Onward to West Virginia! After duping fewer of the “white niggers” in the Hoosier state into believing that she is some sort of brawling, beer drinking, elbow wrestling, blue collar ‘one of them’ the bitter and recalcitrant monster that is Hillary Rodham-Clinton moves the goalposts one more time. The non-elitist who just happens to be worth somewhere in the neighborhood of at least $ 109 million dug around in the sofa cushions in order to lend her never ending crusade another $ 6 million and change in order to remain solvent while the operatives work their chicanery and try to strong arm, sweet talk, cajole and bribe those superdelegates into getting with the fucking program and throwing in the Clinton restoration – when will those fuckers get it that Tracy Flick 2008 is entitled to the presidency goddammit?
Category: Politics
May 06 2008
Fight For Your Right…. To Orgasm
I caught this little ditty over at the Broadsheet section at Salon.
An Ecuadorian politician recently set off a monsoon of machismo by reportedly attempting to write a woman’s right to sexual satisfaction into the state’s constitution. Maria Soledad Vela’s pro-pleasure argument was called “ridiculous” and an attempt to “decree orgasm by law” by male lawmakers. A local newspaper spoke with a man who actually likened the legislation to “life in prison.” (Surely, he’s a bunch of fun in bed.) But, all she’s asking for is required public health education that acknowledges women aren’t unfeeling breeding machines. (¡Qué horrible!) Soledad Vela says she isn’t demanding the right to an orgasm, but, as the BBC puts it, “merely the right to enjoy sex in a free, fair and more open society” — and if that means greater orgasms, which it probably does, then so be it.
In conservative Ecuador, that’s a dangerous political platform; and that’s why, even though I realize it’s only Monday, I’m nominating Maria Soledad Vela as Broadsheet’s woman of the week
My question: why don’t American politicians ever have the innovative ideas any more?
I double dog dare a leading politician here in the land of the free to propose that kind of amendment.
Meanwhile…. Joan Walsh gives an eye rolling summary of a soon to appear Michael Wolff piece in Vanity Fair. You can read it here.
May 06 2008
Why Rush Limbaugh thinks THE ENVIRONMENTALIST is ‘unfriendly’
Recently, THE ENVIRONMENTALIST published an article entitled: Hillary Clinton’s ‘Victory’ in Pennsylvania: The Rush Limbaugh Effect. The article discusses the potential impact on the primary numbers by those influenced to change their registration from Republican to Democrat, in order to vote for Hillary Clinton, as part of Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos.”
Today, our managing editor was informed that Mr. Limbaugh had mentioned our magazine on his radio show.
His comments and her response is here:
May 05 2008
Bushco’s Politics of Fear, Eternal War, Are Crippling America
A truly enlightening article by Fareed Zakaria in Newsweek, ‘The Post-American World.’ Chronicling the rise of the rest of the world and the demise of America… as it turned into an imperialist warmonger under Bush after 9/11.
It is a somewhat long, but easy read, so I am taking a few liberties with fair use…and cherry picking a bit to make my point. Zakaria’s emphasis is on the rise of the rest of the world, which other than the implications for Climate Crisis, lol, is very positive and eye opening. My cherry picking point is that by propagandizing the America people into a state of paralytic fear and emphasizing the absolute worst nature of America, destruction over construction…Bushco has has led our nation into grave danger. Not the danger of terrorist attack, but the very real danger of destroying ourselves by bankrupting America financially, morally, and intellectually. We are far down that slippery slope. By the time we can gain our footing and begin to climb back…the world will have passed us by. But other than as a crushing blow to our national pride… which is a HUGE part of how we got here in the first place…is that a bad thing?
Americans are glum at the moment. No, I mean really glum. In April, a new poll revealed that 81 percent of the American people believe that the country is on the “wrong track.” In the 25 years that pollsters have asked this question, last month’s response was by far the most negative. Other polls, asking similar questions, found levels of gloom that were even more alarming, often at 30- and 40-year highs.
May 04 2008
Crackpot Theories on McCain
crossposted from orange
I am going into speculative territory here about John McCain.
There’s something bugging me about him. Yes, I know the press treats him as they do all Republicans — with even a little added approval because he knows how to play them. The press loves the whole “maverick” conceit, keeps them from having to think about who he really is and analyze what he says and does from a rational point of view.
But the more I think about who John McCain is, the more I come up with a blank, a disconnect I find disturbing.
May 04 2008
The Latest News – Three Must Reads
New guest contributors (and our staff) have managed to break new ground with these posts:
The Gas Tax ‘Holiday’ Shell Game
Senators Hillary Clinton and John McCain have challenged Senator Barack Obama over his refusal to support their proposal that would suspend the .18 Federal gas tax for three months this summer. ~snip~ The lone ‘expert’ in support of Senators Clinton and McCain in this scenario so far? Spokesman for the Clinton campaign and SHELL OIL LOBBYIST, Steve Elmendorf.
