Category: Action

A Confeduhracy of Dunces. Symbol of slavery & Joe Wilson worth defending to Rep. King (Clown-IA)

Crossposted at Daily Kos

    Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is proud of Confederate heritage, but confused about geography and American history.

    Meet the Republican plan for the 2010 elections

    Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has been circulating a letter to his House Republican colleagues, asking them to sign onto a petition in defense of Rep. Joe “You Lie!” Wilson (R-SC).

     Save Joe Wilson and his right to lie and call others liars, in the name of the Confeduhracy!

More from

    [Wilson] is an officer and a gentleman and everyone who knows him knows that. … Being a son of the South puts you in a different position when it comes to the Confederate flag. It means something entirely different to the people who have ancestors who fought in the Civil War on the south side of the Mason-Dixon line.

    I have ancestors who fought for the Union, Mr. King, and they kicked your ancestors ass. Huh? How do ya like that!

    Now, even if Rep. King’s ancestors fought for the Confederacy to defend secession and slavery over almost 150 years ago, I don’t think that is what the people of Iowa circa 2009 really want from their Congressmen today, but then again, judging by the teabaggers and their antics this weekend, maybe I am wrong.

     More of teh stupid below the fold

Wild Card Caption Contest! DONE !

FDL’s Slinkerwink has an action diary up on the rec list now at the orange with a new idea inside it. Cool idea. Slinkerwink plans to create a youtube slideshow.

I’ve got plenty of real estate left (especially on my left cast)!


Snowe(d): Trigger is OUT, Co-Op Cop-Out is in. Won’t even risk it, the cowards

Crossposted at Daily Kos


Sen. Snowe, regarding a “trigger” for a Public Option

Snowe:     “It’s(a trigger) not on the table, and it won’t be, we’ll be using a Co-Op as an option, as a means for injecting competition in the process.

    They’re not even going to risk a trigger, the cowards.


More below the fold, and a Call to ACTION.

Robert Greenwald, of Brave New Films, comes through AGAIN!

As you know, WE’ve been screaming and yelling for over eight years now and we’ve been heard, WE’ve simply been ignored.  On ALL of the issues of UTMOST importance, we have lost, i.e., the many anti-war movements and marches, the multitudinous efforts to have Bush and Cheney Impeached, thwarted by Ms. Pelosi (Impeachment would be “too divisive”), and the ensuing ills that were foisted upon us thereafter — AFTER taking Impeachment “off the table.”  Well, I think everyone knows the issues we have fought on.  We have fought endlessly for investigations and prosecutions of our “war criminals.”  And now, we are seeing a “limited investigation.”*  There are endless efforts to “expand” the wars the aggressions and the funding thereby.  This, of course, pertains to our International failings.

On a domestic level, I consider the healthcare reform issue as large an issue, as the International issues.  To me, both of these International and domestic issues are a “symbol” of our nation and how we are defined and the direction we are headed.  We are DEFINITELY at a pivotal point in our history as to WHO we are as a nation. It’s not looking good — more closely related to “3rd world country.”

Somehow, I almost feel like the “healthcare issue” will be our FINAL defining point of us, as a people, and the epitome of our direction, as a country. WHY?  Because if we cannot FINALLY (after so many years, and way long after so many other nations), decide on the importance of US, as plain, ordinary human beings and AMERICANS, then, I truly believe this will be our final “signal” as to a nation lost to fascism, or whatever you wish to call it.  

So, can we reverse the “trend” of the healthcare situation?  Well, if ALL of us DO NOT FIGHT LIKE HELL, we will “lose” again.  It’s your choice!  We NEED to be supportive of those “groups” who are genuinely supportive of us!

And, so, here is the sign-up to help support Brave New Films, in so many ways!

This effort, and Mad As Hell Doctors (reporting regularly) are worth our efforts!  DO SOMETHING!!!!


The Truth Behind Public Option

Time to Get to Work

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich explains what a public option for healthcare coverage really means for working people.

We thank Jacob Kornbluth for directing and producing the Robert Reich interview portion of this piece.

