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Café Discovery: imitating christ

Previous episodes:

250 years of history

mathematics and science, philosophy and religion

Dutch history

to the heavens and back

I’d like to express extreme appreciation to the Mathematics Genealogy Project and Wikipedia.

Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus received his baccalaureate degree in theology in 1497 at the Collège de Montaigu in Paris, where he studied under the mentorship of Jan Standonck, after being mentored at Deventer by the German humanist Alexander Hegius.  It seems we have strayed far from mathematics, but we shall return.  This was the time of “men for all seasons.”

Friday Philosophy: While we are waiting

In four states there were referenda about whether we GLBT people deserved to be treated equally with other humans…and the answer we received is that we did not.

We should be planning a way forward instead of casting the endless supply of recriminations, searching who to blame.  But people expect to see blame, so they usually miss the opportunities to look for that path forward.

ENDA, fairness in housing and public accommodations, and hate crimes protection are much more important, if only because they would benefit all GLBT people, not just the ones in relationships.  In my two decades of working on these issues, we have not made substantial progress.  It’s too easy to write these issues off as GLBT issues and tell us to wait until there is a better time.

And so we wait.  And we wait.  Just like we waited last year and the year before that and the year before that and every year I can remember since I came out.  And even before that.

Maybe while we are waiting, something could be done.

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

State of the Onion II

Art Link

Purple with Beading

Thursday is Queersday

Long away and far ago

when I was young and naive

wearing purple on Thursday

meant one was most likely queer

as it was called at the time

Though I didn’t truly know

couldn’t really comprehend

what it entailed to be queer

I still didn’t wear purple

on Thursdays or any day

For that I am yet ashamed

The power of fear is great

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 16, 2006

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

State of the Onion I

Art Link

Pencil and Wax


The words take control

demand to be written

I help guide them

dress them up

slim them down

searching for

clarity, brevity, emotion

hopefully all three

I’m not sure

where they come from

perhaps from the pains

and joys of my life

The words are the blood

in the vessels of my mind

just as feelings are

the blood feeding my soul

Is there any separation

between me and the words?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–January 10, 2006

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning




A notion

and intention


Ideas congeal

words emerge

slide into place

some locked

some fit

to be tumbled

pliantly capable

of movement

until unity forms

Structural collapse

conceptual disintegration

and verbal desertion

are neighbors


on the other side

of walls too thin

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 18, 2008

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Not very random poem

The Lure of the Gold


Shouldn’t entitlement

be an increasing function?

Should not our children

be entitled

to more freedom

liberty, joy

and happiness

than we were?

Shouldn’t their children

if they have any

deserve still more?

Or do you speak

of material things?

Do you look to me

as the reason

you don’t have more?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 14, 2008

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning




A notion

and intention


Ideas congeal

words emerge

slide into place

some locked

some fit

to be tumbled

pliantly capable

of movement

until unity forms

Structural collapse

conceptual disintegration

and verbal desertion

are neighbors


on the other side

of walls too thin

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 18, 2008

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Random Poem

Art Link

Silky Pillow

No Exit


step into afternoons

step into evenings

stumble into nights

then blessed darkness

interrupted by brief glimpses

of that other world

called dreams

and then I wake

into another morning


becomes a class

becomes grading

and a meeting

I step into more grading

and another class

and another

becomes grading

and then too few

hours of sleep


by weary step

I plod towards a break

any break

in the madness

of constant awareness

I place one foot

in front of the other

as I limp

towards collapse

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 8, 2006

Café Discovery: to the heavens and back

Previous episodes:

250 years of history

mathematics and science, philosophy and religion

Dutch history

I’d like to express extreme appreciation to the Mathematics Genealogy Project and Wikipedia.

We left off at Erasmus Reinhold, creator of the Prutenic Tables, based on the work of Nicolaus Copernicus, which were used to create the Gregorian calendar.

Reinhold’s Master of Arts degree in astronomy and astrophysics was earned at Wittenberg in 1535, as a student of Jacob Milich.

Not much is known of Milich.  Plenty is known about his academic supervisors.

Friday Philosophy: Gay, with Children

Coming down to the last few days before the election, we have seen the hatred and ignorance from the right with respect to marriage equality and equal rights in general…and California’s Proposition 8, Florida’s Proposition 2 and Arizona’s Proposition 102 in particular.  And we have heard from the supporters or equal rights, even though there may seem to have been few of them amongst our political leaders.

One group hasn’t been heard from so much:  the children.

I’m not talking about GLBT kids, though some of them may be.  The right wing…and even some people supposedly on the left…like to talk about the purpose of marriage being the protection of the family…and by their definition that generally means having children.

Are we hearing the voices of those children?  Do we even acknowledge that they are there.  Maybe we should listen to their voices, or at least see their words.

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Random Poem

Art Link

Self-portrait, most days

Talking Teaching Blues
(Boomer edition)

Run run run

and run some more

I don’t remember

what I’m running for

I work so long

from 8 to 8

then up next dawn

so I won’t be late

Work work work

it’ll be over soon

if only I could

sleep to noon

It’s nice to know

as I wipe my spittle

that all we teachers

just work so little

Sixty hours a week

so you could grow

For this you hate us?

We need to know.

What did we do

to deserve your slap

work so hard

and get paid crap?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–April 18, 2006

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Random Poem

Splitting the Binary

Can you learn?

They asked me

if I hunted or fished

choose one

What did I kill

for fun?

I gave my answer

eight years later

I killed their comfort

in dead seriousness

Can you learn?

Too often

the answer

was disappointing

There was danger

in proving

that human life

could exist

could endure

could survive

could even thrive

in between

There probably still is

Can you learn?

It is not too late

Can you learn?

It is never too late

Can you learn?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–December 14, 2007

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