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The Stars Hollow Gazette

So let’s get this straight.

When 3 white supremacists are arrested with high powered rifles after bragging that they wanted to kill Barack Obama it’s just a minor meth bust because their threats were merely “aspirational“.

On the other hand, protest at the Republican National Convention and you’re a “terrorist“.

If you had the good fortune not to watch the convention tonight you missed an extremely white display of blind hatred, naked greed, and willful ignorance.

And that’s what blows my mind.  How these people take what is bad, twisted, and shameful about human nature and celebrate it.

They are Cthulhu worshippers-

At the proper time, the secret priests would take great Cthulhu from His tomb to revive His subjects and resume His rule of earth….

Then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and reveling in joy.

Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.

As you may know by now, I’m not a kumbaya type and I’m telling you that in a just world these people would not only be out of power, their party as dead as the Whigs, Federalists, Know-nothings, and Anti-Masons; they would be locked up as punishment for their crimes and to prevent any further damage to society.

Hate ’em?  The fires of hell are like glaciers.

The Morning News

The Morning News is an Open Thread

Now with invisible character removed from the Science Section!

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Gonzales won’t face charges for mishandling info

By LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press Writer

59 minutes ago

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department refused to prosecute former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for improperly – and possibly illegally – storing in his office and home classified information about two of the Bush administration’s most sensitive counterterrorism efforts.

Mishandling classified materials violates Justice Department regulations, and removing them from special secure facilities without proper authorization is a misdemeanor crime.

A report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department’s inspector general says the agency decided not to press charges against Gonzales, who resigned under fire last year.

The Stars Hollow Gazette

When the Union’s inspiration through the workers’ blood shall run,

There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun.

Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one?

But the Union makes us strong.


Solidarity forever!

Solidarity forever!

Solidarity forever!

For the Union makes us strong.

Is there aught we hold in common with the greedy parasite

Who would lash us into serfdom and would crush us with his might?

Is there anything left to us but to organize and fight?

For the Union makes us strong.

It is we who plowed the prairies; built the cities where they trade;

Dug the mines and built the workshops; endless miles of railroad laid.

Now we stand outcast and starving, ‘midst the wonders we have made;

But the Union makes us strong.

All the world that’s owned by idle drones is ours and ours alone.

We have laid the wide foundations; built it skyward stone by stone.

It is ours, not to slave in, but to master and to own,

While the Union makes us strong.

They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn,

But without our brain and muscle not a single wheel can turn.

We can break their haughty power; gain our freedom when we learn

That the Union makes us strong.

In our hands is placed a power greater than their hoarded gold;

Greater than the might of armies, magnified a thousand-fold.

We can bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old.

For the Union makes us strong.

Solidarity forever!

Solidarity forever!

Solidarity forever!

For the Union makes us strong.

Sung to the tune of Battle Hymn of the Republic.

The Stars Hollow Gazette

So it’s a quiet day here in Lake Wobegon Stars Hollow.

In the back yard I could hear kids playing in the pool on the next street over.  Back to school tomorrow you noisy trouble makers.

It is in fact starting to get fall-like, gardens going to seed and birds flocking, oppressive heat and humidity not so oppressive as they used to be and days getting shorter and shorter.

I used to like winter best, clean and hard and cold.  Now it’s just mud season and depressingly naked.  My sainted Aunty Mame used to say that’s why bedrooms have a light switch.

In a climate of change what I most long for is stability and I cling to the broken trophies of the past which have long outlived their usefulness.

And yet I commit my deepest thoughts to insubstantial photons until someone pulls the plug.

The Stars Hollow Gazette

So today we have learned that The Republican National Convention has been virtually canceled.  Have they at long last found a sense of decency?

  • Until this moment, Senator, I think I never gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.

No, This is not a diary about Palin.

I’m tempted to chastise them simply for depriving me of some amusingly lame television. W, it turns out, is too COWARDLY to face even his own convention on his personal tribute night.  What is there to say really?  The CRAVEN AND TRAITOROUS BAND of THIEVES AND CUTTHROATS that is his party equally desires to distance themselves from his taint and stain on history and is going to cancel the whole convention and slink away.

AND W is going to TEXAS so that after he ‘concerns the nations’ on Monday night about the terrible terrrible tragedy of Gustav and the need to drill, drill, drill everywhere so we’re not so dependent on Gulf (of Mexico) oil.

Gotta get that plywood up in Crawford.  Help out.  Heh.

Weekend News Digest

Weekend News Digest is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 McCain orders convention changes because of storm

By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer

6 minutes ago

ST. PAUL, Minn. – John McCain ordered changes in the Republican National Convention that was to be a four-day celebration of his presidential nomination Sunday, to “redirect our efforts” to reflect the seriousness of Hurricane Gustav as it churned toward the Gulf Coast. President Bush, Vice President Cheney and prominent GOP governors decided to skip the gathering altogether.

“I pledge that tomorrow night, and if necessary throughout our convention, we will act as Americans and not as Republicans because America needs us now,” McCain said.

McCain, his wife Cindy, and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, toured the emergency management center in Mississippi, a state that could be hit hard by the approaching hurricane.

Cowards!  They can’t put on as good a show so they’re going to excuse it with the misery of others.

What a pathetic bunch of losers.

More outrage below.

