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The Stars Hollow Gazette

I date myself by remembering when Halloween wasn’t such a cool holiday.  Instead of trees full of artificial cobwebs we had trees full of toilet paper (it all waits for the next rain to wash it down, sometimes weeks).  Pumpkins were carved by ideas in your head and big sharp knives, not stencils and plastic tools.  Lit with flaming candles and not LED bumps powered by a hearing aid battery.

Used to burn our yard trash too.

I’d tell you a scary story about that but we never had one.  You feed the fire until the brush is gone, you don’t pile it in a huge stack, douse it with kerosene and fire it up (though I’ve been a Boy Scout and we did do things like that).  I’m much more afraid of a wood chipper.

We also used to dump it at the end of the road.  There is a big hill with acres of undeveloped land just down the street and the property owners with road footage were happy enough for the fill.

All yard stuff, no garbage, and you didn’t even have to ask about that.  It was all kind of self organized.

In the Fall it’s leaves, and frankly everyone still kind of dumps them all in the street and lets the wind blow them downhill, though the Town is a little more organized about that now and dusts off the snowplows early and sends them out with huge vacuums.

Yes, we are so damn lazy you don’t even have to bag.

They send out the trucks for old eksmas trees too, and once in the spring for the odd stuff.  Your old washing machine and broken furniture, your 30 year collection of National Geographics with their breathless patriotic coverage of the Vietnam War (I remember a really mint issue featuring the United States Air Force and all the bombs, bullets, and rockets they could carry).  Never could quite decide what made some stuff disposable.

They take it all now to the tipping station where it’s sorted and processed and sent to… wherever.

That’s progress for you.

About that Novel.

let’s review the rules. Here’s how it works: the president makes decisions. He’s the Decider. The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Just put ’em through a spell check and go home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration. You know – fiction!

Because really, what incentive do these people have to answer your questions, after all? I mean, nothing satisfies you.

kredwyn is so totally doing that Novel in a month marathon thing and we should all be encouraging her and anyone else brave enough to attempt it, but that’s not what I’m here to talk to you about.

I want to talk about Media Complicity.

Why I’m NOT Endorsing a Candidate for President

I think we can all agree that any nominee of the Democratic Party is going to be more receptive to progressive initiatives, make better appointments and nominations, and run the Executive Branch more competently than any Republican.

What I am far more concerned about is-

  • The Continuing Occupation of Iraq
  • The Erosion of our Constitutional Liberties
  • The Congenital Criminal Corruption in D.C.

The solution to these concerns is not in the White House, but at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue- in the halls of Congress.

Through both Republican and Democratic administrations over the last 30 years the level of incestuous self absorption by the Beltway Bozo Pandering Pundit Political Media Elite, the Fatheaded Sissies and Whiny Bloviators, the Arrogant Asskissing Acceptors of Access, the So-Called “Serious People” with their Mindless Masturbatory Illusions of Self Importance and Constant Cacophony of Condescending Calumny and Lies has increased to levels not seen since the Gilded Age.

Like gilding their Inflated Pompous Balloon Egos are micrometers thick.  They need a good prick, and I am one.

I think we need to be devoting our time and energy to producing a dominant Democratic majority in Congress and within that a Powerful Progressive Caucus.

Anything else is not going to produce the results we want.  Primary, primary, primary.  Punish the Media with your eyeballs, emails, and money.  Not a dime to the Corporate Enablers, sit on your ass and vote with your wallet.

Or indulge yourself in the amorphous meanderings of your particular cult of personality, whatever.

Wishing for a strong man (or woman) on a white horse is delusional dreaming.  Working with others to produce a profound change in direction is quite something else and one or two elections and lucky breaks won’t do anything but delay the damage and I’m so very tired of being the little Dutch boy with my fingers in the dike.

The Morning News

The Morning News is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 US State Dept in furor over reported Blackwater immunity deal
by Sylvie Lanteaume, AFP
1 hour, 28 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) – A top US legislator demanded information Tuesday over reports that the State Department offered immunity to Blackwater employees in the wake of a Baghdad shooting that left 17 civilians dead.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph Biden called on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to explain whether the private security group, which protects US diplomats in Baghdad under a contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars, had been offered protection from prosecution when the State Department investigated the September 16 shooting.

