Author's posts
Oct 05 2008
Café Discovery: Tar Pit Environs
My (almost) last batch of photos were taken in Debbie’s brother’s neighborhood. I had an hour or so on our last day in Los Angeles before we returned to the desert. So I took a walk through the neighborhood. And I took a camera with me.
Jim’s house is two blocks from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), which I wrote about before. And it’s also two blocks from the La Brea Tar Pits. Photos were not allowed inside LACMA…or I would be displaying one of a painting of The Death of Buddha.
But I did walk down to the grounds of the tar pits and got some shots. And I took more photos on the way back.
Oct 04 2008
Friday Philosophy: By the pricking of my thumbs…
It has been a strange week. Of course, it has been a strange lifetime, so maybe this past week’s strangeness may just be relative.
There is the economic bullshit, of course. No matter what happens with that, I’m just assuming it is going to suck big green weenies. That last time some economic policy crap actually benefited the people was when? Does anyone have any recollection?
But maybe there are some good things to take away from that. In hard times we sometimes need some of that.
The trouble is that even if we can find a smidgen of good being a comrade with the bad, there always seems to be more bad as a fellow traveler.
And then there is the fence turtle’s story.
Oct 03 2008
Friday Philosophy: By the pricking of my thumbs…
It has been a strange week. Of course, it has been a strange lifetime, so maybe this past week’s strangeness may just be relative.
There is the economic bullshit, of course. No matter what happens with that, I’m just assuming it is going to suck big green weenies. That last time some economic policy bullshit actually benefited the people was when? Does anyone have any recollection?
But maybe there are some good things to take away from that. In hard times we sometimes need some of that.
The trouble is that even if we can find a smidgen of good being a comrade with the bad, there always seems to be more bad as a fellow traveler.
And then there is the fence turtle.
Oct 03 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
A Transition through Poetry XXII
Art Link Solitary
Oct 02 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
A Transition through Poetry XXI
Art Link Hearts
Oct 01 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
A Transition through Poetry XX
Art Link Sextet
Sep 30 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
A Transition through Poetry XIX
Art Link Breaking Out
Sep 29 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
A Transition through Poetry XVIII
Art Link Glimmers in the Dark Recesses
Sep 28 2008
Café Discovery: money
Clyde McPhatter and the Drifters, ladies and gentleman, from 1953. This was their first hit. You may be more familiar with the cover versions by either Eddie Cochran (1959) or what’s his name…Elvis Presley (1956).
Life once again is dominated by, as Terry Pratchett called it, the “reflected-sound-of-underground-spirits”, aka echo-gnomics. It always distresses me when life becomes all about the money. But I live here and I live now. And there is next to no market in the political arena for knowledge, justice, stewardship of the planet and other things that would interest me more. Or any.
Money-grubbing sucks. Accumulation of money sucks the joy out of life. But that’s just my opinion.
Eymology Online is my friend, but don’t blame them for my rewrites.
Sep 27 2008
Aquarium of the Pacific: the others
In the concluding piece of the Aquarium of the Pacific photographs, I am left with those creatures who did not fit in the first two pieces, colors and medusae, ponies and dragons.
But I’m cool with that. I have experience with being in the category of Other on a lot of points.
The dude to the left is a sea bass. I searched and searched for video from Shadow of the Thin Man, hoping to find the hilarious sea bass scene. Alas, my search was in vain.
But come on in if you wish to see some crustaceans and octopodes, eels anemones, coral and other stationary critters, sharks, rays, and a couple of sea lions…and a surprise or two.
Sep 27 2008
Friday Philosophy: Ketchup Soup (a primer)
Here I was, all prepared to watch Barack Obama debate an empty chair this evening. But now news emerges that John McCain will indeed show up for the debate.
Not that the chair will seem to be significantly less empty to me, mind you.
I mean, what’s the deal? Why is it that Republicans have made a habit of insulting my intelligence with the candidates they have nominated since…since…oh, wow….that’s a toughie.
I mean, they actually selected someone who did worse in college* than W this time? How can that be? And this guy picks a box-of-rocks for his vice-presidential running mate?
[*Granted Annapolis has an honor system, which probably means that unlike W, McCain had to do his own papers, but still…]
John McCain is my definition of an empty suit of the worst kind, someone devoid of humanitarian principles or a conscience.
Well, by showing up, he’s screwing me over again
I’ve decided to suspend paying my bills…
…until this fiscal crisis is resolved. I’ve also decided to suspend taking John McCain seriously. I mean, I thought the present Commander-in-Thief was as much of a dork as I could imagine, but McCain has the usefulness as a bent paper straw and all the attraction of of a cup of coffee with a cigarette floating in it.
So now I’m going to have to pay those bills, it appears.
Sep 26 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
A Transition through Poetry XVII
Art Link Abyss