Author's posts
Jun 14 2008
Friday Philosophy: Straight Talk
I would be a fool not have doubts about posting some of the things I write. I would be more of a fool if I let that stop me from posting them.
I’m a lesbian. I’m not a gay man. I’m not a man of any sort, though I am aware that there are many people who disagree with me on that.
Because I am a lesbian, I have the social liberty to speak out. It’s really hard to find a straight transwoman who will speak up. Did you ever wonder why?
Jun 13 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion VII
Cheers to the art and the poem being created synergistically (not a word I like to use, but use ’em or lose ’em). When I look back on it, I consider the time around the creation of this to be one of my most creative periods.
Art Link Carving
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. Currently mine is a little constipated when I would prefer it be syncopated.
Jun 12 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion VI
I changed. I am a changeling.
People change as they grow. Changing some things, though, meets with social appropation. In order to survive, one must have a base to stand firm upon.
I am and always will be a learner and teacher. And I will do both to the best of my ability. Some believed this should have been taken away from me, that I was no longer capable. Why? All changing meant was that I would have more to teach.
I will learn. I will teach. And I will live an examined life.
Art Link Sensory Input
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses.
Jun 11 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion V
Art Link Who?
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. Currently mine is a little constipated when I would prefer it be syncopated.
Jun 10 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion IV
Art Link Coming Out
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. Currently mine is a little constipated when I would prefer it be syncopated.
Jun 09 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion III
Art Link Flower
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. Currently mine is a little constipated when I would prefer it be syncopated.
Jun 08 2008
Café Discovery: Nine comments
Nine Comments
Yesterday was interesting. There were so many comments I made which I could have expanded upon…whole chapters in their own right. What generally happens at a time like that is that nothing happens. The comments just drift away into nothingness.
So I grabbed an assortment and decided to comment on the comments. And stuff happens. If it weren’t for the fact that my computer is currently crashing, I might have selected an assortment of thoughts from those responses and turned them into a poem. Sometimes, however, stuff doesn’t happen.
For those looking for an etymological moment, I give you
From late O.E. wimman (pl. wimmen), lit. “woman-man,” alteration of wifman (pl. wifmen), a compound of wif “woman” (see wife) + man “human being” (in O.E. used in ref. to both sexes; see man).
You see, the thing is that originally man (or homo in Latin) meant human being. Wer (or Vir in Latin) meant male man. Wif meant female man. They were less knowledgeable about other possibilities at that time than we should be today…one would think.
In the late 1200s (after the signing of the Magna Carta, one might notice) wer stopped being and man became the word used to refer to a male human. Those things we said before about human beings? They now mean males only.
Cf. Du. vrouwmens “wife,” lit. “woman-man.” The formation is peculiar to Eng. and Du. Replaced older O.E. wif, quean as the word for “female human being.” The pronunciation of the singular altered in M.E. by the rounding influence of −w−; the plural retains the original vowel. Women’s liberation is attested from 1966; women’s rights is from 1840, with an isolated example in 1632.
Jun 07 2008
Friday Philosophy: Looking back at the present
The WeaveMothers agreed with a request to vibrate a string. They were whole as well as individual.
Maybe the unit would understand.
Imagine a future. In my future, you would choose a good one, one good for coexistence on this planet as long as we all have to live here.
See if you can act so as to turn reality towards that future. Plan. Create or discover the necessary resources. Shape a scheme.
Set up the dominoes, as many as you can build, and try to find the words that will generate the change you seek. You will undoubtedly fail. Analyze feedback. Loop. Hope for convergence. Better yet, design for it.
Jun 06 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion II
Art Link Purple with Beading
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. Personally, sometimes mine seems corrugated.
Jun 06 2008
I am providing below the blueprints for this monstrosity I call a blog structure. There are some parts undone, some parts neglected, and it is not completely decorated with the poetry and the art.
I find it easier to rearrange if I can see it in a venue like this. Since I have some other work to publish this weekend, I’m publishing this tonight. Order will change as time passes. Newer works will be added. Some will find their place.
Part of the difficulty with producing that book that several of you have been demanding is my tendency to believe that my words should be free. Here they are at that price.
Jun 05 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
State of the Onion I
Art Link Pencil and Wax
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. Personally, sometimes mine seems corrugated.
Jun 04 2008
Muse in the Morning
Muse in the Morning |
Please join us on the inside to celebrate, venerate, regenerate and/or motivate our muses. Personally, sometimes mine seem corrugated.