Author's posts
Mar 24 2008
Writing Challenges and Figuring Out the Scene Cards
Thinking that it would drop kick me back into noveling action, I thought that I would step into the Book in a Month challenge set forward by Victoria Lynn Schmidt.
So off I went and joined the Yahoo e-group connected to the book (VBIAMClub), which seems to have garnered quite a number of members. While the current challenge is running from 15 March to 15 April, there appear to be any number of different challenges going on simultaneously. Or at least a couple seem to be couple different challenges going on…or starting.
Mar 05 2008
Zen Writing and Feeling Lost in the Exploration…
Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.–E.L. Doctorow
I have to say, those are the exact right words that explain the space I’m in right now. I’m in the exploration. There are lots of different ways that this book can go, and each decision heads it in a completely different direction.
In some ways it reminds me of this thing a friend and I used to do back in college. We’d get in the car with our sodas and a couple bags of chips or whatever. We’d make sure that the tank was full. And we’d just head out and zen drive our way through the afternoon.
Sure…we had a map. But the point wasn’t to know exactly where we were going. It was to experience the drive…to see the world…and to find new and unusual things that we were certain none of our peers would see of the state we’d made our adoptive home for the time being.
Feb 25 2008
Sunday Night Scribblings: The Love Interest
As I write this…the Academy Awards is going on.
On stage, Harrison Ford is talking about imagination. And a former exotic dancer who wrote the script for Juno (Diablo Cody) has just won the Oscar for writing Juno.
And that totally rocks!!!
But also going on is my own writing and trying to figure out some of the stuff going on in my novel. The interview is still in progress between my protagonist and antagonist.
McBad Guy has just threatened the life and wellbeing on my protagonist’s aunt. I wasn’t sure how she was going to react to this threat. So I tossed in something that Lee Abbot would call a tank that I’ll have to fix when I merge the interview in with the rest of the book. In other words, my protagonist is wearing a wire.
And on the other side of the wire are a pair of guys listening to the bad guy threaten to hurt my protagonist’s aunt if he does not get what he wants. She turns tables on him by letting him know that the threat, and its implied confession to kidnapping her aunt, has been overheard and caught on tape. Tape that will make its way to the police…thereby making his life that much more difficult.
One of the guys on the other end of that mike is a Mentor. The other? The Love Interest.
Feb 19 2008
Plotting Technique and Working with the Opponent
As many of you know I’ve been working on “The Novel.”
I’ve gone back and forth with regards to what kind of story it’s going to turn out to be. There are elements of mystery…chick lit…adventure…pirate…faerie embedded within the story itself.
I have a protagonist, an antagonist, and a whole host of other characters. Some of them are friendly to the protagonist’s mission. Others? Not so much.
I have a John Doe who was killed early on in the novel. While my protagonist wants to know why, the antagonist really isn’t interested in explaining why he hired someone to kill the gentleman.
Nov 04 2007
Sleepy Sunday Mornin’ Scribblings–NaNoWriMo
Sunday Morning…
I’m still trying to wake up. And I have a large cup of coffee sitting next to me.
Did I mention that the coffee cup is large? It’s big. And filled to the top with the brown stuff that should help me wake up.
Though as I’ve been thinking about the dream that woke me up…
Nov 04 2007
NaNoWriMo: Saturday Chores Edition
Eleanor Roosevelt once said
“The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.”
It’s been a busy day around here at Castle Kredwyn.
Writing has been happening…cleaning and grocery store trips have also been in the works. Course I also shot a cranky email off to Senators Feinstein and Schumer for their wrongheaded decisions.
But now…I’m hungry. And since my characters have hied themselves off to the Green Man Pub for some grub, I thought that food would be a good idea.
Writers cannot work on empty stomachs…
Nov 02 2007
Day Two–Bumpy Starts, Smooth Sailing, and the Squishy Space in Between
So there I was…staring at the computer and the White Screen of Certain Doom, when I realised that I hadn’t had any coffee yet.
Then I remembered the advice column our dear Adam B pointed to. That sent me wandering over to Jennifer Weiner’s column “So You Want to Be a Novelist.” In itself, it’s very cool to get bits and pieces of wisdom from those who’ve made it through the vaunted gates of “The Published.”
That being said, I think that her very first words pretty much sum up what I’m feeling about this whole adventure.
Follow me down the winding path…
Nov 02 2007
Day One–Embarking on the Quest for the Novel
And so it begins…
Welcome to NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month) and Day One.
I spent a healthy chunk of the midnight hour punching out the first bits of what will hopefully be a 50,000 word novel.
And so here’s my first paragraph:
A while ago a friend told me about how he and his buddies would get together and tell outrageous combat stories. He said that the big ones always seemed to start with “So there I was”…and they’d go from there.
Nov 01 2007
Lurking…Ready to Pounce: Midnight and NaNoWriMo Are Just around the Corner
It’s coming.
The kids are all done with their trick or treat candy hunt. They’ve bounced around the house for the past hour or so trying to come down off of that sugar high. You’ve stashed the remaining candy (removing some of the cooler chocolaty bits for yourself) in the closet…top shelf so they can’t reach it without your help.
It’s dark…but not stormy (hopefully) out tonight…and you can feel the vibe in your nerves…
Oct 21 2007
Plot? We Don’t Need No Stinking Plot…Or Do We? (Run Up to NaNoWriMo)
Aiseirigh is the Name of the Ship. One of its various meanings is Awakening.
According to the Iron Oak community, it is also “a dramatic and surrealistic portrayal of death and reincarnation. It is a statement that the cycle of life includes death and from death there is again life.
Dramatic? Cycle of life? Going from static space to dynamic space and on to static space?
Where’ve I heard that stuff before?
Sep 30 2007
Plots, Characters, Novel Writing and Politics
Novels tell a story lived by characters. These characters? They pull us into their worlds. They show us what their worlds from the inside.
Some fictional characters stick with us for a variety of reasons. Characters like the Wife of Bath, Captain Ahab, the white whale, Alice, Holden Caufield, Gandalf, Jay Gatsby, Celia Garth, Beowulf, Hamlet, and so many others inspire us to ask questions about the worlds that exist both within and around us. Some, like Rosencrantz and Guilderstern offer us bits of humor amidst the darkness and tragedy. Others, like Peter Pan, Charlotte, and D’Artagnan, offer us insight into our better angels while still others–Voldemort, Big Brother, Cardinal Richelieu remind us of the darker shadows that surround us.