Author's posts
Dec 20 2009
Rahm Emanuel: Don’t Worry About the Left
I do remember the Obama who implicitly promised to “turn the page” and fight for Main Street. Well…
Year of the Rahm: Get ‘Em, Then Gut ‘Em
In a blunt remark to the Wall Street Journal, the White House Chief of Staff tipped his hand on how he planned to get 60 votes in the Senate: bring left-wing Democrats on board early to generate enthusiasm, then turn on them in the end game to woo conservatives.
Dec 18 2009
Tweety: Netroots aren’t real Democrats
Tweety hates DFHs on the blogs. They aren’t real Democrats! So without further ado…… Chris Lieberman Mathews on the Netroots.
This is short, but the video speaks for itself.
Dec 18 2009
Tweety: Netroots aren’t real Democrats
Tweety hates DFHs on the blogs. They aren’t real Democrats! So without further ado…… Chris Lieberman Mathews on the Netroots.
This is short, but the video speaks for itself.
Dec 06 2009
What’s wrong with this headline?
Senate Dems Reject GOP Move To Block Medicare Home Health Care Cuts
I read this headline several times and just couldn’t get past it.
First, there is the way it is structured. It’s like someone is working realllly hard not to tell us something. Something like Democrats insist that Medicare be cut over the objections of the Republicans – and win.
Second, how much more bizaare can it get than having them on opposing sides fighting against themselves. GOP is now voting to protect Medicare and the Democrats are voting to cut a deal with insurance and pharma to force people to buy their insurance. There is no way this is anything but farce.
Last but not least is the “how stupid can they be” quotient. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Now Republicans can go on the stump and declare that Democrats cut Granny’s Medicare and are now going to cut her Social Security to pay for socialized medicine for immigrants.
Nov 29 2009
Aww shucks, you guys are terrific.
Kevin tells me that he has responded to all of your comments, and he is delighted with all of the great links and advice you gave to him. I know it will peak his curiousity, and he will follow up. To help him along, I left behind a link to Docudharma’s html cheats. Whenever I don’t know how to do something, it is where I head. They are the best written and easiest to understand cheats in all of Tubeland.
Again, thank you all very much for bringing his blog to life. It now reminds of home.
Nov 28 2009
Grow a Blogger (and a liberal)
I would like to ask you to consider doing me a favor. My 15 y/o grandson has a blog. It is his 11th grade English assignment. He gets graded on his essays, multi-media content, and comments. The classmates are suppose to interact with each other, but they don’t. I post there as Miss Marple just so there is someone commenting there besides his teacher. (I made him promise that he would never let the teacher know Miss Marple is his grandmother.) Anyway, we all know how much fun blogging can be and how disappointing it is when one’s hard work goes unnoticed. So to help him discover the joy of blogging, I was wonderding if you would mind dropping by his blog from time to time to leave him a link or to exchange a thought.
Since it is a school project and I didn’t want to get him or the teacher in any hot water, I originally emailed this request to some of you instead of posting a diary with a link. Well anyway, I just got a phone call from a very excited young man who was delighted that Edger and Cassiodorus dropped by. He encouraged me to post a diary and to invite you all by.
Note to Grandson: Jack’s Smirking Revenge left you this.
Note to Me: I can’t believe I’m outing myself to my grandson. There ain’t no mountain high enough when you’re a grandmom.
So when and if you have the time or the inclination, the link is here. If not, it will be perfectly fine and not hurt my feelings at all. Honest.
Nov 25 2009
It has been declared that health care must be deficit neutral; and Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlements must be cut or they will destroy the country. Yet, somehow, there is always ample money for bank bailouts, wars, and tax cuts.
So as Washington pisses away trillions of our dollars, millions of Americans are experiencing a financial crisis unprecedented by anything since the Great Depression. And just like Katrina, they are being left to fend for themselves.
Nov 19 2009
Tell me how you really feel.
“I’m getting tired of saving Obama’s can in the White House,” said Conyers.
Asked if the president had shown enough leadership in the health care debate, Conyers facetiously wondered why Press would ask the question.
“Of course not, of course not,” he said. “You know, holding hands out and beer on Friday nights in the White House and bowing down to every nutty right-wing proposal about health care, and saying on occasion that public options aren’t all that important is doing a disservice to the Barack Obama that I first met who was an ardent single-payer enthusiast himself.”
