Author's posts
Jan 20 2009
Last day of the Bush Error!
It’s nearing 1:30 AM, I’m cold, I’m tired, and yet, before snuggling into my triple blanket sandwich, I thought I’d pop in and let out a triumphant HALLEFREAKINLEUJAH! It’s over! The last page of the countdown calendar has turned, and at this very moment, George W Bush is dreaming his last dream as President, having finished packing away his crap, so as to make way for a man deserving of that high office, Barack Hussein Obama.
And even as I type that, I’m having a few conflicting thoughts.
Nov 04 2008
Goddamn right, it’s a beautiful day….uh huh!
Posted a rant yesterday, about the little journey between the hills of hope and fear that many of us have been going through, even as all polls seem to suggest a clear cut Obama victory today. I didn’t mention one particular fear, though, because I’m not sure it had crystallized fully at the time I wrote that mess up. It’s a little darker than the thoughts I did mention, and even now I hesitate to mention it, because, in the light of day, it seems ridiculous.
But for a tiny bit there, yesterday, I wondered whether I might die in the night, before I had a chance to vote for Barack Obama for president.
Nov 03 2008
fear and worry honestly come by, and then….
Looking around, it appears that I’m not the only one trying to go through however many stages of grief there are in a very compressed time span. I got to trying to expound on the thinks inside my skull for myself, and ranted and raved for a few words, sprawling through tension and tenses, and various points of view, and thought, might as well share.
I feel better having spewed it out onto a microsoft word document, and I kinda like the way this movie ends….love to hear what you think, though, and what sorts of crazy thoughts are careening through your own skullspaces…
Oct 15 2008
#%&* the Republican Party
I meant to go to sleep 2+ hours ago, I really did. But failing that, I thought I’d check the latest news on the tubes, and boy was that ever a mistake. I read about 6th the Circuit court decision to challenge 600k+ new registrations, and now I am WIDE FREAKIN’ AWAKE pissed off. Feel free to follow along on a near 2 am ramble and rant….
F%&* the GOP
Oh, every two years, predictably, they go on and on about the sanctity of the right to vote, and how evil Democratic allied groups are perpetrating voter fraud on an unsuspecting populace by registering all sorts of (OMIGOSH) people to vote, conveniently glossing over the fact that most of the people thus registered are poor, or minority, in their rush to judgment over the relatively few suspect registrations. Every two years, predictably, there’s an outcry over a group called ACORN, which inevitably pays some less than scrupulous persons to gather new voter registrations, and said persons get lazy, or bored, or just stupid, and sign up Mickey Mouse to cast a ballot.