Author's posts
Jul 10 2011
Why Are Veterans Issues Off The Table?
Frankly that’s very easy to answer, the country refuses to demand it’s own sacrifice the greater majority cheer on but don’t serve in or have direct connection to, especially the political party claiming their strength on “National Security” and it’s the total opposite of what’s being argued as to this debt ceiling and the growing deficit itself, remember these two present conflicts were kept off the books and fought on borrowed financing until put back on the books and our spending by the present administration. All those costs include the no bid contracts of the growing private armies as well as the numerous other private contractors serving a bottom line and not the country.
Jul 07 2011
Murdock Brit Phone-Hacking Scandal: Families of War Dead!
Not going to add much to this except the first thoughts I’ve had since this was breaking across the pond.
What the hell has the FOX been doing here?
And now with this coming out:
What was that constant cheer leader and their minions, still, of these present long running invasions and occupations, as well as Huge supporters of the policies ordered and carried out by the previous administration, doing in relation to our soldiers families if they had no regard for the British families of the Fallen?!
Jul 06 2011
‘Patriotism’ in the Tepublican Camp? Think Not!
Especially related to their elected Representatives handlers, the big money, the corporations, wall street, the banks, them at the top who have more then enough cash to control but not to invest in growth and the Countries economy for all!
This Cornyn makes a real good ‘brownshirt soldier’ for the collective, not for policy for this country but the power hungry commanders that give the orders, ask him a question you get the same answers in those very old and well practiced talking points.
Jul 05 2011
Marine: ‘We’re Starting To Fall To The Wayside’
For over forty years now whenever I hear the loud demands, especially by the elected representatives of the people, for tax cuts my first thought has always been the long underfunded Veterans Administration and related to our wars of choice, second is the ever growing, with no objection, defense budgets year to year!
Jul 04 2011
HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – June 2011

Jul 03 2011
American Way: Have War, Underfund Results Of, Ignore Those Sent!
The results of the long underfunding, since Korea, and oh so easy to lay blame on the agency supposedly funded by the oh so patriotic masses who don’t serve and through their representatives they hired, of the Veterans Administration covering issues from the record keeping, as we enhance the needs by waging wars mostly of choice, to the resting place in the National Cemeteries of the mostly ignored, fallen and veterans of after returning home, brothers and sisters who serve.
This is but one more example of the total lack of Demand for the Country to Sacrifice as they demand the sacrifices by the soldier and their families!
Jun 30 2011
Boeing Overcharging?, Hawks Yawn!
A ‘Patriotic’ U.S. company ripping off the Army and the American Tax Payers, and military procurement officers allowing it to happen, knowing many will go to work for these defense contractors after their service, especially with two long occupations still ongoing, say it ain’t so!
Jun 23 2011
Brit Inquiry: Veterans and One Result of Wars
Not adding anything, no need, been saying for over a decade now and most folks just move on, “what on reality tv tonight”, without a thought unless something comes up about, like a speech about by the President, complain about and then wonder about things like “what’s that grifter from Alaska up to today”, hint: wanna know visit huff post.
Jun 18 2011
On Fathers Day ‘Think!’ of the ‘Gold Star Children’
And yes I do realize there are ‘Gold Star Children’ who have lost Mothers, especially in these two long conflicts, not minimizing the fact that many of the women soldiers killed were possibly Mothers as they all were Daughters, Sisters or Nieces and Aunts, the greater numbers killed still in war are male.
CBS sought out a message with meaning for Fathers Day, that aired June 17 2011, and I totally agree with the one they found which among many messages it should send ties our long war of choice, Vietnam where this Country said it would remember the lessons of, to both current wars of choice, Afghanistan and Iraq, lessons forgotten five minutes after Vietnam and so many DeJa-Vu’s of then repeated with many enhanced and coming on faster.
Jun 15 2011
Just Some of ‘Lessons of War’ Not Learned!!
And now we’re over a decade of oh so many lessons not learned and in not one but two theaters of with a third front being bombed and invaded right next door to one of the two and joined with NATO in bombing another that the previous administration had brought the leader of back into the fold after years of calling him a terrorists supporter and supporting terrorists criminal acts!
Jun 13 2011
We Used To “change the world”
On many fronts, continuing the subject title, we even once were moving into alternative energy, that’s what built the economy that continued to grow and was envied by all others. They used to try and copy but most failed while some, like Japan and South Korea with our help, will say though that when I was a kid and a teen their products were cheap and many laughable, succeeded. Now many have the growth in the experienced workers, we’ve destroyed many of the hands on trades experiences here, needed and are rapidly moving far in front of us, as are they’re economies. And climate change is only one big issue, of many, of the advancement of economic growth and innovation. What this administration understands is that which our parents and grandparents worked so hard and had built for us as now some are destroying piece by piece!
Jun 11 2011
“Veterans Unplugged” WIMS Radio AM 1420
Thunder rollin in and I’m not doin much but posting to my sites but wanted to pass this along for anyone interested and get some to tune in.
From a VVAW, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, mailing we get the announcement of a new radio show by and for veterans, and everyone else, that everyone out of the listening area can stream online live or listen to in the archives. This is the send out received: