Author's posts
May 08 2011
A Soldier’s Mother’s Day
Below are just a few related articles and links.
May 06 2011
The Osama Bin Laden File
The National Security Archive at George Washington University has been releasing numerous Government documents and reports the past couple of days on bin Laden, our Government as related to him and that region especially Pakistan. The criminal cronies, both in and out of the Government at the time they took over from the Clinton administration to 9/11 and beyond have been coming out of the closet, including their talking heads, trying to justify their policies, especially as to torture, illegal by our laws and the international laws we help establish, that they should share in the take down of bin Laden or should receive the glory from.
Frankly they’re raising more questions by their tactic, questions that have been there the whole past decade some being answered with hard evidence that has leaked out and coming from the Iraq War Inquiries.
If their torture tactics, which caused greater damage to the soldiers sent into these two theaters in blowback, worked so great Why were they not taking any little leads, like the one the press keeps running to and following them to establish better intelligence?
Why, after greatly increasing the billions sent to Pakistan that that country wasn’t much much more involved in seeking out bin Laden and al Qaeda?
Why did bush stop the Tora Bora operation?
Why did bush admit he rarely thought about bin Laden?
And one real big question, Why were they seeking to take down Saddam and talking about doing so before 9/11, on 9/11 and directly after 9/11, leading to abandoning Afghanistan to fester and grow and destroy Iraq and it’s people?
May 05 2011
Navy Vets Scam Artist Formally Charged
Just a short update on something I really want to keep ‘in the news’ for a couple of reasons, actually as a Navy vet there are others as well, but the political side should not be forgotten.
You can google the name or main points to get the past reports.
One reason is the obvious and the pictures tell that story. While sending our soldiers into two more ‘wars of choice’ and laughing about their ‘purple heart bandages’ as well!
By the way, a talking head journalist on CBS finally even said that about Afghanistan, war of choice, the other night.
May 03 2011
Detective work – bin Laden w/UpDate
This is what should have happened directly after and as to 9/11! Terrorism is a criminal offense, international criminal terrorism is an international crime. We had the backing of most of the World then, meaning working with them and their resources added to ours. There should never have been Iraq and all that went with that as well as the added recruiting tools in Afghanistan. Once the Taliban were driven from there we should have worked to reign in the ghost al Qaeda while helping to rebuild Afghanistan after decades of war destruction, as we promised. But we walked away once again, like we did after the Afghan/Soviet debacle, rest is the present history as we created the next generations of bin Ladens, already out there!!
May 02 2011
Now, long forgotten, ‘Mission Accomplished’?
On May 1st, An Infuriating Anniversary, the day of the Mission Accomplished’ Speech and Banner as to Iraq eight years prior, the War of Choice, that turned the Afghan Operation into same, nothing to do with 9/11 al Qaeda nor bin Laden, the Afghan ‘Mission is Finally Accomplished’, bin Laden dead, after creating possibly thousands of bin Ladens seeking blowback!
Tens of thousands dead, millions turned into refugee’s, lives and countries destroyed, and still no ‘Sacrifice’ as to the results for the Veterans of nor Accountability for the lies of those who ordered the destructive decade plus, Still Ongoing!!
Bring the Troops Home and take care of All of them and their families when they return!!
A decade of much more already said, and much will be said over the days to come, as a Country, not willing to ‘Sacrifice’ for the results of what’s been done, starts celebrating{?}!
Few doing so had anything to do directly with either war nor knew anyone who gave their all, Soldiers and Families of, killed in action, multiple tours in two theaters, wounded physically and mentally!
Apr 28 2011
Anyone Remember the ‘Mission’
Doubt if many have it marked on their calendars, probably don’t want to be reminded that some 70plus% supported it and the drum beating from Washington and the Media outlets, all of them!
But Greg Mitchell over at ‘The Nation’ would like to remind everyone that an important anniversary approaches, everyone outside of those who serve us and their families, you know, the ones the Country has yet to ‘Sacrifice’ for and few even Demanding they do.
Apr 22 2011
Earth Day 2011

In this I will just add a few reports I’ve come across this morning while waking up, might add some more as they trickle in.
Apr 21 2011
Agreement to Fund Gulf Coast Restoration Projects
This is just breaking within the past hour or so.
Below is the press release from the ‘Restore the’ site along with the initial draft agreement.
Still looking at the news articles just coming online.
Apr 20 2011
Well, well, well….Iraq=Invasion=Oil Deals
Can’t say nobody didn’t tell them so.
How much of this do you think will be reported on our 24/7 media outlets, especially in detail!!
Started talking about a year before the Brits gave approval for the blair to embrace the bush!
19 April 2011 – Plans to exploit Iraq’s oil reserves were discussed by government ministers and the world’s largest oil companies the year before Britain took a leading role in invading Iraq, government documents show.The papers, revealed here for the first time, raise new questions over Britain’s involvement in the war, which had divided Tony Blair’s cabinet and was voted through only after his claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
Yep them there WMD’s, weapons of mass destruction, were all over the place along with those many other changing excuses for justification!
The minutes of a series of meetings between ministers and senior oil executives are at odds with the public denials of self-interest from oil companies and Western governments at the time.
The documents were not offered as evidence in the ongoing Chilcot Inquiry into the UK’s involvement in the Iraq war. In March 2003, just before Britain went to war, Shell denounced reports that it had held talks with Downing Street about Iraqi oil as “highly inaccurate”. BP denied that it had any “strategic interest” in Iraq, while Tony Blair described “the oil conspiracy theory” as “the most absurd”.
Nobody turned these over to Chilcot, wonder what else is well hidden only to come trickling out over the coming decades. And oh my, a shock, Shell oil Lied and the pols went along with it, surprise, surprise, surprise!
But documents from October and November the previous year paint a very different picture.
Five months before the March 2003 invasion, Baroness Symons, then the Trade Minister, told BP that the Government believed British energy firms should be given a share of Iraq’s enormous oil and gas reserves as a reward for Tony Blair’s military commitment to US plans for regime change.
The papers show that Lady Symons agreed to lobby the Bush administration on BP’s behalf because the oil giant feared it was being “locked out” of deals that Washington was quietly striking with US, French and Russian governments and their energy firms.
And even More Shocking reveal, the cheney/bush were dealin with other coutries and oil firms behind the Brits back, oh my and in Secret!!
Mr Muttitt, whose book “Fuel on the Fire: Oil and Politics in Occupied Iraq” is published next week, said: “Before the war, the Government went to great lengths to insist it had no interest in Iraq’s oil. These documents provide the evidence that give the lie to those claims.
“We see that oil was in fact one of the Government’s most important strategic considerations, and it secretly colluded with oil companies to give them access to that huge prize.”
Lady Symons, 59, later took up an advisory post with a UK merchant bank that cashed in on post-war Iraq reconstruction contracts. Last month she severed links as an unpaid adviser to Libya’s National Economic Development Board after Colonel Gaddafi started firing on protesters. Last night, BP and Shell declined to comment. {continued with some small cuts from the docs}
I’ll tell I’m Shocked, Shocked I say, oh wait a minute, I and hundreds of thousands, Millions, were saying almost exactly what this is reporting!!
Oh and Iraq’s output is up, yet so are oil prices rising, as the glut continues and nobody else stopped pumping!
Apr 17 2011
Sunday Morning: Taxes
CBS Sunday Morning did an interesting report on our tax system as we approach tomorrows filing date.
April 17, 2011 The U.S. tax code: A “huge convoluted mess”
Complaining about taxes is as old as America itself, but as the debate rages over fairness of taxes, some millionaires say, tax us more
Apr 08 2011
U.S. Society Spending More on Prisons vrs. Education
Anybody know of a state, or national mega, that has a lottery, playing mostly to the lower income citizen, dedicated to prison spending, me neither!
Think about that. Every school depends on the state lottery extra funding, including the suburban campuses right down to the old run down inner city schools, that’s suppose to go towards education funding, wink wink, while the citizens cut their share towards, all while the systematic destruction of public education goes on. Now even more blatant then previous with the attacks on teachers and funding while giving even more breaks to the wealthy and corporate now citizen. And yet the society is spending more to incarcerate then to educate even with those supposed extra funds.
Below is a report that aired last night as well as the recent released NAACP report.
Apr 07 2011
Lending to the Banks: Any Adventurers Online
ProPublica just sent out the following, with some 886 Government Documents that were released by the Federal Reserve:
Last week, the Federal Reserve released a cache of several thousand pages detailing its support of financial institutions during the financial crisis. The documents, released due to a Freedom of Information Act request, include the Fed’s lending through its so-called discount window, its oldest lending program of last resort. The documents also include some previously released information about the Fed’s lending during the crisis through specially-created programs. You can search through it all below. To the Documents
Have fun!
I may even dive into some but I’m sure it’ll read greek to me.