Author's posts

DoJ: Torture Sometimes Legal

From the NY Times: Letters Give C.I.A. Tactics a Legal Rationale: In response to a congressional request, the Department of Justice has written a letter claiming that it is sometimes legal to torture. Well, the NY Times hesitates to use the actual word T.O.R.T.U.R.E. Here’s how they say it, you know, in language that befits the grey lady. Ahem.

The Justice Department has told Congress that American intelligence operatives attempting to thwart terrorist attacks can legally use interrogation methods that might otherwise be prohibited under international law.

“Otherwise be prohibited under international law.” Translation: Illegal.

The Paradox of Human Rights

A wise young woman whom I’ve never met, spoken with, or corresponded with, but whom I feel like I know, once said: “All you have to do to qualify for human rights is be human.” In those 13 words, she elegantly summed up both the ultimate meaning of the claim for human rights and the origin of their breach. The very articulation of human rights traces their prior transgression. Without humans wronged, there is no need for a claim of human rights

The claim for human rights is a simple proposition: “I am human.” But this claim depends upon recognition and accord. The one who violates the rights of the other does so precisely because this claim of humanity is not recognized or falls on deaf ears.

Thus the paradox of human rights: There where they need to be asserted, they are precisely denied. When I most need to say “I am human,” I cannot. I need you to say my I, the I that is being violated, negated, erased.  

CIA Acknowledges it has 7000+ Documents Related to Torture and Rendition

Just a quickie, because this seems like news to me.

From the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR):

For the first time, the CIA has acknowledged that extensive records exist relating to its use of enforced disappearances and secret prisons,” said Curt Goering, AIUSA senior deputy executive director. “Given what we already know about documents written by Bush administration officials trying to justify torture and other human rights crimes, one does not need a fertile imagination to conclude that  the real reason for refusing to disclose these documents has more to do with avoiding disclosure of criminal activity than national security.


Celebrate it. I know, I know, everyday is 420, but today it is, uh, like, really 4/20, man. And it’s a full moon too. So light ’em up, listen to this tune and join me after the jump.


One Foot Out

Embedding–great for videoclips, not so much for journalists or critical thinkers.

Unembed yourself.

Don’t completely identify with the representations that you most prefer.

Keep one foot out.

One of the difficulties with this critical distancing, or ironic stance, necessary, imho, for critical thinking, is that it is in tension with the activist need to present unalloyed support for whatever candidate or cause.

While I do believe that any Democratic president would be exponentially better than John McCain, and I am a Barack Obama supporter, I harbor only slim hope that a Dem president and a Dem congress will really accomplish our progressive goals. What will you do in 2012 if/when the Dems have once again disappointed us?

It is still important, imho, to try and progressivize electoral politics, but it is also necessary to keep a critical distance from the entire enterprise itself, indeed from the dominant values of “our” culture itself.

From the Irony File: Mount Misery

Master Thomas at length said he would stand it no longer. I had lived with him nine months, during which time he had given me a number of severe whippings, all to no good purpose. He resolved to put me out, as he said, to be broken; and, for this purpose, he let me for one year to a man named Edward Covey. Mr. Covey was a poor man, a farm-renter. He rented the place upon which he lived, as also the hands with which he tilled it. Mr. Covey had acquired a very high reputation for breaking young slaves, and this reputation was of immense value to him … Added to the natural good qualities of Mr. Covey, he was a professor of religion–a pious soul–a member and a class-leader in the Methodist church. All of this added weight to his reputation as a “nigger-breaker.” I was aware of all the facts, having been made acquainted with them by a young man who had lived there. I nevertheless made the change gladly; for I was sure of getting enough to eat, which is not the smallest consideration to a hungry man.

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Going Metta

No, smarty pants, it’s not a typo.

I’m not talking about meta as it’s used around here to denote blog talk about blog.

