunpoint.” I was wrong.
Yesterday, peaceful protesters were gassed and injured when more than 300 of them clashed with the Police. Google translations are far from exacting, but my understanding is that the citizens went with a Federal Marshal who asked the State Police to stand down. The State Police threatened them, saying “We are armed, you know.” There are many more images at the link above.
Then they assaulted and gassed the protesters. The ugliness echoes Bil’in in Palestine.
This situation is becoming a powderkeg.