He led off the interview by declaring that he was tied of “trying to stop the war in Afghanistan from surging.” He also took several swipes at Emanuel, whom he called, with a slightly derogatory tone, his “buddy.”
“That is essentially what Rahm Emanuel has said: Just give us anything and we will declare victory,” said Conyers. “Not only is it not a victory, but when it doesn’t work, guess who will come at him: the same guys that were saying let’s go along with anything… This is all my buddy Rahm Emanuel trying to get anything. But look the bill doesn’t go into effect for three years. Many of the people that we are trying to help will be dead by then.” link
What else is there to say? Conyers will certainly get no argument from me, and I enjoyed hearing it immensely. It’s too bad that Conyer’s didn’t say it before and vote no with Kucinich and Massa. The reason Progressives have no power is because they have no balls. They even run away from the word “liberal”.
I heard on Thom Hartmann’s radio show that CSPAN covered Geithner today vigorously attacking Friedmanomics big time. Maybe we need Rahm dumped instead of Geithner. Or, maybe we need them both dumped. As bad as the Democrats are, the problem is that the Republicans are even worse. A look at the headline stories on the political page of the Huffington Post makes me wonder whether to laugh or cry. If this is the best and brightest this country has got, no wonder we’re dying.
Nov 09 2009
Health Care Reform
According to Dr. Angell on that right wing rag, the HuffingtonPost, here’s what we get with the House bill before the Senate even touches it.
* It enshrines and subsidizes the “takeover” by the investor-owned insurance industry.
* It expands Medicaid.
* It eliminates denial of coverage because of pre-existing conditions, but since it doesn’t regulate premiums, the industry can respond to any regulation that threatens its profits by simply raising its rates.
* It does very little to curb the perverse incentives that lead doctors to over-treat the well-insured.
* It is so complicated, it’ll cost a brazillion dollars to administer and enforce it.
Nov 07 2009
Stupak: Lip stick on a Democrat
Instead of real health care reform (Medicare for all, everyone in and everyone pays), the health care bills in the House and the Senate are just expanded Medicaid with a public option that isn’t an option to the public at all. Thanks to Stupak, the taxpayers will pay for prayer therapy and Viagra while restricting payments for abortions. Apparently Stupak has no problem with killing 45,000 born babies and their parents each year.
Like the bank bailouts and Medicare Part D, Democratic health care reform is just another corporate rip off of the middle class; and for this privilege, they cut Medicare benefits and raised Medicare’s monthly premiums. So much for no increases to people who make fewer than 250K a year.
With Democrats like Stupak in Washington, it really doesn’t matter which party wins election because Republicans and religious zealots like Stupak win either way. The Democratic health care reform bills are “like putting whip cream on a turd”, to quote a local official in the newspaper on a totally different subject,.
The do nothing Democrats will pass anything, declare victory, and expect applause. Maybe if we clap hard enough, we can make them all disappear.
Nov 07 2009
Health Care Reform: Lip stick on a pig
Instead of real health care reform (Medicare for all, everyone in and everyone pays) the Democratic health care bills in the House and the Senate are just expanded Medicaid with a public option that isn’t an option to the public at all. Thanks to Stupak, they’ll pay for prayer therapy and Viagra while restricting payments for abortions. Apparently Stupak has no problem with killing 45,000 born babies and their parents each year.
Like the bank bailouts and Medicare Part D, Democratic health care reform is just another corporate rip off of the middle class; and for this privilege, they cut Medicare benefits and raised Medicare’s monthly premiums. So much for no increases to people who make fewer than 250K a year.
With Democrats like Stupak in Washington, it really doesn’t matter which party wins election because Republicans and religious zealots like Stupak win either way. Instead of lipstick on a pig, a local official in the local newspaper on a totally different subject said in this way: “it’s like putting whip cream on a turd”.
They will pass a corporate health care bill, declare victory, and expect applause. Maybe if we clap hard enough, we can make them all disappear.
Oct 25 2009
An archeological team, digging in Washington DC , has uncovered 10,000 year old bones and fossil remains of what is believed to be the first politician.