I’m talking about mettā–the Buhddist understanding of unconditioned loving-kindness, compassion for all sentient beings. Before you non-DFHs (are there any of you here?!) click the hell out of here, here’s a lotus blossom, offered in the spirit of mettā. Please stay.

As progressives, Democrats, leftists of all stripes, what really brings us together more than the idea that peace, justice, and equality are the only worthy goals? We may have various conceptions of these grand words and ideas and how to achieve them, but ultimately we all believe in the possibility of a just and peaceful world.

Human Rights Watch: Dems are “cowardly”

Tonight I had the tremendous opportunity to hear Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch give a lecture on Defending Rights without Courts and Judges: War Stories from Around the World and Our Backyard. I’ve long admired HRW and Roth. Many of you have probably seen him speak or read him, and you know what a thoughtful, articulate, and humorous person he is, and I must say I left the lecture feeling both hopeful about the world and hopeless about our nation–how’s that for a powerful evening?  

GITMO: Where Are You?

GITMO: where are you?

You are not in Cuba. You are not in the U.S.

You are not in the law.

You are nothing but the law. Not the law as vehicle of justice, but law as the articulation of brute power.

People turn away from GITMO because it reveals the violence that ultimately grants the law its authority, its power.

We the People: Pwned?

Political bottom.

I think I might’ve hit it. But I’m not sure whether to lie here and scream, ROPBLMAO, or jump up and feel the ground under my feet and start again.

That great, weird, silly, grand orange place has motivated my activism, educated me, strengthened and inspired me and also annoyed and frustrated me, disillusioned me, and exasperated me. The whole symphony of emotion has here been played. We’ve argued and laughed and cried there. Whatever the case may be–I’ve found community there and here: safe harbors in the turbulent waters of our times.

But now, I really gotta ask y’all: “We the People” — have we been pwned? What if the noble experiment is but a laughable fantasy?

NYC Docudharma Meetup: Changing Plans Edition? A Saturday Meetup?

Hey, y’all, just a quickie essay. But, hey, it can still be lotsa fun! 😉

We had been planning to do an NYC Docudharma meetup on Wedenesday, November 14. With drinks at drinky time … 6ish? with a cultural outing earlier on to stimulate the sensorium, wear out the tootsies, and get us ready for drinky-time.

Some of you said you’d be able to make it, some of you no, and some of you maybe ..

Then, dear Victory Coffee informed me that she will be in the city but days later on the weekend. And we wondered if that change of date might work better for others too …

So …. I want to put out a call and see if more Docuponies would be able to make a meetup on Saturday, November 17th … If so, we’ll find a super-cool, but untrendy spot, so we don’t have to deal with crowds!

What say you all? Who could meet up on Saturday, November 17th? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Mebbe if we have it on the weekend more out-of-towners could make it too!

If you don’t, sweet pf8, may beat you up! jk!

11/14: NYC DocuDharma Meet-up

Hey friends. Following up on the call I put out a few weeks ago for an NYC DocuDharma meetup.

So who’s coming and where should we meet-up?

Shall we meet for drinks at 6? and where?

pfiore may come into the city earlier so we can make a trip to the Frick Museum. Anyone else up for that? We could see amazing things like this Vermeer painting: Mistress and Maid. vermeer

I hope herding DocuPonies is easier than herding cats!

NYCers I know you are out there! And I know that some of you are close if not in the Empire State.

Make the trek! Let’s meet up in the flesh and eat drink and make merry. Oh, yeah, and talk politics, and plot the future, and figure out our eutopia!

Here’s pfiore8 and I having fun the last time we met up (which was also actually the first time!) washdc 027

OK, fellow DocuDharmists, let’s get organized, and then let’s have some fun on November 14 in the Big Apple!

We’ve got the WHEN so now we just need to figure out the

  • WHERE?
  • and WHO? a rough head count–actually I guess this may affect the WHERE?

Sheesh, this is some hard work! But I’m sure we can figure it out!

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