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Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher

Dream Catcher #8

Hardscrabble Progress


begets structure

hope gives birth

to greater hopes

dreams are dreamt

even by beings

existing only

between the breaths

of a dreamer

The present


out of untold

alternate futures

and drags the past


like a ball and chain

Life is endurable

if only one can find

the beauty

amidst the ugliness

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 19, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher

Dream Catcher #7

Geometric Dreams


within hopes

within dreams



off absolute void


the building blocks

of possible futures

while casting off

the seeds

which grow

if tended carefully

into  what should be

our better natures

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 18, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher

Dream Catcher #6





through time

and space

the fractured


melt and reform

bubbles seeking


clasping securely

as much form

as can be


while embellishing

with renewed hopes

and refreshed dreams

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 17, 2009

Friday Philosophy: That’s so gay!

So we’re still moving and certainly not in Pittsburgh with all the cool people.  Because of the moving, my brain is pretty much on the fritz as to anything momentous to write about.  There just hasn’t been enough continuous time to sit down and piece something together about the things I’d like to write about…even if I could really delineate what those items might be.

So let’s go to the news and see what we can find.

I haven’t seen any mention of this item here:  Radcliffe supports gay group with ‘generous’ donation.  Yes, the Harry Potter star is anti-homophobia and believes in the work being done by the The Trevor Project to combat teen suicide.

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher

Dream Catcher #5

Fractured Hope

Designs expand




the fabric

of existence

until it shatters

Shards compress

in an optimistic

but perhaps



for a stable


–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 15, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher

Dream Catcher #4

Living Wings

Wings spread

designs of life


between the filaments

as the tapestry

is woven

out of sparkling threads

against the background

of the void

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 15, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher

Dream Catcher #3

Blooming Bliss

Bliss created

from stardust


seeds coalesce

from strands

of time

and shed

their husks

creating space

to weave

the threads

in the tapestry

of existence

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 12, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher

Dream Catcher #2

Snagging Wisps

Strands of stardust

woven spacetime

arranged to collect

better days

true emotions

radiant ideas

clasping truth

in the clutches

of abstraction

to be spilled

when bleeding

is necessary

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 11, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems:  Dreamcatcher

Dream Catcher #1


Hopes and dreams

of a better future

might be captured

in designs which



the disappointment

of a second-rate


and the struggle

to escape

the entanglements

of a past


out of ignorance

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 10, 2009

Friday Philosophy: First health care for everyone…and then maybe for us

Fifteen years ago today I entered Theda Clark Memorial Hospital in Neenah, WI.  I had a procedure scheduled for August 9, to be performed by Dr. Eugene Schrang, who has since retired.  A couple of years ago, I wrote about it here and here and wrote about the month before that here.

Like all other surgeons with his specialty, he required payment up front.  Even though I had what was supposed to be complete medical insurance, there was no aid in raising the necessary funds from that direction.  In fact, if AT&T hadn’t pre-approved a Universal Card for me a few months before my surgery, I might still be wondering where the money might come from.  I guess they call it plastic surgery for a reason.

By the way, AT&T still owns a portion of my soul.

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems

Dividing Wall

Slip Sliding Away


come and go

when you worry

about slipping

off your high perch

at the top of the cliff

you euphemistically

call a slope

that separates

you from us

I guess you worry

about ending up

where we are now

having to worry

about what we do

about having to climb


to have a chance

to survive

to gain a handhold

on a place

in your society

hoping you don’t

stomp on our fingers

The slippery slope

is too often

a melting cliff

of ice

maybe carved

out of your hearts

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–July 17, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems


Compare and Contrast

This space is vast

with room for all of us

to try to live

fulfill our dreams

yearn for love

pursue happiness

The difference

between us

is that some

hate the others

and it is not us

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–July 10, 2009

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