Author's posts

Nearly Wordless


Friday Philosophy: An awful waste of space

Since we had to go house hunting Friday afternoon, I decided to put together a summary of some trans news items for Friday evening’s column.  But while I was doing so, one of my favorite movies came on, namely Carl Sagan’s Contact.

The news, of course, is what it is.  The movie put a different spin on the whole thing,  so maybe this will come out as not only commentary on those items but also a statement about the state of the universe.

Just maybe a few readers out there will get the point of what I am trying to say.  There is always hope for that.

Wanna take a ride?

–S. R. Hadden

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Toward the Cusp

Needs and Reasons

Until you can understand

the need for the learning

the reason for the teaching

will remain obscure

But that won’t stop

can’t deflect

the teacher

from trying

to teach

One day

some day

in the future

probably more distant

than would be ideal

maybe the lesson

will be learned

and we can move on

to other things

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–February 20, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning
Art Link

Assembling the Fragments


When you build yourself

out of fragments

assembling carefully

that which is good

shedding the bad

like a winter coat

deciding what fits

what is detritus

left suspended

in the wake

of growing up

why would there be

any desire

to conceal

the finished product?

Do I live my life

to minimize your


with the idea

of regeneration



or do I live my life

to improve

our common existence?

Is there really

a choice there?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–February 13, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems

A Thousand Cuts

Sharing Health

In a fair world

a just world

a world balanced

for sharing

rather than greed

we wouldn’t need

to worry

that someone else

getting healthy

would harm us

We wouldn’t seek

to capture

the value of their health

fearing that it would

diminish our own benefit

When can we arrive

in that place?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–February 6, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems

Life Storm


How strange

that such a small

easily stated




between us

could open

such a vast








of distrust




even hatred

How sad

that the variation

occurring so early

in our lives

could affect

so much

for so long

Can such a breach

ever be healed?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–January 30, 2009

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

2009 Poems

Circular Rainbow

Unlock your Mind

Words and images

wrapped in sounds

and silence

tracing a pathway

from here to there

beginning to end

With any luck

or perhaps skill

meaning is transferred

from me to you

and learning


The transaction


free of charge

to anyone

who is open

to the experience

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–January 2, 2009

Café Discovery: History of a Song

I was messing around with music by The Weavers this morning.  One thing lead to another (first to Hudie Ledbetter, then Woody Guthrie) and there I was with the story of a song.  It was much more complicated than I thought.

There once was a British racehorse, born in 1741, named Skewball (or Squball or Skuball).  He won a lot of races, including a famous one on the plains of Kildare, Ireland.  The race was so renowned, songs were written.

Of such beginnings, legends are born.

Friday Philosophy: Pride (a photo journal)

It’s been a long hard work, trying to get back into the swing of teaching.  The course we are teaching only lasts for 5 weeks and is at a very low, introductory level (Computer Literacy), but that is where these students are.  The program is part of the New Jersey Equal Opportunity Fund, an attempt to rescue students who had fewer opportunities for advancement during their time in high school.  Most are from the inner city areas of Jersey.

Last weekend Debbie and I decided to march in the New York Pride Parade for the first time since we moved to the area in 2000.  We are, generally speaking, not designed for marching.  I marched in both the Dyke March and the Pride Parade in Seattle and in the San Francisco Pride Parade once upon a time, but that was back in the 90s.  I was so much younger then;  I’m older than that now.  Debbie is from Los Angeles originally, but never marched there.

Anyway, we gave it a shot this year in The City.  We didn’t make it all the way.  Having to stand in the heat and wait for 3 hours before we could start marching took most of the starch out of us.

But I took plenty of pictures.  The point of these words is to provide some wrapping for those pictures.

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Humans prepare for the future all their lives,

yet meet the next life totally unprepared.

–Drakpa Gyaltsen

Phenomena XXXV:  posterity

River of Time

Note in a Bottle


strung like beads

into thoughts


into frayed patches

a fragile parchment

from your past

A note

in a bottle

set adrift

in the river

of time

If the words

reach you

can you see too it

that they are read

and then sent

once again

on their way

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–May 16, 2008

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

It is a city built of bones,

and daubed with flesh and blood,

in which old age and death,

pride and hypocrisy

are the inhabitants.

–Dhammapada, verse 150

Phenomena XXXIV:  dying



At some instant

one day

the words will cease to flow

their creator (or vessel)

having passed through

the Door

between herenow

and therethen

The words left behind

the ideas they expressed

the actions they instigated

will be all

that remains

to weigh the meaning

of this particular existence

Regret is extinguished

if the words

have expressed


concern and care

and a life lived well

–Robyn Serven

–September 21, 2007

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Like a cowherd

driving cows off to the fields,

so old age and death

take away the years from the living.

–Dhammapada, verse 135

Phenomena XXXIII:  aging



One day


the world will be

as I envision it

But that will be

in some far distant

day to come

and this is now

It is improbable

that I will see

and experience

my vision

Change occurs

too slowly

or perhaps

aging occurs

too fast

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 9, 2008

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