Author's posts
Dec 02 2007
Pony Party:CPR
In the next week or so I have to renew my PALS, ( pediatric advanced life support) a requirement of my institution along with BLS (basic life support) I also maintain my ACLS (advanced cardiac life support). I think all RNs have to have BLS and then maintaining the other two is a matter of either institutional policy or personal preference. There is a rumor that PALS has changed again so I am a little nervous about renewing.
I thought I would take this opportunity to mention that CPR is a handy skill to have given that many cardiac events happen in the home/community setting. However, unlike on TV CPR alone is often not sufficient. The survival rate for CPR along outside of the hospital is only about six percent but the survival rate improves to about 50 percent when combined with an AED. An AED is an automated external defibrillator. AEDs are very easy to use. Once you place the pad on the victim, the machine analyzes the rhythm to determine if it is “shockable”, and then prepares to do so with clear instructions. I can imagine a time when AEDs come down in price enough and they will be feasible for home use. Many large offices and public buildings have them. If your employer does not have them, encourage them to do so.
Getting certified is relatively easy and many local community organizations offer classes.
I admit I have never done it in an out of hospital setting, so I would be as nervous as you. You are covered by the ” good Samaritan” law if you do administer it and things don’t go well. Only in the United States would somebody actually have to worry about a law suit.
I should caution that surviving a cardiac event does not necessarily mean full recovery. If the brain is deprived of oxygen for too long there can be permanent damage. I work in a pediatric setting and I think our success rate with also owes to the fact that children are less likely to have any prior cardiac or lung damage compared to adults although in our particular population damage to both of those organs is a side effect of treatment in some cases.
Here is a quick guide to impending signs of heart attack or stroke. Note…. Women may not exhibit the classic signs that men do when experiencing a heart attack.
Dec 01 2007
Pony Party: The animals take over….
My sponsors have reminded me on numerous occasions that while I do make reference to them, I do not give them air time. I explained that we do not have the Fairness Doctrine in play any more and they found that unacceptable. I was reminded that my household is not a democracy.
So… the animals have a few things to say… I had no control over content….
Dec 01 2007
Pony Party: Early Thoughts
Yeah, I have no thoughts this morning….
A couple of pictures though….
Poor wet birds….
View from the window…
Nov 30 2007
Pony Party: Six@6
Do you know the music of Peter Gabriel?
(I never saw any of these videos before today…I usually listen to music…not watch it 😉
Most of you know…Sledgehammer:
Nov 29 2007
Pony Party: Expectations
A theory: We are built of others expectations of us.
From the time we are small others expect certain things of us…to say please & thank you, sir & ma’am; to close the door when you enter or leave; to say you’re sorry when you’ve hurt someone; to finish your homework & your chores; to do well in school, go to college, get a good job; to get married…
All of these expectations (or lack of), and how you reacted to them (rebel or embrace), are part of why you are who you are.
We need to expect more of each other and our children… it’s the path to excellence.
Remember….don’t wRECk the Pony…& be excellent to each other!
Nov 29 2007
Pony Party, Things I Should Ignore
So, I really DO know better than to be perusing The Smoking Gun….
But a strange series of links to links to links led me there yesterday, and there I found these 2 stories.
First we have Ms. Ann Coulter…filing a police report and requesting to have her address removed from public records due to “hear[ing] someone screaming ‘Ann Coulter is a big asshole’ from the vacant lot just west of her property”, and finding a hand-delivered card in her mailbox suggesting, among other things, that Ms. Coulter “Go Fuck Yourself”.
Now, I’m no fan of harassment, or harassers, but I’ve often admitted that when chickens come home to roost, I’m hardly surprised. Based on her usual vitriol, these ‘attacks’ seem downright mild….laughable even…by comparison.
Nov 27 2007
Pony Party, Happy Birthday Bill
Happy Birthday, Bill
Today, William Sanford Nye, know affectionately as “Bill Nye the Science Guy” turns 52.
Nov 27 2007
Pony Party: In the running for lamest pony party evah!
Good afternoon! I am a Procrastinating Pickle and this is an open thread. Have at it, kidz!
Nov 26 2007
Pony Party: Procrastination
Happy Monday, all! Hopefully, everyone had an enjoyable long weekend. ‘Twas not a long weekend for the Pickle, though, since I live in Canada. Nevertheless, I had an enjoyable weekend. We actually had decent weather, so Mr. Pickle and I went for a few long walks.
Oh, and I forgot to assemble something for today’s Pony Parties. I am SUCH the procrastinator. And, I’m vying to have the worst Pony Parties evah! So, instead of commentary from me, let’s hear your Thanksgiving stories!