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The Horror Story of U.S. Army Specialist Alexis Hutchinson


VENTURA, California, Nov 13 (IPS)
– U.S. Army Specialist Alexis Hutchinson, a single mother, is being threatened with a military court-martial if she does not agree to deploy to Afghanistan, despite having been told she would be granted extra time to find someone to care for her 11-month-old son while she is overseas.

Is the United States Military, the greatest purveyor of horror in the world, so despicably desperate to fill its ranks with warm bodies to staff its crimes against humanity it is willing to perpetrate crimes of humanity against its own soldiers.

The answer obviously is yes.

White Power in Black Face


DECRYING Barack Obama as “white power in black face”, hundreds of African Americans marched on the White House today to protest policies of the first black US president, and demand that he bring US troops home.

Do you have to be black to say this without getting everyone’s panties twisted into a Gordian knot or can we call a spade a, uh, er, or can we tell it like it is?

Blue suit, black suit, brown suit – a suit is a suit, born of a white man’s colonial military uniform.

What Are We Waiting For?


Okay. Okay. Lessee. Karzai is declared the winner in Afghanistan through fraud and Obama says its necessary to die for him because he’s Empire’s guy. Karzai runs one of the most corrupt, disrespected governments on the planet and he just won an election through massive cheating. He’s the titular head, his brother is the hands-on manager, of the world’s largets drug cartel (with a big slice going to the CIA). He is hated and despised throughout the country and can’t walk the streets of the capital without being torn to shreds by the common Afghani peasant.

CHANGE: Do We Make it or Take it?


Okay. Okay. Let’s get this straight. Pelosi strips the House bill of a committee-passed amendment by Kucinich to allow individual States to create their own single-payer (Medicare) health care programs. Yet the House bill allows States’ to op-out  of the ‘public option’. So local governments are prohibited from creating options to the public option and can instead opt out of the public option thereby sentencing the people of the States to the slavery of insurance companies.

Veterans for Peace Urge Peaceful Civil Disobedience to Resist War


In a call to fellow military veterans against our immoral, illegal and irresponsible worldwide wars of aggression, Veterans for Peace is calling its members out into the streets. Now.

Our National Emergency is Our Befuddlement


Most of us are befuddled. Our minds have been confused and muddled from the truth. We are perplexed. Not all of us of course. Many humans see quite clearly, with laser intensity, the crimes against humanity perpetrated on a global scale for the benefit of a small, powerful elite.

Drop Dead Dick Cheney Day


I don’t know if this is going to get me in trouble or not. I suppose on the one hand it’s advocating murder on some level, though we can argue the word-smithing later. On the other hand, this proposal isn’t anything more than a scientific experiment and if it works it can easily be argued Dick Cheney gave his life for science.

Dude! Where’s My Revolution?!


Dude, now like the cat is out of the bag and like we know everyone but ‘conservatives’ and old people just want to have fun, I think you’ll see more top-of-the-line revolutionaries come out of the closet of stonerdom and, you know, not be afraid to have our revolutionary fervor tempered by a joint or two on the way to the big protest march or strategic infrastructure demolition.

Slouching Toward Dystopia


In America one in nine are on Food Stamps. Around the world one in seven are Starving to Death.

The Matrix, Free Will and Evolution


Some of us feel like Neo at the end of the first one when the bullets are coming fast and furious and to Neo it seems so comically slow motion. But to those still in the Matrix it all seems so real.

War is Peace


The Nobel committee has done the Orwellian Swing by awarding the world’s chief war monger the Nobel Peace Prize. While perhaps there were reasons for the Prize connected with hope – there is a hope for peace with Obama, the facts on the ground suggest the Norwegians have not been paying attention.

We’re All Romans Now


There is only one reason governments’ lie. Truth leads to government by the people. Government by the people is the enemy of the form of government we have now – government by corporate/militarist conspiracy.

We see how Presidents, chosen by the people, are nothing but changed light-bulbs. Out with the old and in with the new but the product they sell remains the same. The light from the new bulb may be shiny and full of hope but the electricity which runs the Company Town called America is the same as it ever was; the atomic power of the almighty buck.

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