Author's posts

Pony Party, some good news….

Every once in a while, you see a news story that makes you feel good about people again.

Paul Sucher was on a waiting list for a new kidney when a Kirby Vacuum Cleaner salesman knocked on his door.  When Sucher told Jamie Howard that he couldn’t afford a Kirby because of his disability, Howard was touched. 

Pony Party, “what a character”

Who doesn’t love IMDb?  And if you didn’t think it could get better….you were mistaken.

IMDb has begun featuring ‘character pages‘.  Now you can get those Yoda quotes without having to sift through all of the other character’s whining comments… 😉  Or make a page for your favorite, underappreciated TV or movie character.

Luke: All right, I’ll give it a try.
Yoda: No. Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.

Pony Party: Travel

Light Emitting Pickle here to bring you the most recent open thread. First, a few words about Pickle Pony Parties:

Please do not recommend a Pony Party when you see one.  There will be another along in a few hours.

Pony Party: Thanksgiving

Light Emitting Pickle here to bring you the most recent open thread. First, a few words about Pickle Pony Parties:

Please do not recommend a Pony Party when you see one.  There will be another along in a few hours.

Pony Party, NFL Roundup

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Pony Party: Sunday music retrospective

Jimi Hendrix

Are you Experienced?

Pony Party: Sunday music retrospective

Give Peace a Chance

Barry MacGuire:  Eve of Destruction

Pony Party: Sunday music retrospective

Get your Motor Running!

Steppenwolf:  Born to be Wild

Pony Party: Democracy Edition

Democracy can get rather sticky and inconvenient when suddenly the people, the citizens, the great unwashed, want those silly privileges like democracy, freedom of speech, the right to assemble and peacefully state their case. I mean honestly, if “the people” got democracy what would they do with it anyway?
Surely, we don’t want people making decisions for themselves, challenging authority, questioning the ethical/moral/ financial intent of elites…

Pony Party: Calico Edition

The calico cat is not an actual breed of pootie but the result of an interplay of sex linked genetics. They are usually female, although it is possible for a calico to be a male. They must possess three colors to be considered a calico.

Pony Party: Sky Edition

Sometimes I like to sit outside in the early evening or morning and look up at the sky. I like to imagine that somewhere there is another person looking up at the sky thinking the exact same thoughts  I am.

Pony Party, something silly

Shitty Day:

I wanted to do something ‘light’, hopefully make someone smile today.  I hope you can find a smile somewhere today if not here. 

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