We can’t let the insurance companies decide who gets care and who doesn’t.

Pass it on to everyone you know.

Then contribute to Brave New Films so we can continue to get the word out on the real truth behind public option.

Also see: The video expose on Stephen Hemsley, CEO of UnitedHealth Group>

Learn more about the insurance company CEOs [Just looking as these faces is enough to get you ill.]  

My instincts are speaking loud and clear — I hope yours are, too!

* (I hope that this limited investigation will not “run out the statute” (our national one) for those detainees still “alive,” as that particular statute will run out soon.  I need to check on that, as I don’t know how this particular investigation affects that issue, but it’s something to consider.  Yes, the investigation of the “dead by torture” is a war crime punishable by death and a good one to pursue, but the “dead” can’t speak on their own behalf.  

THIS was intended to be a response to buhdy’s “Progressive Caucus Becomes a Political Force “

but, my response became so longgg, I decided to post it, instead.

Yesterday — in a late posting in buhdy’s thread, I stated some afterthoughts — see here, as well as having expressed some thoughts earlier here.

I called nine Congressional reps, basically, to see where they were at on single-payer [deliberately] and a “what if” there is no public option — and I stated how I felt about the WHOLE thing and what, I assumed, were the sentiments of not just me, but many, many Americans.  The true, true, “progressives” were unabashed at stating their positions, i.e., would not vote for any bill without a strong public option and, in addition, are strongly in support of H.R. 676 (Conyers & Kucinich single-payer plan).  Then, there were those that simply wanted to wait until they heard what Obama had to say, some even saying they’d go “his way,” and, then, there were those who stated they wanted a “strong public option” but would not commit to a “what if.”  One or two were not “progressives,” as I was trying to get a kind of “sampling,” so to speak.  (FYI, calls I made were to Congresspersons, Jackson (IL), Rush (IL), Markey, Matsui, Thompson, Davis (IL), Wexler (FL), Schakowsky (IL) and I kept notes.)

Please note:  That in my approach to these “critters,” I simply stated that I wanted to know the view of the Congressman on this and that — after I heard whatever I heard is when I laid out my sentiments and facts.  

Please note, too: I think there may be some in the Progressive Caucus who merely want to “appear” as being progressive, but not much stronger than a regular Dem.

So, thanks, budhy, for bringing this up — I REALLY THINK IT IS ENTIRELY UP TO US.  And I think the “Mad as Hell Doctors” are leading US into a good thing, as well — they have launched and are now reporting.  They are receiving around 500 or more visitors at each place they’ve stopped at so far — and that’s only about three right now, and they’re receiving very good newspaper coverage.

I think we all know that the healthcare reform is a “pivotal” point in our society and it’s history.  So far, I would imagine we are a laughing stock among those Western industrialized nations who have had government healthcare for many, many years — but, I would imagine that they cry for us at the same time.  I’m sure it’s very hard for them to imagine a society so calloused as to let people DIE, literally, for want of no healthcare coverage, or being cut off for being VERY ill.

Reflecting! I think it’s this kind of social lack of morality in our society that is the core reason for the basic unhappiness (and illness) in Americans, despite all their material goods that they may have — feeling never satisfied.  And, of course, now most of us are down to the basics of life.  But it’s that “lack” socially that also creates numerous illnesses, not just physical:  rampant crime from the top on down, an indescribable “aching” in our hearts, which, in turn, creates “illness” and a kind of “senselessness” created thereby, IOW, if you run out of money, you’re the same as dead.  Having to be watchful of what our government does with our monies and our wishes also contributes to varying types of illnesses.  These are the kinds of things that “gnaw” at us as human beings/Americans.  All of these sub-conscience “workings” play havoc with us.  We do not have happy lives, despite our “trappings.” Americans have even reached the point that they’re afraid to take “real” vacations, and most only taking a few days here or there.  Why?  Fear of losing their jobs!  Fear of depleting what little money they may have garnered and so on.  Sad, sad, sad.  So, I think each of us try to find little “tiny” ways to carve out a measure of “happiness” — that which no one can take away from us.

