Author's posts
Feb 13 2009
Obama, long may he wave.
I have but one question for the Obama loyalists. Do you guys ever get tired of saluting the flag? Just because we support Obama and all agree he was
1,000 10 times better than anyone else running doesn’t mean we have to put our brains on a shelf.
Why did he lie to us, and why aren’t the Democrats holding him accountable? We are not stupid. We can see what is going on. All this distraction about bi-partisanship as if millions of unemployed, broke, and homeless middle class Americans care.
No salary caps for CEOs. No torturers, war profiteers, or WS crooks going to jail. Just lots of hot air surrounded by smoke and mirrors.
How about a truth commission on the bailout?
I shouldn’t be surprised by now. But I still was when I read the article this morning in the Washington Post explaining that the cap on executive pay has been removed from the stimulus bill. I knew what Congress was doing yesterday by bringing the Wall Street executives in and scolding them in public was a dog and pony show. But I had not realized how profoundly full of shit these politicians are.
Nationalize the damned banks already. They’re stealing us blind. Geithner is a WS insider, and the wrong man for this job. If we aren’t getting tax dodger and Republican appointments, we are getting the cat assigned to guard the canary. If I have to bailout their sorry asses, I want to own them.
While we are at it, who did us this favor?
A Sanders-Grassley amendment to demand TARP recipient banks stop firing U.S. workers and replacing them with foreign guest workers was ripped out of the bill.
Last but not least, what’s all this noise about Obama and Social Security? We can pay for the Bush war profiteers and the ongoing WS bailout of Washington’s financiers and cronies, but they, by god, are going to save us from the burden of social security.
You have no idea how bad Democrats are starting to look on the heels of all that campaign rhetoric. Change my ass! I am getting sick and tired of all of them and the horses they rode in on.
Feb 08 2009
Heads I win, tails you lose.
No matter what one’s point of view is on Obama or his policies, there is no doubt that he is under estimating his mandate for change and in real danger of losing the war for the hearts and minds of the people that gave him that mandate.
Slumdogs Unite!
The tsunami of populist rage coursing through America is bigger than Daschle’s overdue tax bill, bigger than John Thain’s trash can, bigger than any bailed-out C.E.O.’s bonus. It’s even bigger than the Obama phenomenon itself. It could maim the president’s best-laid plans and what remains of our economy if he doesn’t get in front of the mounting public anger.
While I don’t think an old dog can learn new tricks, I’ll concede that Obama felt a need to at least “try” for bipartisanship so that he could say he did. So now that it has failed and Republicans and Blue Dogs have seen how easy it is to beat him, what next?
Face facts: Republicans cleaned Obama’s clock this week.
In his first weeks padding around a White House that still has nails on the walls waiting for new pictures, and phone and e-mail kinks, Barack Obama could not locate the bully pulpit and ended up being bullied. –snip–
The lawmakers had been feeling disillusioned that they were carrying Mr. Obama’s water on the bill, while Obama aides triangulated and promised that the bill would “improve” in the Senate.
Nancy Pelosi told her leadership team that she had told the president, “I don’t mind you driving the bus over me, but I don’t appreciate your backing it up and running over me again and again.”
The same way the man made levees in NOLA were no match for Katrina, the stimulus bill, no matter how big, is unlikely to hold back the destruction brewing in the American economy and just waiting to hit millions of American families across the land.
Feb 01 2009
Bailed-out banks sought foreign workers
The dozen banks receiving the biggest rescue packages, totaling more than $150 billion, requested visas for more than 21,800 foreign workers over the past six years for positions that included senior vice presidents, corporate lawyers, junior investment analysts and human resources specialists. The average annual salary for those jobs was $90,721, nearly twice the median income for all American households.
The figures are significant because they show that the bailed-out banks, being kept afloat with U.S. taxpayer money, actively sought to hire foreign workers instead of American workers. As the economic collapse worsened last year – with huge numbers of bank employees laid off – the numbers of visas sought by the dozen banks in AP’s analysis increased by nearly one-third, from 3,258 in fiscal 2007 to 4,163 in fiscal 2008.
Jan 31 2009
Your stimulus dollars at work…in Europe
Obama and the Democrats campaigned on jobs, buy American, taxing companies that ship jobs overseas, supporting unions and renegotiating trade.
So far, Obama and the Democrats are flip-flopping on all of it; and I can’t help but ask, WTF are they doing?
Jan 18 2009
WS now wants to cut SS & Medicare because we can’t afford it.
Guardian: The classic definition of “chutzpah” is the kid who kills both of his parents and then begs for mercy because he is an orphan. The Wall Street crew are out to top this. After wrecking the economy with their convoluted finances, and tapping the US Treasury for trillions in bail-out bucks, they now want to cut Social Security and Medicare because we don’t have the money.
If there is any effort in Congress to follow-up on this talk about taking away people’s Social Security and Medicare, then there will have to be some very serious pain inflicted on the politicians in Washington. Let’s start with some facts.
Unlike Robert Rubin’s Citigroup, Social Security is solidly funded long into the future. According to the latest report from the Congressional Budget Office (pdf), it can pay all promised benefits through the year 2049, with no changes whatsoever. Even after that date it will always be able to pay benefits that are far higher than what current retirees receive.
Jan 09 2009
Obama and the Two Santa Clauses
The Two Santa Claus Theory is a political theory and strategy developed by Jude Wanniski in 1976, which he promoted within the U.S. Republican Party. –snip
The theory states that, in democratic elections, if one party appeals to voters by proposing more spending, then a competing party cannot gain broader appeal by proposing less spending. The “Santa Claus” of the theory title refers to the political party that promises spending. Instead, “Two Santa Claus Theory” recommends that the competing party must assume the role of a second Santa Claus by offering other appealing options.
