Author's posts

Writing in the Raw – I’m Really Weird, and I Don’t Have a Title!

But regardless of that, I do believe in exclamation marks…and always have.  They exist, I’ve seen them.  And I’ve used them on many occasions!  Even when they’re completely unwarranted!


More inappropriate punctuation, a dozen or so YouTube clips, and completely disjointed and non-sensical ‘semi-goodbye’ ramblings and thoughts from a complete fool who was drunk during the writing of a good part of this “thing” continue down below the “fold”, “jump”, or whatever you want to call it…

I bring the funk below, and depending on how fast you read; probably a bit more than 5 minutes –


Writing in the Raw: The “End” Will Be The Beginning

On my walk to the train early Tuesday morning, I realized that my apartment building has a new resident.  Or at least the property does…

He sleeps wrapped up in a blanket in the 18 inches or so between our building’s far northwestern corner and the bush that runs along the edge of the sidewalk.  At first glance, it’s easy to mistake the man for an abandoned pile of clothing.  I’m sure that’s by design, and frankly I doubt even I would have noticed him at all if I hadn’t dropped my keys in my early morning stupor.

And now that I’ve gotten my personal matters straightened out again; and I will finally leave this miserable neighborhood for good in 6 weeks to single-handedly multiply the Coolness Factor of SE Hawthorne by a factor of 10…I wonder where this man will go from here?  Will he stay out this way for long?  Will anybody else “catch him”?  Does he even care?  Does he have anything to lose?

I wonder about this man’s life…but I’m never going to wake him.  Does anybody ever think about him?  Now, or in the recent past?  Besides me, of course…

A wife?  Kids?  Parents, brothers, sisters…nieces, nephews?

Does he know that somebody’s writing about him right now?