Category: Community

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

State of the Onion VI

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He was

I am and will be

It took a sharp blade to divide us

He carried me through tough times

and brought me to where I could be

but it was unbearable

too utterly suffocating

and bitterly ravaging

that he lived while I hid

wasting away

slowly rotting

the years away

a life mislived

It was him

or both of us

There was only one vessel

One had to die

I chose

I chose him

I do not regret that he lived

I am who he wished he could be

but could not manage

to be

Not to be

was the alternative

so I chose

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–January 25, 2006

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

State of the Onion V

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Sensory Input

A Teacher

What more could

anyone want to be

than a studier

learning what one wants

or needs to learn

so that one can

learn more

each nugget of wisdom

parsed again and again

into 17 different contexts

just for the fun of it

joyously reading

for the knowledge contained

or just to view

the style

in which it was presented

levels upon levels

of viewpoints

and knowledge

always knowledge

deeper and broader

at the edge

of human experience

and beyond

forever knowledge

both profound and absurd

and eventually

for the lucky industrious few

getting paid to think

and help others

along their own paths

to enlightenment?

I am a teacher

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–February 22, 2006

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

State of the Onion IV

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Coming Out

Layers of Being

Like the layers

of an onion

I peel away

the layers

of who I am

boy student

athlete man


longhaired hippie freak

Like the layers

of an onion

each new layer

of myself

reveals nuance

taoist husband

father soldier

socialist  teacher

commie pinko pacifist

Like the layers

of an onion

peeling further


a richer me

woe-man poet

tranny activist

lesbian artist

gay homo dyke queer

Like the layers

of an onion

is the truth of

the being

of the human

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–November 4, 2005

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

State of the Onion III

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It started as

a piece of detail

in another work

a small

barely opened bud.

Then it bloomed.

Or is that

the story

of my life?


I forget.

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–November 3. 2005

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

State of the Onion II

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Purple with Beading

Thursday is Queersday

Long away and far ago

when I was young and naive

wearing purple on Thursday

meant one was most likely queer

as it was called at the time

Though I didn’t truly know

couldn’t really comprehend

what it entailed to be queer

I still didn’t wear purple

on Thursdays or any day

For that I am yet ashamed

The power of fear is great

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 16, 2006

Post-Election Water News

I’m not sure of which the two I am more worried about: food shortages or water scarcity. A lack of water to meet daily needs is a reality for many people around the world and has serious health consequences. I have read that it affects 4 out of 10 people in the world as water demand has more than tripled over the last half-century. Signs of water scarcity have become commonplace. As for the food situation this year, once again world grain harvest is projected to fall somewhat short of consumption due to a number of factors and the new bete noire, ethanol. United States department of agriculture (USDA) data said that in 2007, production of food grain in world was 22 million metric tonnes short of consumption. This year is projected to be a better harvest but by how much? Will there be enough to store? The price of rice has risen by three-quarters in the past year, that of wheat by 130%, and this economic crisis could not have come at a worst time for developing countries as foreign aid is rapidly dwindling to a trickle.

Fortunately Obama will be in charge, the current WH idiot will be a distant memory and better agricultural policies will be put in place.

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

State of the Onion I

Art Link

Pencil and Wax


The words take control

demand to be written

I help guide them

dress them up

slim them down

searching for

clarity, brevity, emotion

hopefully all three

I’m not sure

where they come from

perhaps from the pains

and joys of my life

The words are the blood

in the vessels of my mind

just as feelings are

the blood feeding my soul

Is there any separation

between me and the words?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–January 10, 2006

Victory Cocktails: What are you Drinking?

In our house we went to bed at 6.30am, as we waited for the Obama speech, which was masterfully delivered to a thunderous, energized crowd. Every face glowed with hope, tears of joy were rolling down acres of cheeks, the relief was palpable. Then we watched a few pundits in amusement across the cable news divide, as some suddenly found a few nice words to say about the new president…In France people were dancing in the streets, as they were across Europe. I got calls from Australian friends & family who were partying hard on the heels of this momentous election, and of course most wanted to talk about what to drink next!


I’m in a celebratory mood (and will be for the next few days), let’s talk about what sort of victory drink you may be having…now or later.  

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning




A notion

and intention


Ideas congeal

words emerge

slide into place

some locked

some fit

to be tumbled

pliantly capable

of movement

until unity forms

Structural collapse

conceptual disintegration

and verbal desertion

are neighbors


on the other side

of walls too thin

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 18, 2008

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Not very random poem

The Lure of the Gold


Shouldn’t entitlement

be an increasing function?

Should not our children

be entitled

to more freedom

liberty, joy

and happiness

than we were?

Shouldn’t their children

if they have any

deserve still more?

Or do you speak

of material things?

Do you look to me

as the reason

you don’t have more?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 14, 2008

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Random Poem

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Silky Pillow

No Exit


step into afternoons

step into evenings

stumble into nights

then blessed darkness

interrupted by brief glimpses

of that other world

called dreams

and then I wake

into another morning


becomes a class

becomes grading

and a meeting

I step into more grading

and another class

and another

becomes grading

and then too few

hours of sleep


by weary step

I plod towards a break

any break

in the madness

of constant awareness

I place one foot

in front of the other

as I limp

towards collapse

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 8, 2006

The Elitist Snack & Drink Election Day/Night Celebration Premature Edition

I know this is way too early to write about the sort of celebration we will have next Tuesday night and, ahem, the price we’ll pay the following day: a post-celebration that many of us will suffer as the MOTHER of all HANGOVERS! I spell it EXCESS! When Blake wrote “The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom”, he wasn’t wrong!

Yes, excessive it will be, and we have earned it after enduring 8 years of conveyor-belt propelled BS, false promises, stupid wars, the raping of the constitution, economic downgrading and a lot more. Of course eating right is elitist and since this election is the most important one this century (and possibly the last one) I’m going to throw caution to the wind and celebrate properly by purchasing, bartering, demanding, begging for the primo stuff to be on hand during the long hours of the election results. Here’s to the future!

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