This theory is a response to the belief of monetarists, and especially Milton Friedman, that the government must be starved of revenue in order to control the growth of spending (since, in the view of the monetarists, spending cannot be reduced by elected bodies as the political pressure to spend is too great). Monetarism is a set of views concerning the determination of national income and monetary economics. … Milton Friedman (born July 31, 1912) is a U.S. economist, known primarily for his work on macroeconomics and for his advocacy of laissez-faire capitalism. …
“Two Santa Claus Theory” does not argue against this belief, but holds that such arguments cannot be espoused in an effort to win democratic elections. In Wanniski’s view, the Laffer curve and supply-side economics provide an attractive alternative rationale for revenue reduction: that the economy will grow, not merely that the government will be starved of revenue. Wanniski argued that Republicans must become the tax-cutting Santa Claus to the Democrats spending Santa Claus.
And the beat goes on….
Jan 01 2009
On Borrowed Time
On Borrowed Time is a 1939 film about the role death plays in life, and how we cannot live without it. Set in a more innocent time in small-town America, the film stars Lionel Barrymore, Beulah Bondi and Cedric Hardwicke.
Lionel Barrymore plays Julian Northrup, a wheelchair-bound man, who with his wife Nellie, played by Beulah Bondi, are raising their orphaned grandson, Pud. Another central character is Gramps’s beloved old apple tree. By making a wish, Gramps has made the tree able to hold anyone who climbs.
One day the fedora-wearing Mr. Brink (the personification of death, played by Cedric Hardwicke), who has recently taken Pud’s parents in an auto wreck, comes for Gramps. Not knowing who he’s talking to, a crotchety old Gramps orders Death off the property. Later, Mr. Brink takes Nellie, and then returns again for Gramps. Now realizing who Mr. Brink is and determined not to die, Gramps tricks Death up into the old apple tree where he must remain until Gramps lets him down. While stuck in the tree, he can’t take Gramps or anyone else, for that matter.
Meanwhile, Pud’s aunt (his mother’s sister), has designs on Pud and especially the money left him by his parents, and Gramps spends much time fighting off her efforts. Gramps is also fighting efforts to have him committed to the insane asylum for claiming that Death is trapped in his apple tree. He proves that no one can die until he allows Death down from the tree by shooting the man who has come to take him to the asylum – the man lives, when he should have died.
Gramps’s doctor is now a believer, but he tries to convince Gramps to let Death down so people who are suffering can find release. Gramps refuses – he has to remain alive to take care of Pud and keep the wicked aunt away from him. But Mr. Brink manages to coax Pud to climb the fence Gramps had built around the tree to protect people from Death – any person or animal who touches the tree dies. Pud balances on the top of the fence and then falls, crippling himself for life. Distraught, Gramps takes the boy out to the tree and begs Death to take them both, which he does – and both Gramps and Pud find they can walk again.
The final scene has them joyfully walking together up a beautiful country lane, listening to Grandma calling to them from beyond a brilliant light.
As a child, I saw this movie on TV sometime during the late 50s; and I have never forgotten it.
Dec 19 2008
Bush slowly murdering the auto industry.
Lord_Mike posted this link in quick hits at OpenLeft.
White House considering “orderly” bankruptcy to deal with ailing automakers Jennifer Loven, AP White House Correspondent, Thursday December 18, 2008, WASHINGTON (AP) —
The Bush administration is seriously considering “orderly” bankruptcy as a way of dealing with the desperately ailing U.S. auto industry. — snip —
Dec 15 2008
Damn those welfare queens..
Am I talking about moms in mink coats driving Cadilacs and having babies for money? Nope. I’m talking about corporate welfare. Here is a close up look at the handouts that have been going on in broad daylight; and most of the numbers are from the Clinton boom years, when there wasn’t even a pretense of an excuse.
Good Jobs First‘s list of these case studies include:
Biotechnology: This industry is regarded by many economic development officials as the key to local prosperity, and thus they are willing to shower subsidies on new projects.Private prisons: Operators of for-profit correctional institutions not only receive lucrative operating contracts from government agencies, but they also get financial help to build new facilities.
Dec 09 2008
So where’s Dodd’s resignation?
I have a hard time suffering fools. How dare anyone who has been in the Congress or the Senate for the last eight years criticize the big three. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
These corrupt and incompetent fools have mismanaged this country into bankruptcy. Instead of oversight, they gave the same people who ripped off the system another 780 billion tax payer dollars without any plan or strings attached. If anybody ought to resign because of gross mismanagement, it is the fools in DC.
Dec 05 2008
Unemployment Rates and the Domestic Automotive Industry
This very interesting map is from The Economist and one of my favorite people, manfrommiddletown.
The Economic Policy Institute has a new report out today about the economic impact of an auto industry collapse. A previous report by the Center for Automotive Research (CAR)estimated that a total collapse of the big 3 would result in the loss of almost 3 million jobs, and $554.6 billion(4% of US GDP) in economic losses. What was missing was a state by state breakout. I’ve mocked up the state by state job losses consequences of a GM only collapse, and what would happen if the big 3 all failed.
So while AIG pays bonuses, gives raises, and sponsors sport’s team, Harry Reid and our limp dick useless Democrats continue to fiddle while the real economy burns. With friends like these, who needs enemies.
Nov 28 2008