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Boycott Kos until Chevron Ad is Dropped – *UPDATE*

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Everyone has seen it and marveled at the disconnect between progressive ideas
and taking money from a evil petrocorp.  Its been rationalized and
poo-poo’ed.  I saw the ad myself just a couple of days ago. In the past
week it has taken on a new significance as the situation in Burma has gone from
bad to worse. It is especially significant today since this is
International Blogger’s Day for

Several kosnics have brought it up the past week
.  And the usual
suspects just say something sarcastic about how this has "been discussed before"
so shut your fucking pie hole and don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

here we go
. . (31+ / 0-)
Recommended by:  taylormattt,
Elise, citizenx,  trashablanca,  MBNYC,  GoldnI, , TomP,

by andgarden on Sun Sep 30, 2007 at 11:14:51 AM PDT