Author's posts
Nov 01 2010
Shit Town Chronicles: Apples and Oranges
It was a fight broke out over apples and oranges which led to the law of One for One. The old saying went “Don’t mix apples and oranges,” as though they were two different things. But really isn’t fruit; apples, oranges, bananas and pears, just fruit?
Anyway Bill and Tom came to blows because Bill looked down on oranges and thought Johnny Appleseed was a “Saint and Prophet.” And all Tom had to defend oranges was Anita Bryant. Bill wanted five oranges for three apples. So Tom socked him one and broke three fingers. This is the time when before this time everyone did their fighting vicariously through Hollywood or video games. When you sock someone in the real world, it hurts.
Anyway this brought up the notion of value. In the New World of Shit Town, we struggle with the very quintessence of civilization. Why is gold more valuable than strawberries?
Oct 20 2010
Shit Town
When they tried to name the place, some wanted to call it Dawn City or New America or New Phoenix (like mythical bird rising from the ashes.) But the more folks thought about it and realized our circumstances and understood the reason we were huddled here in this remote area protecting ourselves from the elements and marauding bands of sadistic skinheads, was because the world had gone to shit, well, the name might not be what some Madison Avenue type would have called it, but the naming was easy.
Shit Town.
Oct 18 2010
Politicians versus People
American politicians accuse China of currency manipulation for refusing to let the Yuan rise in value. Meanwhile, The Fed is about to engage in another round of “quantitative easing” which is another way to say “currency debauchery” by adding a trillion or more dollars of new debt to our tab which can’t be repaid by Third World America and continue to devalue the already debauched dollar. But The Fed is waiting until the day after the election (not that it will make any difference politically) to make the move. If this move is necessary, why wait?
Who is manipulating whose currency?
Oct 15 2010
Wild Wild Left Radio #83 A Potpourri of Politics as Usual
Gottlieb and Diane G. are live and in color (or is that off color?) on WWL radio Friday night at 6pm Eastern Time to guide you through Current Events taken from a Wildly Left Prospective.
Hear the Unreported & Under Reported Headlines stories you should be paying attention to, from US Politics, to the farthest reaches of the Earth by the WWL coalition of subversion: undermining the PTB by speaking Truth to Power!!!!
Chile frees 33 miners and exposes the dark underside of profits before people. Privacy is such a quaint notion, as corporate entities mine data of your buying psychology and help the Feds catch those pesky tewwowists. The latest in a long list is Apple Computer who wants to spy on your iPhone. What Fourth Amendment? The apoplectic military doesn’t know who to ask and who tell as the DADT policy is batted around by courts, politicians and war criminals. What Oil Spill? As Obama lifts the oil drilling ban in the Gulf. Forget about accountability, oversight and investigation into what caused the greatest ongoing environmental disaster in the history of the world. It’s always profit before people. Banks foreclosing on folks for shits and giggles. Freak show politics as the Tea Party Monster rears its xenophobic, homophobic, racist head.****** Be heard by joining in our live chat, or calling in! Spread the message by telling your friends to listen in or sending them the podcasts!
Please join us for the only “out there where the buses don’t run” LEFT perspective on the breaking news!
Controversy? We face it. Cutting Edge? We step over it. Revolutions start with information, and The Wild Wild Left Radio brings you the best in information and op/eds from a position that others on the Left fear to tread.
Join Diane and Gottlieb every Friday at 6pm EDT on Wild Wild Left Radio, via BlogtalkRadio, for News from the Real Left. No hand-wringing, no PC, just straight talk from reality based politics.
WWL Radio: Free Speech in Practice.
The call in number is 646-929-1264
The live chat link will go live around 5:20.. found at the bottom of the show page, or by clicking the link below!
Sep 22 2010
Stop the Gripe and Groan, Mr. President
“When I hear Democrats griping and groaning and saying … ‘the health care plan didn’t have a public option’, and … ‘the financial reform — there was a provision here that I think we should have gotten better’, or, ‘you know what, yes, you ended the war in Iraq, the combat mission there, but you haven’t completely finished the Afghan war yet’, this or that or the other, I say ‘folks, wake up’, ” Obama told wealthy donors at a Democratic National Committee dinner.