On Tuesday US media reported that the Blackwater guards were promised immunity during the department’s inquiry.

2 U.S. to tighten rules for Iraq contractors
By Andrew Gray and Randall Mikkelsen, Reuters
2 hours, 31 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Pentagon and U.S. State Department have agreed to tighten rules governing private security contractors in Iraq, giving a greater oversight role to the U.S. military, officials said on Tuesday.

The proposed changes emerged from a review triggered by a shooting incident in Baghdad last month in which security guards from U.S. security firm Blackwater, working for the State Department, are accused of having killed 17 Iraqis.

Efforts to prosecute guards involved in the incident could be complicated by a grant of limited immunity offered by State Department investigators, U.S. officials also said on Tuesday.

3 Immunity deals ‘routine’ for contractors
By LARA JAKES JORDAN and MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writers
3 minutes ago

WASHINGTON – Limited immunity has been routinely offered to private security contractors involved in shootings in Iraq, State Department officials said Tuesday, denying such actions jeopardized criminal prosecution of Blackwater USA guards accused of killing 17 Iraqi civilians.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack declined to discuss specifics of the agency’s role in the investigation, but said any immunity deals should not stop the Justice Department from prosecuting.

“It’s up to the investigators and prosecutors to determine what kind of case they have … and ultimately whether to bring prosecution,” McCormack told reporters.

dKos, BillO, and Conspiracy Theories

So BillO has run off the rails again tonight.  Accusing dK of being “Nazis of the Left” and of supporting 9/11 Conspiracy Theories.

More evidence he doesn’t bother to read.

Now if I had a good way to provide you with the Media Matters link I would, but I leave it as an exercise.

On the other hand here on this site we can be as tinfoil as we want because we’re proud to be called “far left loonies” by the likes of BillO and Faux Noise.

Bring it falafel boy.


I am the stone that the builder refused.
I am the visual, the inspiration, that made lady sing the blues.
I’m the spark that makes your idea bright.
The same spark, that lights the dark,
So that you can know, your left from your right.

I am the ballot in your box, the bullet in the gun,
That inner glow, that lets you know, to call your brother son.

The story that’s just begun, the promise of what’s to come,
And I will remain a soldier, until the war is won.

Check, check, check it, yeah.

Tonight we talked about N***** moments again.  Berserkers like me know them.

Aaron says some things that not all agree with.  He’s given up his strip in favor of his animation projects.

How do you feel about that?

The Stars Hollow Gazette

In Stars Hollow it’s finally Fall and there are wet leaves on the streets which reminds me of my dog Dally the Dalmatian.

Dalmatians are prone to kidney problems and Dally peed everywhere including my leg at obedience class, had to run home and change my pants.

Part of the training was to walk him, so I did.  It was dark and wet and I’m not sure what Dally saw when he took off because I was totally taken by surprise.

He weighed about half me, but my feet were on wet leaves so part way across the street was kind of like water skiing (and you thought Ralph was a bad Uncle).

The leaves burned out and I was dragged for a while before I could get the leash off.  I suppose you could call it payback.

Well it ruined my good knee and I had to crawl back to my house and bang on the door and scream until someone rescued me, but it evened out in the end.  I’m still here.

HUGE live blogging DocuDharma News!


Aidan Delgado, author of The Sutras of Abu Ghraib: Notes from a Conscientious Objector in Iraq, will be online  at DocuDharma today, Sunday, October 28th at 9 PM Eastern to talk about the book and his experiences in Iraq.

The son of a diplomat, he spent his childhood and teen years overseas.  He lived in Thailand, Senegal, and Egypt.  He signed a contract to enlist in U.S. Army Reserves on 9\/11.

Enlisted as a mechanic in a military police company, when his unit was assigned to Abu Ghraib his Arabic language skills became especially valuable.  He converted to Buddhism just before his training.  The book (reviewed by On The Bus) is the account of his experiences as a soldier and his struggle to achieve conscientious objector status.

