Author's posts
Apr 06 2009
Hours in the Saddle-Spiritual Renovations
We lost it. When we invented the iron horse we lost our connection to the real ones and part of that loss was our connection to nature. Sticking a key in the ignition is a far cry from sitting on top of a 1300 pound animal with a mind of his own. Your car does not shudder at a sudden gust of wind, your car does not lock up at the smell of a suburban brush fire. He has to trust you enough to tell him it’s OK. He does because you have fed him, given him treats, cleaned the puss out of his wounds and mucked out his crap. My job is to understand what they think and prevent them from hurting themselves, each other, or me. Kind of like taking care of five year olds. Five year olds though teach us the innocence that is childhood.
Apr 03 2009
Adware:Go Ahead Track My Cookies
It has come to my attention that Adware has been tracking my cookies for sometime now. I let it go until it became a real annoyance and started redirecting my searches for entrances to the top secret alien UFO/military bases to a lamestream/sheeple shopping mall called “shopica”. That had to get resolved.
Mar 31 2009
Help me out here
I have a brand new computer problem and must take action. In being my typical self it appears that either Google or my personal NSA staff has indeed fried another computer. The virus manifests itself via search engine redirects and brings up lamestream moronic sheeple shit and tells me nobody sells what I am specifically looking for. Anyway try it yourself and see if your computer is infected.
Mar 30 2009
Free Energy Since 1150?
The concept of perpetual energy appears to be an age old idea. The “laws” of physics state that such things are just impossible, the pipe dreams of people who don’t understand and or can’t measure the claims properly.
Nature itself is full of energy. It makes the world spin, the lightening strike and brings the tide in and out. Is it real of is it pipe dreams.
Mar 26 2009
Beyond Lamestream
A medley of items from a vision atop the Apocalyptic Horse.
UPDATE: Bilderberg Meeting is early this year!
Mar 23 2009
Internet Attack
Nothing says elite establishment American more than the name Rockefeller. Here he is trying to sell you something that only ensures his kind stays atop the food chain.…
Cyber threat in this case means you. The threat of Americans learning and discovering and embracing the truth just might end their control over us.
Mar 20 2009
Ion Beam Deposition Rates
Went into the fire. Yup, that’s right in 22 years worth of R&D career one just accumulates lots of stuff. Its too much for a shredder so a backyard fire pit will have to do. Spectrometer calibrations sheets, meeting minutes from 1993,symposium pamphlets,travel permission slips yet most annoying of all those corporate performance measurement plans of varied schemes each saying how the company “valued” my contributions. Valued, ha, see my two middle fingers straight up.
Downsizing for the move.
Mar 16 2009
What Part of De-populated Nature Preserve do you not Understand?
KBDI a Denver Colorado PBS station is taking lot’s of flack over truth telling.
The station it seems ran a piece about Arron Russo’s Freedom to Fascism plus other “conspiracy” theorists. Arron however is only one of the more prominent activists in the growing 188 million memmber New World Order watchers. His/this piece is only tip of the deception iceberg.…
Mar 12 2009
Windmill Jousting
The morning paper features a story about a local resident applying for a permit to put up a windmill. Town says no and gives a perfectly rational reason for doing so.
Mar 09 2009
Do You Like to Eat?
Yeah I do too. News of the latest food fascism scam comes from pilots for 911 truth. All you survivalist gardeners out there? Keep your food to yourself. Let the peasants eat the Monsanto soylent green.
HR 875 The corpo-fascism food act
Mar 06 2009
Angelic Trumpets?
Do you hear any majestic music? Have to be still, quiet and reflect inwards.
Tune out the daily din.