All the problems we face in the United States today
can be traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of the American Indian.
Category: Fiction
Jul 04 2009
Utopia 11: Jerry’s Story
Jun 27 2009
Dystopia 11: Paje
“But I think healing, like religious experience, is an innate potential of the body. It’s not something that comes in a drug. All a drug can do is give you a push in a certain direction, and I think that even there expectation plays a great role in that.”
“Why is it that the human brain and plants should have the same chemicals in them?”
Jun 27 2009
Dark Soul -Chapter Five
Happy Saturday and welcome to the Dog’s serialization of the novel Dark Soul. This is a work in progress, so if you have any thoughts or suggestions, don’t be shy about offering them up.
If you have just started reading this, you can find chapters one through three at the following links:
Dark Soul – Chapter One
Dark Soul – Chapter Two
Dark Soul – Chapter Three
Dark Soul – Chapter Four
This serializartion is only available here at Docudharma!
Jun 20 2009
Dark Soul – Chapter Four
Happy Staturday and welcome to the Dog’s serialization of the novel Dark Soul. This is a work in progress, so if you have any thoughts or suggestions, don’t be shy about offering them up.
If you have just started reading this, you can find chapters one through three at the following links:
Dark Soul – Chapter One
Dark Soul – Chapter Two
Dark Soul – Chapter Three
This serializartion is only available here at Docudharma!
Jun 20 2009
Dystopia 10: The Desert
The Bene Gesserit Littainy against Fear.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
Jun 14 2009
Utopia 10: My Brother’s Keeper
“Compassion is not weakness, and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism.” Hubert Humphrey
Jun 13 2009
Dark Soul- Chapter Three
Happy Saturday and welcome the chapter three of “Dark Soul”. This is a serialization of a novel the Dog has written. There is a big difference between writing political commentary and writing fiction. Both have their own learning curve and the intent of posting this is to get some feed back, if anyone has any.
If you are coming to this series for the first time, you can find the previous chapters at these links:
Dark Soul – Chapter One
Dark Soul – Chapter Two
This novel is only being posted here at Docudharma.
Jun 06 2009
Dark Soul – Chapter Two – Saturday Serial
Happy Saturday and welcome to the second chapter of Dark Soul. This is the seirlaization of a novel the Dog has been working on for…well it feels like forever. It is in no way a finished work so if you have thoughts or suggestions, don’t be shy, every bit of feed back helps.
If you want to read the previous chapter you can find it at this link
Dark Soul – Chapter One
Unlike other posts from the Dog, this is only being posted here at Docudharma.
Jun 01 2009
The Further Adventures of Cyber Command
WASHINGTON – The Pentagon plans to create a new military command for cyberspace, administration officials said Thursday, stepping up preparations by the armed forces to conduct both offensive and defensive computer warfare.
May 31 2009
Utopia 9: Parent Teacher Conference
…I don’t say that the twentieth century has been the worst century of all. I’m enough of an historian to be horrified by most of human history, in which disease, natural disaster, grinding poverty, hunger, despair, and various forms of cruelty, slavery, and degradation have often made vast numbers of human beings only half human and deprived them of their role as citizens. But there are other ways, big and small, by which we lose our humanity and thus our citizenship. What I’m arguing is that unfortunately our schools provide one of those ways.–Deborah Meier
May 30 2009
Novel Serialization Dark Soul – Part One
There is more to life than just politics. Every once in a while you have to do something different and new. Below is my attempt at this. When I write under the name of Something The Dog Said, I am pretty comfortable that I can do it well, both from a knowledge and style perspective. I am not as convinced that I can do as well in the realm of fiction, but I have decided to find out.
This is the first installment in a novel I have written. I am taking the risk of posting it here as I need some feed back. I trust the DD crowd to tell me the truth. If it is unreadable, let me know, if it is average, well I want to hear that too. Any input anyone would like to provide I will take to heart, up to and including hearing “I could eat a piece of paper and typewriter ribbon and crap a better novel than that, don’t embarrass us or yourself any further by posting the rest”, say what you think.
This is a fantasy novel set in a slightly alternate Europe in the early 1000’s. Without further build up: