Author's posts

Learn From My Mistakes My Sorrow

It’s been nearly a year since I have been blogging here regularly. For those of you that know me, and those just meeting me, last summer my husband and I decided to sent me off to Italy to find a country house we could live in during the summer months. We were advised to do this because I have Acute PTSD from a highly traumatic near fatal car accident 3 years ago and my doctors have all prescribed a less stress filled life as the best medicine to recovery (along with therapy).

I went. Found us a home. Came back. And while showing pictures of what I found was handed a formal agreement to dissolve our marriage. The trip to Italy was a sham, a way to get me out of town so that he could reorganize his life with me not a part of it. But it gets much worse.


Learn From My Mistakes My Sorrow

It’s been nearly a year since I have been blogging here regularly. For those of you that know me, and those just meeting me, last summer my husband and I decided to sent me off to Italy to find a country house we could live in during the summer months. We were advised to do this because I have Acute PTSD from a highly traumatic near fatal car accident 3 years ago and my doctors have all prescribed a less stress filled life as the best medicine to recovery (along with therapy). I went. Found us a home. Came back. And while showing pictures of what I found was handed a formal agreement to dissolve our marriage. The trip to Italy was a sham, a way to get me out of town so that he could reorganize his life with me not a part of it. But it gets much worse.

:: It’s Time for US to Clamp Down On The Media Part 2

I wrote this diary over one month ago. Nothing has changed except the problems we are facing as citizens of the world are getting worse. We have NO chance of breaking through to new solutions as long as our status quo media are allowed to continue their endless drivel. For me this has gone well past the scope of this first diary on the subject, included below.

Over the past month, as we have read here and elsewhere, climate damage is more severe than even Al Gore predicted it would me. Soldiers and Iraqi civilians keep dying for a war we now conclusively know is about oil and worse, American imperialism. The dollar is still in the tank and the next shoe to drop will be in January and it is breathtaking in its scale.


Following this first list is a much more comprehensive list of to dos

Reading Between The Lines Of White House Lies

This should not come as a surprise:


Cheney Wants A War With Iran Before The National Election

How do I know this?

Because Cheney/Bush may fool some of the people all of the time – but not this fool anymore.

Did I hear you just say that you don’t want to be treated like a fool?  Then join me below the fold for a reality check on the latest installment of the on-going series:

                White House Lies About Iraq War…Again

Even Truman Would Turn In His Grave

`In Mishima’s Morning News the lead story by the New York Times is one of the most ‘must reads’ coming  out of the Iraq War. In painstaking detail, the Times shows, with exquisite examples, how the corrupt TV news outlets colluded with the Pentagon to sell and re-sell this war. These News Chiefs, despite claims of innocence go down as war criminals in my book,

But that is not what this diary is about.

breathisngststill breathes no more


It’s Time for US to Clamp Down On The Media

I watched Obama give one of the greatest speeches I have ever heard today. In a week from Hell. When we barely escaped the collapse of Wall Street while still not addressing the needs of Main Street. I watched a man stand tall and draw a line in the sand with diplomatic skills unseen in American politics in my lifetime. I watched a man stand by a friend, while making it absolutely clear that even though ‘context is everything’ some of Wright’s statements were completely unacceptable. I watched a man I want to be my President.

Self Loathing Lurks In Strange Places: A very personal essay

If you have ever painted your own house or even a single room than you know that just the act of painting can free up the mind to wander. It’s pretty therapeutic actually. While the hands stay highly focused, guided by the eyes, the mind is free to go off in whatever direction it chooses. At least that has been my experience.  To my surprise I was visited by a part of myself – a very ugly part of myself – while painting. Like a cascading waterfall – images from a past chapter of my life- a time I am not proud of came back to me like a slide show. While painting my mind had started wandering and thinking about by distain for Hillary and just like that I realized that although some of my distain for her is reality based and a reaction to her actions, much much more is that she reminds me of a me I once was and never want to be again…. a me I tried to bury and forget and in the process stopped being a whole person


gone to lunch


The Politics of Self Loathing: A Highly Personal Essay

 diary deleted sorry

Where Is This 3 Trillion Dollar War Taking US?

Frankly, I am glad I am not Barack Obama. But if ever this country needed someone of his intellectual capacity, strategic brilliance, ability to bring people together, it will be the first day he steps into the Oval office And brothers and sisters I am here tell you, the deep shit hole Bush has left us in will require not just Obama but a team of equally brilliant people to begin to address how we, as Americans, are going to climb out this seeming insurmountable abyss and turn our country around. But there is Obama and for that reason I have hope.

I Am Scared And Need Advise

This is a personal essay/story so I understand if there is a lack of interest. But I am scared, have good reasons to be and need advise as I am in panic mode when I need to be calm. Those of you who can,please help me with your thoughts.

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