Author's posts
Sep 12 2009
Friday Philosophy: Change
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But when life gives you pickles, you’re screwed, because nobody likes pickleade.
The last few days have seemed to become days of reflection, at least for me. From the appearance of the recent diary list periodically today, I was not alone. But I don’t want to reflect on 9/11. That has never been the way I have operated.
Meanwhile I have to eulogize my colleague who died last May at a memorial service on Tuesday. That may seem to you to be an extremely long interim period between dying and memorial, but that’s the way stuff happens in a college. She died between Finals Week and graduation.
Sep 11 2009
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
Art Link In Pairs
One of what I called my sand paintings, with a jazzed up background.
Good morning. Be excellent to one another.
Sep 10 2009
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
Art Link Bits and Bytes
Sep 09 2009
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
Art Link Tangles and Ripples
Sep 08 2009
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
Art Link Isolation
Sep 07 2009
This “essay” has few words. It was not meant to. In order to keep my sanity during the move last month, I created a series of graphics, based on the Star Trek episode, Darmok, concerning the first encounter between the crew of the Enterprise and the Children of Tama.
The Tamarians, it turned out, spoke by citing metaphors, metaphors unknown to the Federation. On this basis did the story hinge.
I took a shot at interpreting the metaphors graphically. Of course, what I see in the graphics and what you see will no doubt vary.
Be forewarned: there are 27 graphics.
If you wish to see a larger version of any of the pieces, simply click on it. They were created in 800 pixels by 800 pixels.
Temba, his arms wide.
Sep 07 2009
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
Art Link Passing through Grey
Sep 05 2009
Friday Philosophy: Maybe it’s the water
Someone sent me an item last week about a transitioning transwoman (video at the link), a high school mathematics teacher in West Linn, OR. On the face of it, this wasn’t a huge story, but it struck me as a huge coincidence.
Currently I have hardly slept for two days because every time I lay down, I have to cough. The moving that is finally over apparently left my body in a run down state and I caught something on the first day of classes on Wednesday. So I apologize if my current delirium causes any disjointedness.
Think of it as stream of unconsciousness.
Sep 04 2009
Muse in the Morning
Sep 04 2009
Friday Philosophy
Someone sent me an item last week about a transitioning transwoman (video at the link), a high school mathematics teacher in West Linn, OR. On the face of it, this wasn’t a huge story, but it struck me as a huge coincidence.
Currently I have hardly slept for two days because every time I lay down, I have to cough. The moving that is finally over apparently left my body in a run down state and I caught something on the first day of classes on Wednesday. So I apologize if my current delirium causes any disjointedness.
Think of it as stream of unconsciousness.
Sep 03 2009
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
Art Link Tarnished Silverpink
Sep 02 2009
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
Art Link Faces