Category: Fiction

Iglesia ……………………………………… Episode 23


(Iglesia is a serialized novel, published on Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight ET, you can read all of the episodes by clicking on the tag.)

Previous Episode and previous pertinent episode!

Well then! She, a good Catholic girl for all of her life, felt like she was in Heaven….but she was wearing a burkha and was standing in what was obviously…now…a mosque. And of course, that meant she was dead. She most assuredly wished to have a word with the manager!

She was starting to feel sharp again instead of feeling all gauzy and disassociated from her body, she threw a couple of punches in the air and jogged in place a bit and felt even more like her old self. Which meant she was starting to get seriously pissed off.

Iglesia ……………………………………… Episode 22

(Iglesia is a serialized novel, published on Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight ET, you can read all of the episodes by clicking on the tag.)

Previous Episode

When he awoke the next time, he was inside a huge piece of wood. Or maybe a tree. Or something. At least that was what it looked like from here, wherever that was.  He blinked a couple of times, but the view stayed the same. He couldn’t figure out how to change that view. After a minute though, he became more oriented. It seemed that he was lying on his back …and he was staring up at the inside of a tree. It was sort of like looking up the inside a chimney, but a chimney made of what looked like…..some sort of soft light yellow, blond cedar, with patches of slightly darker wood where the wood grains became closer and stacked more together and larger, lighter stretches where they became spaced further apart. The intricate grains of the wood formed designs and patterns of shape and color. It was beautiful and soft and warm and smooth and swirled and swooped in and around burls and knobs and condensed and expanded ….and it smelled damn good too!  

Iglesia ……………………………………… Episode 21

(Iglesia is a serialized novel, published on Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight ET, you can read all of the episodes by clicking on the tag.)

Previous Episode



A long dark tunnel with bright light at the end….faint voices.

Well, no.

A corridor actually. Like a hospital. With a few fluorescent fixtures most of them broken. Colored lines, red, blue, yellow, green, brown…laid down in tape that was peeling at the edges. On worn and ugly linoleum. The ‘voices’…a scratchy speaker out of which was coming a womans voice with an English accent, saying “Please follow the yellow line.” When he looked down, there was a piece of used pink bubble gum on the yellow line.

Iglesia ……………………………………… Episode 20

(Iglesia is a serialized novel, published on Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight ET, you can read all of the episodes by clicking on the tag.)

Previous Episode

….and he hadn’t heard.

All he had heard was the pounding of his nearly exploding heart in his ears, all he had seen was the tunnel of red rage intense focused at the treatment of his beloved mother. It was not until he had killed the man….not until he heard the shot, not until he saw them dragging her away…

Iglesia ……………………………………… Episode 19

(Iglesia is a serialized novel, published on Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight ET, you can read all of the episodes by clicking on the tag.)

Previous Episode

As the helicopters swooped past above him, his heart pulled him forward through the jungle. His body did all it could to keep up, running faster then he had ever run in his short life. He knew who they were and he knew what they wanted. The village he had grown up in  was not a hunting village or a farm village or a fishing village….it was a village whose only industry was information. Black Market information.

Iglesia ……………………………………… Episode 18

(Iglesia is a serialized novel, published on Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight ET, you can read all of the episodes by clicking on the tag.)

Previous Episode


She just laid there for a while…feeling.

When she realized she was afraid to close her eyes, it made her brain start up.

Where am I, how did I get here, where’s my gun, what am I going to have for dinner….wait, back up.

Ok, what was her tactical situation here, get a grip think clearly, use your training. She was in a fabulously ornate domed pavilion that was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She was laying motionless on some sort of platform, she had no idea how she got here and her last memory was…….

Iglesia ………………………………………Episode17

(Iglesia is a serialized novel, published on Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight ET, you can read all of the episodes by clicking on the tab.)

Previous Episode


Okay, something was definitely funny about that sky and those clouds.

Her eyes had snapped open this time. She was alert enough now at least, to know she wasn’t alert. There was an immense war waging within her. Half of her was doing everything it could to stay awake and alert. The other half was using everything but the kitchen sink to drag her back down into the darkness of …sleep?

But really the sky shouldn’t be that color, and those clouds definitely had square edges. She realized the clouds were mad out of tiles. She was confused, but she didn’t notice. She tried to turn her head and that is when she realized she wasn’t really in her body. Wasn’t really filling it up anyway…so she did. She turned her head and looked out the window…..sort of thingee over there.

Iglesia ………………………………………Episode16

(Iglesia is a serialized novel, published on Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight ET, you can read all the previous episodes by clicking on the tab.)

Last Episode


Yes, rest would be VERY good….and with that thought expressed, he realized he was indeed resting right now. In a place outside of time and space, he was getting the first real rest he could ever remember. The detachment from the events in the physical world granting him some odd sort of ‘time out.’ He floated and reflected, most decidedly not in any hurry at all. He seemed to have gained some bare measure of control over this process he was undergoing, whatever it was. Some control over his attention it seemed like to him.  In this disembodied state…where whenever or when wherever he thought of in the sequences of his life…he seemed to go. And he was using the minuscule modicum of control he had gained over it to furiously avoid….something. Something he dare not even think about avoiding, lest he lose the power to avoid it.

The Day After Tomorrow Week 14

Cross posted at Wild, Wild Left my little blog, and My Left Wing.

Part One Here

Part Two Here

Its been a while, I know.  Things have changed a lot for us.

The weather broke, finally, spring is in the air.  Its funny, the plants don’t seem to care or notice how much has changed. We hold on, hoping my husband will come back from that store 11 weeks ago.  It’s less than a mile away. I haven’t given up on him, and hope he was conscripted by the right side. Jake’s fever broke when I boiled some willow bark for him.  Thank God for my library and having all those “nature” and “medicinal plant” books I bought years ago. One woman’s husband just made it here today, after being gone even longer. He claims that both sides are just kind of giving up, letting people go, more worried about survival now. I can only hope, wait, pray in the way I do.

Iglesia ………………………………… Episode 15

Iglesia is a serialized novel, published on Tuesdays an Saturdays at midnight ET, you can read all the previous episodes by clicking on the tab.

Last Saturdays Episode


And that terrible thing was being dragged away from the nipple. While he was still hungry for Life. And not just that, but being dragged away from his mother completely, dragged away from the only world he had ever known, as a human. Her heart beat had been the soundtrack to his short ‘life.’ Her warmth his constant companion. And now added to all of the indignities and traumas he had experienced in the last small highly compressed period of time he was removed from her….separated, yet again. And helplessly and fearfully and terribly…there was not a damn thing he could do about it.  

Iglesia ………………………………… Episode 14


(Tuesday’s Episode….and you can read all the episodes by clicking on the tag!)


And that wonderful thing was a nipple.




Iglesia ………………………………… Episode 13


(Last week’s episode……and you can read the entire series by clicking on the tag!)


Time slowed.

He actually heard the hammer of the handgun falling through the air on its way to make contact with the bullet that was about to end his life. Something funny happened to his vision and he was looking down a long tube of light as the darkness closed in from the edges of his vision like a black iris.

He fell down the tunnel……and into the past, at least part of him did. Part of him now, was also floating above his body, observing. And part of him was still kneeling naked on the cold steel floor of the gently rocking train, listening to the hammer fall and concentrating wildly on keeping his sphincters closed. The last two weren’t very appealing right now, so he decided to concentrate on the part that was falling down the tunnel, as it seemed to be by far his best option at the moment.

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