Category: News

Weekend News Digest

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1 APEC: Financial crisis to be overcome in 18 months

By JOSEPH COLEMAN, Associated Press Writer

31 mins ago

LIMA, Peru – The global financial crisis can be overcome within 18 months by acting “quickly and decisively,” Pacific Rim leaders said Sunday as they pledged to make food cheaper, governments cleaner and markets more open.

But the 21 leaders, who represent more than half the world’s economic power, offered few details of their recovery plan. The biggest accomplishment of the two-day summit was broadening support for the Washington Declaration made last weekend by major economies, pledging to maintain free trade despite domestic pressures.

“We are convinced that we can overcome this crisis in a period of 18 months,” the leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum said. “We have already taken urgent and extraordinary steps to stabilize our financial sectors and strengthen economic growth.”

Weekend News Digest

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From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Nepal’s Buddha boy returns to jungle to meditate

By BINAJ GURUBACHARYA, Associated Press Writer

2 hrs 47 mins ago

KATMANDU, Nepal – A Nepalese teenager revered by many as a reincarnation of Buddha has returned to the jungle to meditate after emerging for less than two weeks, officials said Saturday.

Ram Bahadur Bamjan, 18, reappeared on Nov. 10 after several months of meditation to bless thousands of his followers, speaking to them on at least two occasions.

He made his last appearance on Friday and then returned to the jungle to meditate, said Biswo Prakash Newpane, a government administrator in the area. It was not clear when he would return again.

The Stars Hollow Gazette

digby- Back to The Future

Bill Bennett just said that he thought the new president would have his biggest fights with Henry Waxman and said that he himself would side with the president. That’s very interesting and it tracks with my ongoing observation that village is airbrushing Bush out of history and the last eight years never happened. In fact, they are in the process of disappearing McCain too.

Christopher Hitchens said it directly last night on Larry King:

The Clinton era is over. That’s why we voted for Obama.


Actually I completely understand why Hitchens would want to pretend that’s true. After all, he has written some of the most embarrassing garbage it’s possible for any quasi sober person to write over the last eight years. If I were he, I’d want a mulligan too.

(Extended Hitchens quote- ek)

After all that, he’s back to clucking hysterically about the “immoral” Clintons just like every other Bush supporter and sophomoric media drone trying to make everyone forget how epically wrong they were during the past eight years.

Sorry, fellas, I don’t think we’re going to be able to let that happen. The political system may not be interested in accountability, so they will live to fight another day. But we do have memory — and they will never be able to get away with disappearing their criminal stupidity.

People forget.

Video and lyrics below the fold.

The Morning News

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From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Big 3 carmakers beg for  5B, warn of catastrophe

By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, Associated Press Writer

11 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Detroit’s Big Three automakers pleaded with a reluctant Congress Tuesday for a $25 billion lifeline to save the once-proud titans of U.S. industry, pointedly warning of a national economic catastrophe should they collapse. Millions of layoffs would follow their demise, they said, as damaging effects rippled across an already-faltering economy.

But the new rescue plan appeared stalled on Capitol Hill, opposed by the Bush administration and Republicans in Congress who don’t want to dip into the Treasury Department’s $700 billion financial bailout program to come up with the $25 billion in loans.

“Our industry … needs a bridge to span the financial chasm that has opened up before us,” General Motors Corp. CEO Rick Wagoner told the Senate Banking Committee. He blamed the industry’s predicament not on management failures but on the deepening global financial crisis.

Weekend News Digest

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From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 US supply line threatened by Pakistan truck halt

By RIAZ KHAN and FISNIK ABRASHI, Associated Press Writer

1 hr 19 mins ago

PESHAWAR, Pakistan – Pakistan temporarily barred oil tankers and container trucks from a key passageway to Afghanistan, threatening a critical supply route for U.S. and NATO troops on Sunday and raising more fears about security in the militant-plagued border region.

Confirmation of the suspension came as U.S.-led coalition troops reported killing 30 insurgents in fighting in southern Afghanistan and detaining two militant leaders – both in provinces near Pakistan’s lawless border.

Al-Qaida and Taliban fighters are behind much of the escalating violence along the lengthy, porous Afghan-Pakistan border, and both nations have traded accusations that the other was not doing enough to keep militants out from its side.

Weekend News Digest

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49 Stories.  Now with U.S. News.

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Election spurs ‘hundreds’ of race threats, crimes


26 mins ago

Cross burnings. Schoolchildren chanting “Assassinate Obama.” Black figures hung from nooses. Racial epithets scrawled on homes and cars.