Where is the LOVE?

Start Your Engines

We gotta be ready this time. We gotta do this. Say it with me now:


This person norabb said it well this morning at the orange but it scrolled off. He included several good media links and addy’s.  I sure hope to see the entire Rec List over there today with nothing but this. And then some.

(I can dream, can’t I?)

The right wing has a message machine that always seems to work better than ours.  They have surely already written their attack pieces against President Obama’s big speech tonight.  I propose that we all have our own support message ready to go immediately after the speech.

UPDATE (11:40AM):  Here’s an ACTION call out from the ever vigilant slinkerwink.

UPDATE #2, 12:20PM, from tahoebasha3′s comment below (thanks!):

Here is another action that can be taken tonight, right after the speech:

   After the speech, Jarrett and Axelrod will return to the airwaves. And as part of the White House new-media strategy, Communications Director Anita Dunn will go on right afterward to engage with online viewers through a live video chat, responding to reactions and questions received via Facebook and Twitter.

UPDATE #3, 12:24PM,: here’s a comment from nyceve in slinkerwink’s GOS Diary:

Jane Hamsher and I  are heading to Capitol Hill, where we will be distributing the petitions all of you turned into reality (a 50,000 plus signature reality) to at least three progressive members of Congress.

So far, we’ve got appointments Pete Stark, Keith Ellison, and Raul Grijalva (sorry for my bad spelling). Now let me tell you guys something, a trip to Capitol Hill is special, when when you’re with Jane Hamsher, it’s memorable.

Then, we’ll be watching the President at 8PM.  Whatever he says, I want all of you to know, this battle is far, far from over, and you can take it to the bank.

And I thought Lawrence O’Donnell made some excellent points on tv last night…

And… see copy of FDL’s email from Jane below…

“My hats off to Glenn Beck” says Dobbs, except by hat, he means hood

Crossposted at Daily Kos

Beck:     “This guy (President Obama), is, I believe, a racist.”

Dobbs:     “And there’s Van Jones saying, “Well, you know, you said something I don’t like, so what are we gonna do? We’ll just attack your sponsors.” That didn’t work out so shiny for him, did it? So, by the way, I gotta say hats off to Glenn Beck for having the guts to stand up to this.”

     More commentary, a transcript, and my civil rights friendly boot up Lou Dobbs keister below the fold.

Health Care or Insurance Care? A Call to Action from Dennis Kucinich

Dennis Kucinich is still in there trying, yelling, pushing, calling all of us to action.  Let’s make sure to answer his call.  Please take the actions he recommends:

Health Care or Insurance Care? It’s Time to Respond!

…below the fold…

Today Is The Day To Know You Acted For Equality!

All of us have had this experience, we give to a candidate or political campaign, and then we wonder what exactly our money was spent on? It is hard to know, especially when you give to a Senatorial or Presidential campaign, was my $250 dollars spent on talking to voters or was it spent on a Starbucks run for some mid-level staffers? Today you have a chance to not only know what you would get for your money in the general but in the very specific.  

Weekly Torture Action Letter 22 – Thank You Sen. Feingold

Happy Monday and welcome to the Weekly Torture Action Letter series. This is a letter writing campaign for torture accountability. The basic idea is every Monday (yeah, the Dog knows, it is Tuesday, but the hound had to do a Labor Day post out of solidarity) the Dog writes a letter to the nations decision makers urging them to take action towards full accountability for the illegal Bush Administration state sponsored torture program. The way you get involved is by either cutting and pasting the letter over your own signature or using the topic of the letter as the jumping off point for your own. In either case the Dog provides the links to make this as easy as possible. The whole point of this campaign is to make sure our leaders don’t get distracted and forget their duties under the law to investigate and prosecute any act of torture.

Originally posted at

“Mad as Hell Doctors” are set to ROLL!

Some of you will recall I posted information about “Mad as Hell Doctors” here.

