I try to be even keeled.
After all, I have been watching this shit, this slow erosion of the HUMANITY part of our country, of our laws and politics, for all of my life. The death of individual rights by fiat of evil executives and judicial rulings and now for the last seven horror filled years, the brutal assault on everything that some of us hold dear about America, everything that is high and noble, about our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the wonderful Declaration that made all of this possible.
I have watched them take, or try to take ALL that is good about America away, out back, to be thrown in the dumpster. The things that set America apart from all the other nations…the written and codified guarantees that the Person was and is more important that the State. That Freedom was more important than government. That government itself ONLY existed to raise up and protect The People, and was not an entity unto itself…with it’s needs and wants transcending and trumping those of the citizens it was created to serve.