Moral Oral in Trouble

Moral Orel is a really snarky cartoon on Adult Swim that chronicles the faith contradictions of Orel Puffington, son of an evangelical Christian family in the town of Moralton in Statesasota.

Orel’s name was probably taken from Oral Roberts, one of the first and most famous of the televangelists.  Roberts, 89, is still alive; but one of his most enduring legacies, Oral Roberts University, is in considerable difficulty.

ORU is an interesting place.  Having been to Tulsa several times for training, I can tell you from first hand experience it dominates an otherwise declining city; the main tourist attraction in a harsh landscape of boarded up storefronts and empty streets.  Like Liberty (Falwell) and Regent (RobertSON) it is a monument to the fundraising power of its founder.

In fact what most people may remember about Oral Roberts the man is his famous fundraising appeal in 1987 where he demanded $8 million from his followers “Or God will call me home.”

“Call me home!” below-

William F. Buckley on Impeachment

Yahoo News Opinion
William F. Buckley
Fri Oct 26, 7:57 PM ET

What stands out this time around is that there are no serious people urging impeachment. By “serious” is here intended, men and women of sobriety who weigh conscientiously what constitutes impeachable presidential behavior.

Mr. Bush is swimming in very low political tides. Although he beat down with ease the outrageous and insulting charges of Rep. Pete Stark of California, it is striking that a member of Congress felt free to indulge in that level of public obloquy. There was enough of that for Bush in the election of 2006, which was interpreted, reasonably, as a repudiation of his leadership.

If ours were a form of government patterned after that of the Europeans, Bush would probably have been replaced as leader of his party. But the majority of the American people still think of him as a man of good will and very stout heart who is pursuing his duties as he sees them, a man, moreover, of conspicuous incorruptibility. Let the people pronounce on his stewardship in November 2008.

Well if you ever needed to have it spelled out for you there it is.

We are not serious people.

We are not “men and women of sobriety who weigh conscientiously what constitutes impeachable presidential behavior.”

And just so you know what “serious” is?

Lying about a blow job.

The Stars Hollow Gazette

One of the things I got out of Swim Team was a job.  I was a professional Life Guard and Water Safety Instructor for about 7 or 8 years.

Never had to rescue anybody though I had a supervisor who thought I was waiting too long to save the dog paddling girl who only had a T-Shirt for a bathing suit.  And she was being Black in a pretty white pool.  Not my regular boss the dope smoking Christian so I let it slide but I was pretty pissed off.  She was right by the side and not 10 feet from me, no danger at all.

I picked up a kid out of the gutter at the same pool who I was sure had broken his leg.  Nope.  Bounced right up and giggled.

Good work if you can get it- 2 to 9 and about 50% breaks, harder in the winter when you had to work 12 hour days and teach.  Your job basically is to be an asshole and stop people from having too much fun.  No running, no dunking, no splashing.  It’s Adult Swim because I say so you snotty brat.

I’ve guarded some pretty squirrley places too, above a dam in river water, a pool you had to vacuum every morning because the sport was to heave your beer bottles over the fence and smash them right on the lip of the pool so the shards fell in the water.  Good times.

After all I learned to play very good Pitch.

The Stars Hollow Gazette

I like to read a lot, it’s one of my chief pleasures.

I was enforced in my addiction early in life living a mere block away from the local library.  Well equipped in Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Tom Swift, and other classics I soon outgrew the basement kids section and got my ticket to the tall shelves.  As soon as I got to Junior High I started ditching study hall to be a volunteer librarian.

I have a huge collection myself, most of it in boxes.  Dime a cover library sales of my very same childhood classics, I can show you the sign out cards.  Paperbacks when they didn’t cost $10.

Among the authors I like that don’t get talked about much are Dorothy Sayers and Rex Stout the Emily and Richard of Lord Peter Death (and that’s Death as in dead not Deeth you wienie) Bredon Wimsey and Nero Wolfe as recorded by Archie Goodwin.  Peter and Archie have Harriet and Lily, Nero has history.

If you haven’t read Flashman by George MacDonald Fraiser you don’t understand me at all, big C.S. Forester fan too.  I’ve had a Maria in my life.

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