Well, these doctors are definitely still “Mad as Hell” and even madder.  And since my post, they’ve picked up a lot of momentum, along with other “Mad as Hell” people — even having gotten the attention of the White House — couldn’t be better.  

In an e-mail I received today, they are set to ROLL this coming Tuesday, September 8th, 2009!  

Our kick off is just days away…  

We leave Portland, Oregon the morning of September 8th. Now is the time to step up with a donation, and here is why: we are having huge impact. First of all, the campaign is picking up tremendous momentum. We are getting calls and emails from every corner of the country. People are Mad As Hell about the way Congress and The White House have turned their back on the Single Payer supporters. Go to to make your contribution.


Join us on September 8 in Portland Oregon for a huge rally and kickoff.

10am in Downtown Portland at Pioneer Courthouse Square

Live music and special guest speakers

Join us in Seattle later that day. Join the caravan as we ride into Seattle to our big event:

We’ll arrive at St. Francis Hospital between 2:30 and 3pm, and then lead the Care-A-Van into Seattle at 3pm.

34515 9th Ave S, Federal Way, WA

We’ll be heading to our event that evening:

5pm at the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center

104 17th Ave S, Seattle, WA

And here’s more important news:  

Our Sequim, Washington event was attended by 700 people! At one point in the evening all 700 stood up and shouted “We’re as Mad As Hell and We’re Not Going to Take This Anymore!” Click here to see footage of the people speaking during the Mad As Hell Minute.

Our National Creative Director Adam Klugman received a call from The White House recently. A staffer asked him to take down the letter of support for our meeting request with the President. Apparently, so many of you have written to the White House that it is clogging up their system. We have their attention, they know what we want, they just haven’t realized how important single payer health care is to the American people. And we won’t settle till we have an appointment with President Obama. If you haven’t sent one, do it today, go here and click on “Letter to Obama” to send one.

We now have a motor home for our trip! Her name is “Winnie” and she is in the process of being wrapped with our logo for the big trip east. You can see her in Stage One by going here and clicking on “Mad Motor Home”.

The Ed Shultz Show has agreed to partner with us on our trip and will be doing periodic check-ins with us along the way.

Rachel Maddow is considering having us do the kick-off announcement on her show. Send the show a lot of emails support her decision to have us on!

At every scheduled Town Hall there are different organizations who support single payer working together for the first time – all because of this campaign!

We are making noise! The President knows we’re here. This campaign is slowly turning into a movement! And we need your help. Any donation amount is hugely appreciated. And remember to send the website to your friends, family colleagues and complete strangers.

Join us on Facebook, Twitter, or along our way to Washington, D.C.

Thanks again for your past support. Know that you are making a difference!

Mad As Hell,


Invite your friends to join our Facebook Fan Page for the latest news, updates from stops along the way, Mad As Hell Videos and updates about the action people are taking across the country for single payer health care:

PLEASE NOTE:  ©2009 Mad As Hell Doctors | Portland, OR 97201  This use of the copyrighted material should qualify under the “fair use” laws, as being for information and instructional purposes only!

To sign up, click “Contact Us” on the website!

YES! CO Dems tell Udall, Bennet: No PO = No Soup For You! (Updated w/ comment by Rep. Polis)

  Crossposted at Daily Kos

    Be it resolved: The Executive Committee of the Broomfield Democrats on this date, on behalf of the party members, the county declares it’s support for President Obama’s call for a Robust Public Option health care plan . . . one  that is an intergal part of comprehensive reform that all Americans have access to quality basic health care irrespective of health conditions, socio-economic status or employment status. The present opportunity for true health care reform that meets the above objectives is too fragile and omportant to our nation for it to be lost to the politics of special interests.

    It should be clear by this proclamation that all elected officials and candidates for office desiring support of our party, either by financial or by ballot must evidence clear support for this resolution as stated. This applies to our Democratic colleauges Sen. Udall, Sen. Bennet and Representative Polis as well as any other candidates seeking office in the city and county of Broomfield, Colorado.

    We’re hammering Colorado Dems into line today.

    Join me below the fold to get in on the action.

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