Author's posts
Oct 04 2007
On Building Faerie Houses…
I KNOW it’s not politics, but my head needed some clearing today and so I thought the kids and I would build the faeries a new home. Since winter is approaching, now is the time to hunt and gather like all the other critters around here, plus the yard needed cleaning and it’s a perfect way to pick up the debris laying around and make it useful. We chose one of our Oak trees as the back drop, it has a rock circle around it and the circle contained our spring flowers that have now become weeds…..
Sep 30 2007
Feed Your Head!
Since I have found myself in the midst of such brilliant people such as yourselves here at DD, I would like to take a few moments of your time to share with you some excellent ways to improve and strengthen the most important muscle in our bodies-the brain. While at the same time curbing depression, better bodily function, and improving immune system responses. I feel it is just as important to feed your brain through certain amino acids and nutrients for better neuro-transmitter synopses as reading is to learning.
Sep 21 2007
~Kitchen Blessing!
We call upon the Earth, Our planet home, with its’ beautiful depths and soaring heights, its’ vitality and abundance of life, and together we ask that it teach us, and show us the Way.
We call upon the land which grows our food, the nurturing soul, the fertile fields, the abundant gardens and orchards, and ask that they teach us, and show us the Way.
Sep 19 2007
Welcome to…..
“Blessed Be this kitchen of Air, Fire, Water and Earth
Be warmed by the Sacred light of the Goddess
May all that is Created here by means both Magickal and mundane bring nourishment,healing and sustenance,
and cause harm to none.
With love and peace,with joy and Magick,
be now and always filled.
So let it be!”
~source unknown >>
Sep 18 2007
Les Fruits de Mer.
This is Mr. KrisC, on his fathers’ boat out of Provincetown. Mr. C. comes from a long line of Portuguese fisherman and his people have been fishing these waters for five generations. We have made a wonderful living because of it, as have the previous generations.
The industry is dying, however. Everybody sees it, and it affects us all.
Hold your breath and dive into the big blue below the fold……
Sep 16 2007
Turning of the Seasons-Autumn
I love this time of year, all the summer visitors have gone home, the kids are in school, the days are getting shorter and our congress-critters are back in action. Next week we will embark on Autumn, the days will get cooler, leaves will change color and critters of all shapes and sizes will be gathering tidbits to save for winter. The Autumn goddess, Fortuna, carries a cornucopia full of the seasons’ harvests……Ah, yes the “harvest!”
Far and wide, my favorite time of year.
My daughter loves to build fairy houses for the fairies to stay warm during winter, it gives us a reason to be outside in the cool, fresh air.