Author's posts

All For Single Payer video

These folks, Health Care for All Texas, did a great job on this video! Please feel free to share.

A parody of Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” that takes a fun look at a critical subject: health care. For a more serious look at the facts and myths, go to our website, or to Physicians for a National Health Program at

And its even better because….

Have Not, Want Not

I was jerked awake (off my cloud!) today by recent developments with the military commissions scenario with Guantanamo prisoner, Canadian Omar Khadr.  Here’s a brief analysis from Michelle Sheppard, the Canadian journalist who literally wrote the book on Omar Khadr.

Khadr told his lawyers he has lost hope and doesn’t believe in the system.

How can I ask for justice from a process that does not have it,” he told the court this week, reading from a statement he wrote.

Kinda nails it right there, doesn’t he?

Uh Hunh


AP has a digest report for today’s events HERE.

BY THE NUMBERS: The stoppage came 85 days, 16 hours and 25 minutes after the first report of the Deepwater Horizon explosion. Somewhere between 94 million and 184 million gallons have spilled into the Gulf, according to government estimates. BP said the oil stopped flowing into the water at 2:25 p.m. CDT after engineers gradually dialed down the amount of crude escaping through the last of three valves in the cap.

(Or you can, of course,just see ARC’s essay right here.)

Hmmmph. What do you think?

As for me, I’m still hovering around ‘Planet Cloud’. My own little wavy gravy Cloud, not one of those other Bright Blinding Clouds crowded up with the rank and file.

You know the little clock, the one on your VCR

the one that’s always blinking twelve noon

because you never figured out

how to get in there and change it?

So it’s always the same time

just the way it came from the factory.

Good morning. Good night.

Same time tomorrow. We’re in record.

So here are the questions: Is time long or is it wide?

And the answers? Sometimes the answers

just come in the mail. And one day you get the letter

you’ve been waiting for forever. And everything it says

is true. And then the last line says:

Burn this. We’re in record.

And what I really want to know is: Are things getting better

or are they getting worse? Can we start all over again?

Stop. Pause. We’re in record. Good morning. Good night.

Now I in you without a body move.

And in our hearts we fly. Standby.

Good morning. Good night.

~Laurie Anderson

I’ve been floating in this mood most of today, having little or nothing to do with this or any other News, but it all seems fitting. Just kind of… Salt & Pepper, Shadow & Light, Yin & Yang. There’s more…

OTW: Fox and wolf

Howl louder. In grief.


Wolf was smart, but Fox was smarter. They lived in the same deep forest and chased the same animals for food. Fox and Wolf would nod as they passed each other on the animal paths but they stayed out of each other’s hunting grounds. Fox and Wolf were good neighbors but not good friends.

One winter the cold moved in like an enemy. Wind beat against the tree trunks, and snow swirled around the bare branches.

It was hard for Fox and Wolf to walk to their hunting grounds as the animal paths were filled with deep snow. The cold wind stung stung their eyes and made their noses ache. Fox and Wolf were hungry; all their usual food slept in the earth, warm and snug in mouse holes or chipmunk nests.

One dark, cold day Fox saw a Mohawk Indian man trudging through the forest pulling a sled behind him. The sled held two long strings of fish.

Sunday musings


Blog Balm

Rarely is it all black and white. In my world…. it’s a lot of shades of gray.


Although innate dualities are certainly acknowledged across many philosophies, religions, cultures.

Sunday musings

If there were no religion, would there be no wars?

A question that is posed by David Swanson in his piece posted at FDL where he makes a number of excellent points. Eight actually. Its here: Nothing to Kill or Die For

And, finally, eighth: On the eighth day we will rest. We work a little bit longer than that other guy.

We don’t get to rest … yet. Even though we are tired and weary.


June 5, 1968

I was 12.

On June 5, 1968, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was shot and mortally wounded just after claiming victory in California’s Democratic presidential primary. Gunman Sirhan Bishara Sirhan was immediately arrested.


Off The Wall: Wave Dancing

meh. I have much to say but my meatworld self and my family have other ideas and demands on my time today.  I pretty much said it, most of it, yesterday with my ironically titled essay No Strings Attached. So I’ll just take a little time to embellish this one little thing from there. A postscript, if you will.

This is all such soul sapping stuff. It can drown you but there are ways… in the ocean, you dive under the wave…. under, then wait, swim out some, then surface. Breathe.


No Strings Attached

“Love is the ultimate outlaw.

It just won’t adhere to any rules.

The most any of us can do is to sign on as its accomplice.

Instead of vowing to honor and obey, maybe we should swear to aid and abet.

That would mean that security is out of the question.

The words “make” and “stay” become inappropriate.

My love for you has no strings attached.

I love you for free.”

– Tom Robbins (Still Life with Woodpecker)

I don’t have much blog time this whole week, but the bats in the belfry keep making noise.

Open to Interpretation

Obama arrived 38 days into the disaster, as BP worked to plug the leak with heavy mud.

That procedure is expected to continue for a couple days before its outcome is clear. AP


Glub Glub


VENICE, La. – As Louisiana state and local officials continue to hammer BP and the federal agencies responding to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, repeatedly threatening to “take matters into our own hands” if the response falls short, BP said Monday morning that it was further delaying its next attempt to shut off the leak.

The oil company has been planning to attempt a procedure known as a top kill, in which heavy fluid would be pumped into the well. Doug Suttles, chief operating officer for exploration and production, said in an interview on NBC on Monday morning that the top kill would be attempted Wednesday morning. BP had previously said it hoped to execute the procedure on Tuesday. nyt

and during my morning haze (get everybody out the door) I vaguely overheard Georgie on GMA saying something… what was that again? ABC News

Frustration along the Gulf Coast is mounting and the government has threatened to take over the cleanup process in the Gulf of Mexico if BP does not make progress soon as the oil spill enters its fifth week.


Today Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Secretary Salazar will lead a Senate delegation to check on BP’s progress.

yeah yeah whatever…



“The challenge here is … doing things in 5,000 feet of water. What looked like a fairly simple task, when you have to do those with those robotic submarines — even small things sometimes can take longer than we estimate,” Suttles said.

BP has “other options” to pursue if the top kill approach does not work. Suttles said ultimately he hopes the spill will not be “catastrophic” because “there have been oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico, there are natural seeps in the Gulf of Mexico and that environment seems to recover from those things.”

Gah… who does that remind me of?

“What I’m hearing which is sort of scary is that they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this (chuckle) – this is working very well for them.” -Former First Lady Barbara Bush, on the hurricane evacuees at the Astrodome in Houston, Sept. 5, 2005

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