Hillary Clinton’s ‘Victory’ in Pennsylvania: The Rush Limbaugh Effect
What if Democratic voters and the uncommitted super-delegates come to learn that Rush Limbaugh had a greater impact on Hillary Clinton’s victory in Pennsylvania, and maybe Texas and Ohio, than say, the Reverend Wright, and the so-called ‘bitter’ comments?
‘Friends of the Earth’ endorse Obama
The Friends of the Earth Action, the PAC political arm of The Friends of the Earth environmental organization, has endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President, citing Senator Obama’s stand for “real energy solutions instead of sham Clinton-McCain ‘gas tax holiday'” as the key reason for endorsement.
May 02 2008
writing in the raw: home again
I am back in Flemington NJ. I left home when I was 31 to come here and live with my boyfriend. I think they thought I would never leave. And I never really wanted to leave. They were right about that. I liked being a child. I liked that I could always got to my mom’s house when I was sick. Or that I could always knock on my dad’s door for pasta at midnight after a wild night out…
No. I wasn’t looking for a mate. I was happy with a boyfriend.
May 02 2008
Are Iowans Always Polite? Not When McCain Comes to Town
John McCain made a campaign stop in Iowa today and held a town-hall meeting at the Polk County Convention Center in Des Moines. It was attended by lots of typical up-tight Iowa Republicans, who clap politely when McCain talks about wars in Iraq and Iran, tax cuts for the rich, wacky economic ideas like the gas-tax holiday, etc.
Unfortunately for McCain, the town-hall was also attended by a Baptist minister named Marty Parrish.
Parrish stepped up to the microphone and politely asked McCain:
This question goes to mental health and mental health care. Previously, I’ve been married to a woman that was verbally abusive to me. Is it true that you called your wife a cunt?
May 01 2008
Comedy Central’s “Lil Bush” on McCain…
May 01 2008
The Roots of Wright: Segregation and the Unfamiliar
This is a diary I posted on dkos yesterday. I am pleased enough with it that I want to make it my first post here on docudharma. Looking around the site and seeing who is posting here, I recognize a lot of names as people I respect from dkos and have seen a lot less of recently. So I expect to be here more as a haven from the relentless Obama diaries. Although this is technically an Obama essay concerning an absurd media “issue,” the point of this diary is to take a look at race, and to make explicit the racism behind the Rev. Wright controversy.
(But one thing first: because I can, I want to say right off the top that you have to be an idiot to blithely assume there is no chance that 9/11 was a conspiracy. Ahhhh! The smell of freedom.)
Oh yeah, and thanks to pfiore8 for inviting me here.
So here goes nothing. Please be kind.
Apr 30 2008
The New Revolution
The New Revolution
I trust that it’s become clear by now that some US citizens are under siege. I use that word guardedly. If under siege, we are in self-defense mode. That means we can take whatever measures necessary to defend ourselves. We have that right. It can’t be taken away under threat, because the threat itself gives us the right to defend ourselves.
If we are at risk of our lives if we don’t respond, that is a threat. If the threat is just to a few of us, the case for siege is hard to make. It’s a matter of where to draw the line between ‘falling through the cracks’ and stopping those cracks from opening to swallow more of us. Where to draw the line between things like misfeasance or malfeasance, and outright siege that will destroy more and more us? Readers will decide where to draw that line, where the tipping point is between neglect and abuse for a few who don’t matter enough (your choice), and neglect and abuse for so many people that it has to be called a siege. Here are some pointers.
Apr 30 2008
a view from the cheap seats
Rev. Jeremiah Wright. He’s a liberation theologian. He was Barack Obama’s pastor in Chicago. And now, Rev. Wright has been placed in the spot light, where he’s made some outrageous statements. Like the government of the United States is responsible for terrorist attacks. Rev. Wright said our gov’t invented the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color.
I sit here and wonder, why does anybody think these statements are outrageous. How, in the spectrum of bullshit that has been perpetrated in the years since Richard Nixon, can anyone seriously get worked up over what this man has said???
Our government has lied us into war, supported brutal regimes to protect global corporate interests and, along the way, has exposed its own citizens to radiation and used citizens as lab rats to track the course, over decades, of syphilis. It appears that our country has a history of experimenting on its citizens.
If we believe, as almost 100% of the leftosphere does, that our government lied to get us into Iraq, then how is it so far fetched to think they had a hand in the 9/11 attacks? Add it all up. Take a look at every outrageous thing that George Bush et al have done in this country and then come here, to my face, and tell me Rev. Wright is outrageous.
Barack Obama. You’re a coward man. This country and the world is being eaten alive by vampires. And you want to get up in front of me and tell me you’re distancing yourself from Rev. Wright?
Are you kidding me, Sen. Obama? Why haven’t you stood up and distanced yourself from George Bush, Gates, Pretraeus, Mukasey, Cheney, and all the the blood suckers feeding off of us?????
Why? That’s all I want to know. Why? At least Rev. Wright has reasons to be mad, to say crazy things. He’s seen blacks in this country marginalized and left to drug dealers, the prison industry, underfed, and growing up on mean streets.
But you, in my estimation, stand with George Bush. And all the parlor game crowd. Fall into line. Go ahead. Another step back for all of us, sir. All of us.