Obama told wealthy donors at a Democratic National Committee dinner.
The problem is all those things Obama is blaming liberals for ‘griping and groaning’ about: no public option, no teeth in finance reform, endless wars for profit not purpose, is because Obama has always and only been talking to wealthy donors. The corporatacracy; the financial oligarchy; the great sucking sound as the rich steal from the poor and give to the rich.
Liberals don’t need to be awakened Mr. President. You have woke us up.
Sep 12 2010
Is the Only Movement Left a Bowel Movement?
My friend Diane Gee, the proprietor of The Wild Wild Left blog and producer and co-host of the weekly radio show by that name, had an inspirational idea the other day to start a “Burn the Ballot 2010” movement.
The idea was to protest against the so-called “two-party” system, which seems to only represent corporate interests and has walked away from doing right by The People. Wall Street versus Main Street. Special Interest versus the Common Good.
So the idea was on election day, instead of voting, a person was to abscond with her ballot from the polling place and go outside and in a safe and legal manner burn or otherwise destroy the ballot on camera and post the video where it can be seen by the most people.
The more people who know they are not alone in their feelings of frustration and disillusion about our completely corrupt and dysfunctional political system, the more who will be encouraged to do something about it.
But, lo and behold, there is the rub. Everyone wants to bitch and moan, but no one wants to do anything about the object of their frustration – their own disenfranchisement as a “people.”
Sep 09 2010
Burn This!
Some crazy-ass Jews burn the New Testament (not something you hear much about in the Land of the Free) Some crazy-ass Christians burn the Koran (something you hear nothing but). But, hey, burning a Koran is much better than pooping and pissing on the Koran which U.S. Military personnel and private contractors have been doing for years with nary a word of criticism. We are, after all, at war with the Satanic religion called Islam.
And some crazy-ass Muslims burn bibles, flags and the faces of women who don’t toe the crazy-assed fundamentalist line.
Which just goes to show some folks worship some crazy-assed God.
But if I were to start a burning binge of an object of hate, you know what I’d burn?
The Constitution of the United States of America. That god-damned piece of paper.
Sep 06 2010
Warning Shot
The Oil Age is over. Running on the fumes of empty. It is a ghost empire. The Age of Ponzi-scheme fractional banking is over. The house of cards has collapsed. The emperor not only has no clothes, but he has no skin, bones or blood. He was always a mirage.
Civilization as we have known it in our lifetimes – the move toward centralization, globalization, authoritarianism – is at an end.
Believe it or not.
Aug 25 2010
False Gods
False Prophets are a dime a dozen. From the clergy to politicians to flim-flam banksters, charalatans are monkeys in a barrel, if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.
The problem is while many are on the lookout for False Prophets, most do not question the Gods behind the religions of these socio-economic-religious shysters.
DOGMA spelled backwards is AM GOD. Dogma is strict adherence to the teachings of the Priest caste. When God is replaced by Religion-as-God, things turn sour.
But further, when you look at the great religions of Western Civilization – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – that, based upon the history of inhumanity practiced by these “great” religions, one must question the veracity of the God behind all these religions. And if one is fearless in the face of billions of believers, the God of the Victors who wrote the History and made the rules is a FALSE God.
Aug 16 2010
American Tinder Box
On the one hand…
Bad Mood Rising. Short fuses on human time bombs. Powder kegs of combustible frustration. Palpable erosion of the social fabric. Race wars, class wars and culture wars. Rage; the new bliss. Violence; the logical extension of free speech in a tone-deaf world. Murder-suicide and fifteen minutes of fame. Write the note and blow out your brains along with the wife, kids and the management team who fired you for cause in the name of “results.” Shareholder value. No longer a human but a line-item on a ledger. No longer a person but an impediment to the profit margin.
Aug 03 2010