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What if? What if Now is the Time?

Cross-posted from the Wild Wild Left where you all are welcome to cross-post anytime. (with of course a header that says crossed from here! Remember cross-posting not only gets the message out, but bumps all our google ratings!)

I wrote a response to NP a moment ago that brought me to a question.

What would a world without borders look like?

Not in the Neo-Con World Korp way the Uber-Elites are trying to make; not in a way where exploitation of the multitudes by the very, very few is standard operating procedure… but in a way where there is so much all-interest that self-interest becomes obsolete?

What if the idea was protecting eachother and peace?

McCain denounces Hagee, filed under: Master of the Totally Obvious

This off-the-cuff rant cross posted from my little blog The Wild Wild Left! Come visit!

You douchebag, you just noticed what a fucksnot psycho this man is?


Hagee’s sermon was delivered in the late 1990s, and this, after saying Gays caused Katrina RECENTLY, is your tipping point?

Oh yeah, right, the gays don’t have as big a voting PAC or as many purse-strings as the Jews he offended. He has offended women, Catholics, he basically hates anyone but rich white born-again neo-cons; and THIS is what it takes to get your attention tuned to the fact he is a whack-job?

“Obviously, I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them,” McCain said. “I did not know of them before Reverend Hagee’s endorsement, and I feel I must reject his endorsement as well.”

The White House Whines over Lack of Editorial Control of NBC and MSNBC

Cross posted from my blog, The Wild Wild Left

Ed Gillespie, Counselor to the President wrote this letter to Steve Capus, President, NBC News.

Amazingly enough they have no problem with O’raly’s Fox-step right bias but lay these complaints at the feet of NBC:

I’m sure you don’t want people to conclude that there is really no distinction between the “news” as reported on NBC and the “opinion” as reported on MSNBC, despite the increasing blurring of those lines. I welcome your response to this letter, and hope it is one that reassures your broadcast network’s viewers that blatantly partisan talk show hosts like Christopher Matthews and Keith Olbermann at MSNBC don’t hold editorial sway over the NBC network news division.

Capus, bless his heart, replied (in part):

“Just as the White House does not participate in the editorial process at the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal or USA Today, NBC News, as part of a free press in a free society, makes its own editorial decisions,” NBC said in a statement.

“Let the Black Guy live!”

Crossposted from The Wild Wild Left

He’s Dead, Mom.

“What do you mean, Jake?”

“They always kill the Black Guy off. It makes me so mad!”


“Mom, it doesn’t matter how cool or smart he is, they always kill the Black Guy off in these films, even if he dies a hero, they kill him and the White Guy lives.”

We were watching ‘Deep Blue Sea’.

“So don’t get attached to him Mom.”

His Nine Year old tirade was just beginning.

Mission Accompli; the Rock Opera


The US takes the Missionary position to the World

(Cross-posted from the Wild Wild Left, and to One Wing Left, and Station Charon)

Its been five years.

Tommy can you hear me?  Tommy? Tommy?

It was over, wasn’t it? Is that not what we read, heard, saw?

Can I help to cheer you?

The surge, its working isn’t it? Are you relieved?

Tommy can you hear me?

Can you feel me near you?

Were we this near them?

Seal our eyes, our ears, our mouths.

This cannot be us.

More Bush Douchebaggery.

Cross-Ranted from The Wild Wild Left, my wild little blog!


I don’t know if you know or not, but the US and Canada have been fighting for quite a while about lumber. It appears that the U.S. has been import overtaxing the hell out of Canadian lumber for a while now and are about to lose another ruling at the World Court for a NAFTA violation about it.

In 2006 the US was supposed to

Parts of the deal include:

   * Import duties of $4 billion the U.S. charged Canadian companies since 2002 will be returned. But the U.S. keeps $1 billion.

   * A seven-year term, with a possible two-year extension.

   * A ban on the U.S. launching new trade actions.

   * Restrictions on Canadian exports will kick in if prices fall too far.

   * Neutral trade arbitrators will provide final and binding settlements of disputes.

Instead they gave it all back to Canada with a Billion Dollar return condition; a billion dollar congressional bypass play.

Guess what the Bushinistas did with that Billion Dollars?

Sunday Morning Over Easy

Crossposted just for fun, from WWL

Today, I want to open by honoring my favorite Deity.

When the Flying Spaghetti Monster makes Rolling Stone Magazine for the Second Time, you have to know there is intelligent life on Earth. (Images from their site, please visit there!)

Is it any wonder when Jimmy Buffett moved from Alabama (a place with notoriously low emissions) he quit singing about Pirates?

In fact, a move to high carbon emission Florida got Buffett singing about Volcanoes. Coincidence? I think not.

…and I quote Pastafarian scripture:

You may be interested to know that global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of Pirates since the 1800s.

Sunday Morning Over Easy music choice below the fold.

That Post 9/11 Rush to Terrorism.

Crossposted from the Wild Wild Left and to Station Charon

Its okay they shredded the constitution, its more like they made safety provisions in a flawed document, you see. We don’t farm out our protection against attack and national security.

I mean do we want terrorists bombing buildings or burning our cars, burning down our houses and killing our children!

Thats what terrorists do.

We need to listen carefully to every phone call because people may be trying to get terrorist cells to incite other terrorists to be burning cars, protests, fires, literal riots, and all of that.

Hell the Feds are all over that shit. Anyone caught saying that kind of thing is probably an islamofascist trying to tear up the very fabric of America.

Have a little Faith in Me

I want to tell you about my Faith this morning.

(mirriam webster)


1 a: allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1): fidelity to one’s promises (2): sincerity of intentions

2 a (1): belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2): belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1): firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2): complete trust

3: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs (the Protestant faith)

Transitive Verb:

archaic : believe, trust

Those in boldface ones come close.

My Faith in Humanity is as simple as my Faith in physics, my Faith in myself, my Faith in you.


Sidebar:(I told Ria the other day how much I understood her essay; I do that without fever… here is a glimpse in her honor.)

Crossposted from The Wild Wild Left

(Or how music takes me from there to here.)

We are all Gods.

don’t be afraid…

dry your eyes

lay it all down

don’t you cry

can’t you see I’m going

where I can see the sun rise?

i’ve been talking to my angel

and he says that

its alright.

Why do you love her?

She is me.

She is more me than me sometimes, she is what I aspire to be.

pretty girl, pretty girl

do you hate her cuz she’s

pieces of you?

I’m not that broken.

At least I don’t think I am.


Blog Whoring, in a small way.

My little blog, The Wild Wild Left has moved to a Soapblox Account from its icky Blogger format.


Again, it is not a competitor thing, and if I ever get done dinking with the code & such, and WRITE anything of value, I will continue to Cross-post here, as I always have.

I made it primarily to get people to cross-post to a place where my less politically inclined Michigan friends can read and learn without fear of flaming. (Like this place where I also send people I find… Gentilly Girl being one of them!  ðŸ™‚ I like to share, man. I like your flame-free environment too.

I have resigned at MLW, and will have more time now for writing.

Any cross-posts will be appreciated. Or just pop in to say Hi.

I’ll be around here more too, promise.

I love you guys.



Saturn’s Season: The Politics of Eating Your Own

Crossposted from The Wild Wild Left and to Station Charon and My Left Wing

You would have thought by now we may have figured out that Saturn’s strategy just might be a flawed one.

I guess it all depends on what one defines as their own.

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