As everyone knows by now, and what every New Yorker has known since the 80’s, Donald Trump is a con artist who lie and cheat even when he is winning. Most bankers and contractors eventually learned the hard way, losing millions along the way. Donald probably only ran for president because he saw it as …
Category: Politics
Mar 20 2019
Stay Just A Little Bit Longer
So much for that “period of unemployment:” A Justice Department official declined to comment on whether the delay in Rosenstein’s departure means Mueller is still not ready to deliver his report. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will stay at the Justice Department “a little longer,” according to a senior department official. Rosenstein had previously said …
Mar 07 2019
The Russian Connection: Manafort Sentenced
Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison on five counts of tax fraud, one count of hiding his foreign bank accounts and two counts of bank fraud, far below the minimum sentencing guidelines of 19 to 24 years. “I think the sentencing range is excessive,” U.S. District Judge T.S. …
Mar 06 2019
About Damn Time
Up Date 19:30 3/6: Via Raw Story: After the recent reports that Fox News has openly become an extension of President Donald Trump‘s White House, the Democratic National Committee announced it would not partner with the network for any primary debates. Trump responded to the news by saying that he might refuse to go to …
Jan 30 2019
The Russian Connection: Protecting The Evil Spawn
In early January, it was reported the the Mueller grand jury had been given a six month extension so it could continue to hear evidence and issue indictments. In recent months, there have been several signs Mueller’s grand jury would press on. Several associates of Trump adviser Roger Stone have received grand jury subpoenas. One …
Jan 28 2019
The Russian Connection: House GOP Obstruction
Now that the House GOP is the minority party, they are still finding ways to scuttle any investigation into the Russian interference in the 2016 election and Donald Trump’s conspiracy to become president. In a segment on The Rachel Maddow Show, the Good Doctor Maddow explained how the Republicans are digging to slow the process …
Jan 25 2019
Trump’s Retreat
I’ve been saying this to my family and friends since the Trump-McConnell shutdown began: when this starts to impact air traffic it will end immediately. Seems I was prescient. On Wednesday the head of the Air Traffic Controllers Association along with the unions for pilots and flight attendants warned that the shutdown was imperiling aviation …
Jan 13 2019
The Russian Connection: The Manchurian Candidate
In the novel, The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, published in 1959, the story is of an infantry platoon captured during the Korean conflict. The platoon members are brainwashed to believe that their Sargent, Robert Shaw, heroically saved their lives. Unbeknownst to them, Shaw, who is a member of a powerful political family, has been …
Nov 27 2018
The Russian Connection: Manafort Met With Assange
What is it with these Trump characters? They don’t seem to be able to stop lying even after they’ve been cornered and confronted with the facts. It has to be pathological because it certainly isn’t for self preservation. As ek hornbeck wrote earlier, yesterday it was reported that Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort lied …
Sep 19 2018
Hillary Speaks
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow sat down with former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. They touched on many topics from the upcoming midterm elections to the controversial confirmation hearing to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Here are the highlights of their discussion. In the first segment, they spoke about …
Sep 14 2018
The Russian Connection: Manafort Agrees To Cooperate With Mueller
It has been speculated for awhile that Donald Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort would agree to a plea deal and cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign collaboration with Russia to win the 20116 election. In order to avoid another costly trial that he would inevitably loose, Friday morning Manafort pleaded …