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Taking a Short Sabbatical

Halfway through this.…

And reading between the lines explains why Pelosi didn’t impeach.

New insight into this summer’s bombing raids on Iran.

The Satanic brilliance of the newest business buzzword and green initiative PR promotional campaign Sustainability

Plus another short camping trip this weekend.  I must fully digest this book.

I must consult with my fellow hatters and alert the others.  Arguments, interpretations, formums and discussions can and must be done.

Iran and Superclass…

It came.  It’s painful.  Written by the enemy it reveals the mindset of the rich and super powerful, much like the movie “American Psycho” they are.

I am only on page 76 and fuming.  What is needed is a genetically specific ebola virus targeting all with an income above 2 million.

The Illuminati of Which I Speak

Hat tip to occams hatchet for the term “crap detector”.  Now in honing our skills in crap detection consider this book, written by an insider in global affairs, an employee of Illuminati Kingpin Henry Kissinger himself.  Regardless of residual bias I whipped out the credit card and logged onto…

The World is controlled by 6000 of the most elite of the elite.  I and I hope you too might consider this informational source as ammo, armor piercing ammo at that for one can not discuss politics at any level without considering the coming elimination of the concept of nations.

This is the origin link which turned me toward the book.…

Here We Go-Idaho gets Depleted Uranium Sand

WTF? Are we going to import the rest of the Iraqi countryside too?…

And Kansas, serves them redstaters right.…

And webpages of the past can be so telling.

Nothing says package store run like DU!

Black Monday

Another “teen idol” turns “slut” in this society and somehow we are surprised?

The wife left for work with the TV on something called the entertainment channel, God, it hurts, I can almost feel my brain cells dying off.

BTW one of the photos of “Hannah” shows her giving the “sign of Satan” which I am sure the Illuminati watchers all picked up on.  Aw, crap, they don’t watch TV.…

Aside from that I have come to the conclusion that the internet and alot of technology in general sucks.  It is more about constructing constructs of control and letting these evil memes seep into the mainstream and society itself.  Stay with me as I am going to jump around incoherently.

First Summer Cookout

Only April but it was 80 degrees out and nothing speaks suburbia like steak on the grill with the family.  The horses are fed and the paddock cleaned up and my grandson has plans for me.  He won’t be two unitl August.  He has a vocabulary of Mama, Dada and ball but with a smiling face and a tug on my pants he makes his intentions well known.

He leads me to the deck stairs, grabs my boots and then a water bottle from the table.  The wish list is complete as he stuffs the bottle into the mesh holder on the ATV.  I take it he does not want a ride, he wants an expedition.  Did he remember last summer?

More magic, magic in the innocence of children?  I seat him in front of me as his hand goes for the key, then the start button.…

Global Warming Ghettos!

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  For every ying there is a yang, for every neo-con there is a neo-lib.  When the global war of terror becomes unpalatable by the masses it’s replacement shall be the global war on your assumption of your right to use energy and maintain a modern lifestyle.  More people should own horses because it is the source of horse sense.

Anyway, this one is from Kurt Nimmo.  He speaks to the carbon tax scam well.  I have also openly told people here I work for a global company.  The company over a year ago started promoting future life scenarios that included “mega-cities.  I still view it as the delusions of a very small percentage of people who think it is their manifest destiny to screw up the lives of as many people as they can.  It is as simple as good vs evil so the best hope we have is that the electronic information grid will be the first casualty in the post modern world.

Illuminati News

The NYT does a “breaking” report on neo-cons being neo-cons, well duh, like we didn’t know that already?  More than likely it serves as a news bandwidth occupier, a replacement for the North American Union summit April 21-22.…

Elder Care

The elder care “professional” count is now three lawyers and three financial planners.  One lawyer wants 25 grand, one of them I can’t understand and the third seemed like a great guy but….well…you should know about my aversion to “long term” planning.  My suggestion to Mom was a large safe to be filled with real cash.  I almost had her convinced as she was born in the wake of the depression years.

Ethanol-Biodiesel-No water…

Is it real or is it not.

Kangaroo Courts of All Sorts!

I knew it, I just knew it.  When you have a really good day and create some of that White Magic in the world, Satan’s minions seek you out.  Being pretty sure I would owe tribute to the fuehrer this year I put it off the extraction of funds from my account to the account of Satan’s minions.   The sum came to more than I have and it contained yet another evil twist to boot.

Felt Like a Week

Took a half day yesterday because it was the first 70 degree day of spring.  There is something natural and primitive with horses that puts you in their time frame.  That is to say horses have no concept of time, maybe we should not be obsessed with it either.  Vacation is about a change.  Change of scenery, change of setting, but mostly change of mind.

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