Author's posts

Found Words

During our move I discovered some papers which had not seen the light of day since we moved from Arkansas to New Jersey in 2000.  Truth is, they had probably even been buried by the time we left Arkansas.

They are presented here for whatever value someone may find in them.

For those who don’t find any meaning within them, I’m adding the graphic at the left, entitled Rai and Jiri, at Lungha.

The entire Tamarian phrase, you may recall is Rai and Jiri at Lungha. Rai of Lowani. Lowani under two moons. Jiri of Ubaya. Ubaya of crossed roads. At Lungha. Lungha, her sky grey.

It seemed appropriate with this piece.

(Click on image for larger view)

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

A Transition through Poetry V

Art Link

More Blues


Tears cloud the vision

Silence enshrouds the ears

Touching is denied

Taste and smell are dulled

Pain pierces the heart

Loneliness hammers at the brain

This is how a friendship ends

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–June, 1992

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

A Transition through Poetry IV

Art Link

Purple Chasm


I was too afraid to release

the life I had, feeling like

I would surely plunge

into the abyss if I did.

Eventually I found

I had nothing to lose,

that maybe the abyss

was where I belonged

So I disentangled myself

from that former existence

and found that I was hanging

inches from solid ground

Ain’t that a bite in the ass.

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–October 31, 2005

Friday Philosophy: The Death of Nana-boo and other news

We’ve been barely keeping our heads above water with the move, so I hadn’t had much time to think about what to write.

Teddy’s death hit us hard.  There’s a new school year starting…one which I would really prefer not to deal with.  A couple of avant-garde ideas almost breathed air.

But nope.  I really had not much.

In cases such as this in the past I have either written about why I was struggling to find something to write about (but that is transparent:  it’s the moving) or checked the news to see what I could find.

The news proved to be quite sad, for the most part.

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

A Transition through Poetry III

Art Link

The Blues

A Secret

A secret

                      buried deep within my soul

A secret

                      hidden from one and all

A secret

                      too hard for me to tell

A secret

                      complex enough to kill

A secret

                      that cannot see the light

A secret

                      I kept it locked up tight

A secret

                      leaking out so late

A secret

                      determining my fate

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–June, 1992

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

A Transition through Poetry II

Art Link


The Mask

My life was a mask I wore

to hide my secrets

Bleak, flat, colorless,

bland was my world

filled with responsibility

devoid of joy

Anguish washes away

meaningful emotion

The mask blinded me

to life’s possibilities

tunnel vision

eroding hope

love tainted by a lie

so immense

it can’t be seen

Lies piled upon lies

a false truth

that comforted


but me

Meaning dwindled


Heart broken


Soul warped


The walls

of my reality

were too close

Going forward



the mask

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–January 17, 2006

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

A Transition through Poetry I

Art Link

Organizing a Rainbow

The Migration

I am.

I am a boy.

I am different.

I am supposed to be who my family wants me to be.

I am bad.

Something is wrong with me.

Something is wrong about me being a boy.

I have to be who my mother wants me to be.

I am supposed to be a boy.

I am counter-culture.

I am supposed to be a man.

I am supposed to be a husband.

I have to be who my wife wants me to be.

I am supposed to be a father.

I have to be who my daughter needs me to be.

I am caught.

I have to be who society wants me to be.

I am a soldier.

I am a student.

I am a teacher.

I have to be who my employers want me to be.

I am unhappy.

I am suicidal.

I have to take a chance on being who I want me to be.

I am afraid.

I am really a woman.

I really am a woman.

I am a transsexual.

I am proud.

I am transsexual.

I am a transsexual woman.

I am transgendered.

I am transgressively-gendered.

I am queer.

I am gender-variant.

I am Robyn.

I am free.

I am me.

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–September 22, 1998

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher

Designs on a Better World



to a new spot

a new home

if it can be

means new neighbors

new trials



with always the thought

that dangers can lurk

that have been cast aside

for the past nine years

Fitting in

is not always easy

for those

of alternate shape

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–July 31, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher



Small weights

individually not much

bound to my joints

dragging me down

generating immobility



As a world changes

too slowly

or not at all

And hopes

may be dashed

And dreams

may evaporate

And vision


both for individuals

and for a society


–Robyn Serven

–July 24, 2009

Friday Philosophy: Issues and Coalition Building

There are so many ills tainting our world.  People’s inhumanity towards one another expresses itself in so many different ways.

Pick one.  Work on it.  Make it your Cause.  Commit the rest of your life to it.  Commit to bring it to an end.  Do anything you can to advance that issue, including working on other issues…so that maybe when the time comes someone might have learned enough about you and your issues that they might actually care about them as well as their own.

What?  What was that last part?  Work on other people’s issues?  Why would anyone ever do that?  Isn’t that, like, a colossal waste of time and effort?

Actually, no.  It’s how something…anything…gets accomplished.

Down here at the bottom of the issue food chain, the only way anyone is going to notice us is if we push other people forward, people who are and issues which are obscuring our existence.

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher

Dream Catcher #10


The wheel turns

orbiting onward

progressing through

space and time


for the wanting

until the void


into reality

all generated

by those initial

hopes and dreams

of a better

world to come

Like a circle in a circle

a wheel within a wheel

the painted pony spins

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 24, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher

Dream Catcher #9



of space and time


out of the emptiness

endlessly wound

on a bobbin


from an uncarved block

The tatting

knitting and knotting


the hopes and dreams

in the reality

of the fabric

of the tapestry

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 22, 2009

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