Author's posts
Jun 16 2009
People let you down – why I’m an “obamabot”
UPDATE: Here’s another interesting take on the “Obamabot” phenomenon. Please read it.
Earlier this afternoon, i read Budhydharma’s diary at Daily Kos entitled “What Happens if Obama Loses the Left?”
There are over 1,000 comments on that diary as I write this here.
As a new member of the community, I have to qualify my statements in this, my first diary, and one that is – gently – disagreeing with the owner of the site. So here goes:
I’m a former Christian fundamentalist.
I’m a former neo-conservative “warblogger.”
I’m a former “pro-life” advocate.
I’m a cynic.
With those qualifiers, I voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election. I did so because I saw all that my previously-held beliefs had wrought both within our nation, and in the greater world community.
That said, I disagree with Budhydharma about this statement:
We all have seen the tensions on the blogs between the members of the Center-Left and the Issue-Left. The CL are the people who portray activists pushing for their issues as “wanting a Pony” or insist that Obama has only been in office for __ number of months… know, the people who confuse political activism with impatience.
Okay, I’ve actually argued that “it’s too early” to gauge how Obama is doing related to a number of issues, including torture prosecutions, LBGT rights, etc.
Having said that, I don’t like being lumped into a group called the “center-left.” I’m NOT center-left. In fact, on issue after issue, I consider myself to be farther to the left than Obama would find comfortable.