Author's posts

Why the WaPo should have published that piece…

The Vampire Elite… h/t jessical

okay. that’s it. just the new and best name for these cock blood suckers:::



writing in the raw: you. yeah. YOU.

Let’s get the terms straight.

THEY::: those who want to exploit the masses expressly and exclusively for their own self-interests.

YOU::: the one they have believing this is about somebody else: the foreclosures. the job loss. the fascism.  

Watching “Power Lunch” on CNBC @ the Doctor’s office

Just a short observation… as I take a break from sorting through my clothes. And I ask myself: now why isn’t getting rid of clothes as easy as analyzing oh I don’t know… the economy, for instance?

Pony Party: Moving… and Looking for Home…

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.

Henry David Thoreau

I’m reading lots of stories about journeys. nlob on his new farm; victory coffee looking for home, Edger filling a friend’s SUV with his belongings to set out on yet another adventure. buhdy left San Francisco months ago, i’m moving to the Netherlands. RiaD just returned to her beloved farm, and H2D is making Portland home. We’ve all lost loved ones to the great field trip that is death. And, it seems, all of us are on some one or another philosophical/metaphysical/existential Lewis and Clark-like expedition.

Here’s to our journeys then… those inward and those outward. Mostly, to finding home::: how we imagine it, remember it, and dream of it.

Pony Party: Dali


Ladies and gentlemen step right up. Come, come, come. Yes, you. And you. Come one and all… and see what wonders await under our big top this evening. There is magic there, I can promise you that. Magic, i tell you.

         Carousel by Jacques Brel

Pony Party: Dali


Ladies and gentlemen, step right up. Yes. Come, come, come. Come a little closer. I can see, yes. You. And you. Don’t you want to see what wonders await you under the big tent… there is magic there.

           Carousel from Jacques Brel

Women of Afghanistan

I have no understanding of what it is to live like this:::

The belt made a thump when Rasheed dropped it to the ground and came for her. Some jobs, that thump said, were meant to be done with bare hands.

Magnifico asked why Afghanistan as an issue has sunk away faster than an essay on the dKos diary list… he asks this, as I have been thinking about this country and its people, after reading A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini.

Hosseini is, for me, pretty straightforward in his writing. Nothing grand or blazing. Yet, it is shatteringly honest writing. It gathers as you read it. Slow. Until there is this little thing vibrating inside you.  Not anger. fear. hate. It’s that wide-awake connection with one’s own free will.

I wonder. If the fight isn’t just as elemental as safeguarding our free will and therein our innate desire for freedom.

The women of Afghanistan are all of us. The atrocities they suffer belong to all of us. They tell us, scream at us that these things have mutilated earthlings through the ages. None of us are exempt from such horrors.

I don’t know how to help Afghan women wholesale. I humbly take the lesson they give, despite the horrors they endure. Their freedom of will, of thought. The dignity of these women, as captured so well in A Thousand Splendid Suns, is loud, vibrant, inspirational.

The women of Afghanistan fight for all of us. In every act of defiance in deed or thought, they taunt brutes and bullies with dignity and will. One more sentinel is revealed… these beautiful souls, guardians of freedoms unseen.

So here you go, Magnifico. Captain America was sent to save this country, but something funny happened on the way to Kabul. These nameless victims, who are called mother, wife, sister, friend… these women … may very well show us the way to salvation…

writing in the raw: strange taboos

In a Country with Strange Taboos

by dharmasyd

For rusty1776 in gratitude for his

“Writing in the Raw: Valentine Confessions”

I remember when you brought me hyacinths

We walked the path under pepper trees

Laughed our way to the beach

To play in the surf like yearling seals

And when you kissed me, your salt wet curls

Dripped ocean on my face

I was a virgin then, and you a married man

In a country with strange taboos


Camille Claudel

it’s happened before

the world, as it should be… according to me

I swore that when I had kids, I would NEVER give as an explanation because. My mother was famous for it. Me: Why??? Mom: Because. If she really wanted to make the point (and a power play), she’d say because I said so. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Well, I never had kids. But I did end up with a few step kids. At first, any interventions on my part were always accompanied by explanation. I was a quick study though. I realized they didn’t care WHY. They’d ask and ask and whine and complain and ask WHY again a thousand times. But they never really wanted to know why. They were only interested in what they wanted and finding a way to actualize it. They used my explanations as an opportunity to stage never-ending debates, refuting all of my very sensible and very adult-correct thinking.

Mothers. They do know what they’re doing. It just takes years to figure it out. There’s not much after the old because I say so.  

Pony Party: Hell

Hell dot com

What The Hell Is Hell Really?

Catholic Encyclopedia

You’re Going to Hell

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