Weekend News Digest

Weekend News Digest is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Gustav swells to dangerous Cat 4 storm off Cuba

By WILL WEISSERT, Associated Press Writer

1 minute ago

HAVANA – Gustav swelled into a fearsome Category 4 hurricane with winds of 145 mph (235 kph) on Saturday as Cuba raced to evacuate more than 240,000 people and Americans to the north clogged highways fleeing New Orleans.

Gustav already has killed 78 people in the Caribbean and the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said it could strengthen even more after hitting Cuba and entering the warm Gulf of Mexico on a projected course for the Katrina-battered U.S. coast.

Cuba grounded all national airline fights, though planes bound for international destinations were still taking off at Havana’s Jose Marti International Airport. Authorities also canceled all buses and trains to and from the capital, as well as ferry and air service to the Isla de Juventud, the outlying Cuban island-province next in Gustav’s path.

Roundup of ctrenta’s DNC dispatches

I thought we should have a round up of ctrenta’s excellent reporting from last week’s DNC convention in Denver-

I want to personally thank ctrenta for all the work and I hope all of you had a chance to enjoy it.

The Stars Hollow Gazette

There are people who don’t think that I’m a cold hearted killer of a partisan Democrat.  They are mistaken.

My motivation is my conviction that the radical, social democratic parts of my political agenda are more likely to come to pass under a party that at least espouses some claim to the principles this nation was founded on and can perhaps be shamed in to action on the most egregious offenses.

I believe that the most efficient way to create an atmosphere where that can happen is to permanently eradicate the Republican Party root and branch and make the “conservative” brand a mark of Cain.  Biblical destruction, sowing of salt in the fields, their lamentations music to our ears.

Dead as the Whigs.

It may be that we will have to suffer under 8 or 16 years of Democratic Party failure too, but at least it will be Democratic Party failure and not a frog march into the dustbin of history.

I expect massive disappointment at best.

The struggle will be to create a democratic wing that is strong enough to fly on it’s own, and it’s just not yet.  The environment needs to get better.

It is no secret that I think we need change in the Corporate Media Culture of Washington D.C..  Sally Quinn and Tim Russert deserve the judgement of history on their complicity, but nobody lives forever.  Things can change and they are changing.  People don’t buy the bullshit so much anymore, look at the ranking of “journalists” in any credibility poll.

Right there with Congress.

So better Democrats and Rachel Maddow, that all you got ek?

It’s a start.  We need to build on this success.

Most of all we need to keep our eye on the goal and it will be hard because we’re a long way away.  It’s certainly not going to end in November.

The Morning News

The Morning News is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Bollywood’s ‘Hari Puttar’ film sparks lawsuit

By RAMOLA TALWAR BADAM, Associated Press Writer

Tue Aug 26, 7:30 AM ET

MUMBAI, India – Let’s see Hari Puttar get out of this one. Bollywood producers set to release a film called “Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors” are working to fend off a lawsuit filed by Warner Bros. that claims the movie title hews too closely to their mega-famous boy wizard franchise.

While Bollywood films often borrow liberally from Western movies, producers of “Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors” say their movie bears no resemblance to any film in the “Harry Potter” series.

“There is absolutely nothing to link ‘Hari Puttar’ with ‘Harry Potter,'” said Munish Purii, chief executive officer of Mumbai-based producer Mirchi Movies. Hari is a common name in India and “puttar” is Punabji for son, he said.

Hurray for CT!

Just a heads up, but if you want some fun tune into MSNBC where  Chris is having trouble talking over the demonstrators.

Couldn’t happen to a bigger asshole.

My favorite chant is- “Do your job!”

The Stars Hollow Gazette

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Caroline.

My fellow Democrats, my fellow Americans, it is so wonderful to be here.

And nothing – nothing is going to keep me away from this special gathering tonight.

I have come here tonight to stand with you to change America, to restore its future, to rise to our best ideals, and to elect Barack Obama president of the United States.

As I look ahead, I am strengthened by family and friendship. So many of you have been with me in the happiest days and the hardest days. Together we have known success and seen setbacks, victory and defeat.

But we have never lost our belief that we are all called to a better country and a newer world. And I pledge to you – I pledge to you that I will be there next January on the floor of the United States Senate when we begin the great test.

Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.

For me this is a season of hope – new hope for a justice and fair prosperity for the many, and not just for the few – new hope.

And this is the cause of my life – new hope that we will break the old gridlock and guarantee that every American – north, south, east, west, young, old – will have decent, quality health care as a fundamental right and not a privilege.

We can meet these challenges with Barack Obama. Yes, we can, and finally, yes, we will.

Barack Obama will close the book on the old politics of race and gender and group against group and straight against gay.

And Barack Obama will be a commander in chief who understands that young Americans in uniform must never be committed to a mistake, but always for a mission worthy of their bravery.

We are told that Barack Obama believes too much in an America of high principle and bold endeavor, but when John Kennedy called of going to the moon, he didn’t say it’s too far to get there. We shouldn’t even try.

Our people answered his call and rose to the challenge, and today an American flag still marks the surface of the moon.

Yes, we are all Americans. This is what we do. We reach the moon. We scale the heights. I know it. I’ve seen it. I’ve lived it. And we can do it again.

There is a new wave of change all around us, and if we set our compass true, we will reach our destination – not merely victory for our party, but renewal for our nation.

And this November the torch will be passed again to a new generation of Americans, so with Barack Obama and for you and for me, our country will be committed to his cause. The work begins anew. The hope rises again. And the dream lives on.

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