Author's posts
Jun 24 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion XIV
I’m not sure why I’m including this particular graphic with this particular poem. I’m sure there is something deeply psychological involved. It seemed appropriate, for some reason.
Art Link Satin
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses.
Jun 23 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion XIII
I have learned, over time, to celebrate being Other. The boundaries of human existence are the frontiers of our possibilities.
Art Link Eggstraction
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses.
Jun 22 2008
Café Discovery: Feelings
The other night Debbie asked me to tell her when were the happy times in my life. Was I ever happy?
I told her that, contrary to any outward appearances or to what other people have believed about me, I spend most of my time happy–in my understanding of the word–because I continue to hold out hope that the world will get better and that I have tried to do what I can to help in that process. But I also told her that I get disappointed a lot about the fact that the happiness I have felt has seemed to end up misplaced, that the world has not usually become a better place, no matter what efforts I may make.
That brings me sadness and I don’t like being sad. In the past I have looked for what I can change to eliminate that sadness. What can I do to regain that happiness, even if it has a false face?
Admitting to myself that what I have been doing has failed, that it hasn’t resulted in what I have desired, even if it is valued by others, is the usual first step.
I don’t like being a failure at what I endeavor, but an honest evaluation of my life would display that I have consistently been one.
Jun 21 2008
Friday Philosophy: Diversity
We read. We absorb. We often find thoughts expressed in much better ways than we could ever express them ourselves. Sometimes we seek to share those thoughts, hoping against hope that someone else will see what we see, hear what we hear, feel what we feel.
I’ve been spending a long time reading/reading about William Stafford, a neighbor of days gone by, trying to absorb perhaps what could have been in another happentrack.
The Locomotive’s engineer cast hir mind outwards and sought awareness. The WeaveMothers, those collective consciousnesses which had distilled from the collective knowledge of all creatures in the Greataway were tending their flocks and new happentracks were condensing into existence. SpaceTime expanded. There were new choices for the path of the train to take.
The Storyteller plucked a poem from the past. The Listener perked up. The Passenger slept.
Jun 20 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion XII
It has taken years of learning and self-examination to come to an understanding of myself and gender as it applies to my experience, tentative though they still may remain. According to some, it was unnecessary labor. Everyone is an expert on gender. Without any study…or even very much thought. They know so much more than I do, to the point where they can so easily invalidate my existence.
Art Link Shades
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses.
This is an open thread.
Jun 19 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion XII
It has taken years of learning and self-examination to come to an understanding of myself and gender as it applies to my experience, tentative though they still may remain. According to some, it was unnecessary labor. Everyone is an expert on gender. Without any study…or even very much thought. They know so much more than I do, to the point where they can so easily invalidate my existence.
Art Link Shades
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses.
This is an open thread.
Jun 19 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion XI
Sound bytes have their uses, but can be quite limiting as well.
Art Link Knot
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. I’m hoping to instigate something more appropriate.
Jun 18 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion X
So what was I going to say from that forum I tentatively occupied. It was painfully going to be about me much of the time, but I had to have an underlying message.
One learns. One teaches.
Art Link Red Neon
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. Currently mine is a little constipated when I would prefer it be syncopated.
Jun 18 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion X
So what was I going to say from that forum I tentatively occupied. It was painfully going to be about me much of the time, but I had to have an underlying message.
One learns. One teaches.
Art Link Red Neon
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. Currently mine is a little constipated when I would prefer it be syncopated.
Jun 17 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion IX
Ultimately, being invisible doesn’t help anybody, especially not yourself. Visibility comes back when one develops one’s voice. If you speak up, people stare. While they stare, it helps to have something to say.
If people are going to give you a podium, you should put it to use.
Art Link Colors
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. Currently mine is a little constipated when I would prefer it be syncopated.
Jun 16 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion VIII
Art Link Working with Silver
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. I’m hoping some more new poems can be anticipated.
Jun 15 2008
Café Discovery: The Unfather
Every year is the same. Father’s Day shows up, an uninvited guest which has already used up the first three days of its visit (as per the old saying) and is beginning to resemble the dead fish way too much.
O.E. fæder, from P.Gmc. *fader (cf. O.N. faðir, Ger. vater), from PIE *p@ter (cf. Sanskit pitar−, Gk. pater, L. pater, O.Pers. pita, O.Ir. athir “father”), presumably from baby-speak sound like pa. The classic example of Grimm’s Law, where PIE “p−” becomes Gmc. “f−.” Spelling with −th− (16c.) reflects widespread phonetic shift in M.E. that turned −der to −ther in many words; spelling caught up to pronunciation in 1500s (cf. burden, murder). Fatherland (1623) is a loan-translation of Ger. Vaterland, itself a loan-translation of L. patria (terra), lit. “father’s land.” Father’s Day dates back to 1910 in Spokane, Wash., but was not widespread until 1943, in imitation of Mother’s Day.
I mostly want to go hide somewhere, so I’ll mostly be watching men play golf. Go figure. It’s most assuredly not a good way to avoid Father’s Day.
Last year I wrote the following, which flashes back to an even earlier post in another SpaceTime. It made the Rec List at the Orange. Think of it as a way for me not to have to write something new.