Incidents around the country referring to President-elect Barack Obama are dampening the postelection glow of racial progress and harmony, highlighting the stubborn racism that remains in America.

From California to Maine, police have documented a range of alleged crimes, from vandalism and vague threats to at least one physical attack. Insults and taunts have been delivered by adults, college students and second-graders.

New Jersey Loses A Good One

A little bit of shuffling in New Jersey’s state government leading up to next year’s elections.  New Jersey holds state elections in the “odd-numbered” years – in 2009 there will be a gubernatorial election with incumbent Gov. Jon Corzine (D-Hoboken) running for a second term, while all 80 seats in New Jersey’s General Assembly (the Lower House of the NJ State Legislature, currently controlled by Democrats 48-32) will be up for election.  Elections for seats in the Upper House (the NJ State Senate, currently controlled by Democrats 23-17) are held in years ending in 1, 3 and 7.  A “2-4-4 cycle” in order to reflect redistricting changes due to the Census.

In the midst of a recent certain other (heh…) important and closely-watched election, came news that Charles Kuperus, the head of New Jersey’s Department of Agriculture, has resigned the position he’s held for the past six years after originally being appointed by former Governor Jim McGreevey.

As someone who grew up in New Jersey, and was a resident as recently as two years ago…I’m sad to say that we lost a really good one here –

“Charlie has been taking the heat from many in the farm community who would rather be able to sell their land to developers, growing houses [rather] than crops,” Tittel said. “He has helped protect farming for the future.”

Crossposted from La Vida Locavore, more below the fold…

The Morning News

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Our Top Story Tonight-

World marks 90th anniversary of Great War

by Philippe Alfroy, AFP

Tue Nov 11, 1:29 pm ET

DOUAUMONT, France (AFP) – Europe on Tuesday marked the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I, with the handful of surviving veterans at the vanguard of commemorations for the fallen of “The War to End All Wars.”

Leaders from the powers that fought the war, now allies, gathered at the site of the 1916 Battle of Verdun, where 300,000 men were slaughtered over 11 months of bloody trench warfare.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy paid homage to the sacrifice and suffering of the war’s “eight and a half million dead, 21 million wounded, four million widows and eight million orphans.”

Weekend News Digest

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Only Politics, Business, and Science left.

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 French say ‘Yes, we can!’ too, to ending racism

By ANGELA CHARLTON, Associated Press Writer

4 mins ago

PARIS – Inspired by Barack Obama, the French first lady and other leading figures say it’s high time for France to stamp out racism and shake up a white political and social elite that smacks of colonial times.

A manifesto published Sunday – subtitled “Oui, nous pouvons!”, the French translation of Obama’s campaign slogan “Yes, we can!” – urges affirmative action-like policies and other steps to turn French ideals of equality into reality for millions of blacks, Arabs and other alienated minorities.

“Our prejudices are insidious,” Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, a singer and wife of President Nicolas Sarkozy, said in an interview with the Journal du Dimanche newspaper, which published the manifesto. She said she hoped the “Obama effect” would reshape French society.

Weekend News Digest

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From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Dem leaders want Bush to help ailing automakers

By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer

16 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Democratic leaders in Congress asked the Bush administration on Saturday to provide more aid to the struggling auto industry, which is bleeding cash and jobs as sales have dropped to their lowest level in a quarter-century.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said in a letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson that the administration should consider expanding the $700 billion bailout to include car companies.

“A healthy automobile manufacturing sector is essential to the restoration of financial market stability, the overall health of our economy, and the livelihood of the automobile sector’s work force,” they wrote. “The economic downturn and the crisis in our financial markets further imperiled our domestic automobile industry and its work force.”

The Morning News

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McCain concedes presidency, congratulates Obama

Associated Press

3 mins ago

Weekend News Digest

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44 Stories.  No Politics, Business, or Science yet.

1 Iraq expects answer on security deal after US vote

By RYAN LUCAS, Associated Press Writer

2 hrs 50 mins ago

BAGHDAD – Iraq expects Washington’s reply on proposed changes to a draft security agreement after the U.S. elections, an aide to the prime minister said Sunday.

Yassin Majeed said the U.S. will respond to Iraq’s amendments to the pact after Tuesday’s elections so the new president-elect can be informed of the status of the talks.

Since May, U.S. and Iraqi officials have been trying to hammer out a new security agreement by the end of the year that would keep U.S. troops in the country until 2011.

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