Gareth Porter: Will Obama be truly post-Cold War? Transcript here.
Historian and author Gareth Porter discusses with Pepe Escobar the positioning of Senator Barack Obama relative to the power of the national security establishment in the US; the legacy of JFK; the feasibility of the US refusing to occupy Muslim lands; and what it takes to be elected president of the United States.
Category: War
Jul 19 2008
The Real News: “Obama and the Cold War Mentality”
Jul 18 2008
Fort Hood Town Hall Presidential Forum
The country’s wartime status has riddled this Presidential election year with added questions.
That’s why several non-profit military groups have come together to try to hold a Presidential town hall meeting at Fort Hood.
Sen. Barack Obama is the missing ingredient for a town hall meeting at Fort Hood.
This is a nobrainer for the Obama Campaign, especially as to recent remarks by Senator McCain, and he isn’t as great as he and others think as to Town Halls or other formats. The Obama camp have many like Wesley Clark and other knowledgable Veterans of our Military who have more than just his back, as well as the many running on the same ticket for federal offices.
Jul 16 2008
Spiraling War Culture and Human Empathy–Part II
In Part I, I wrote about the Parable of the Tribes, which explains the historical spiral of human civilization towards increasingly war-like cultures and ever more lethal war technology. We discussed how the self-destructive behavior of humans in society can look demonic. In this part I want to discuss a spiritual technology for defusing belligerent behavior–empathy.
I notice that as the Constitution of the United States is increasingly perverted, mangled, and subverted, people are not saying the Constitution is responsible for lawlessness. Nor do they clamor for dumping the whole thing. To the contrary, we call for a re-enshrinement of the Constitution in its place of honor. Many of us don’t have such clear-sightedness with respect to religion. Seeing the brilliant insights of early sages mangled, manipulated, and co-opted has caused many to reject the basic ideas of religion along with the humans who perverted them. Herein we refresh our acquaintance with an idea fundamental to every major religion–the Golden Rule–in the hopes that it provides a way out of our spiral toward extinction.
Jul 15 2008
Spiraling War Culture and Human Empathy
A people who plans, organizes, and executes the torture of human beings must consider whether they are properly called demonic or evil. The word demonic implies agency from an autonomous power, While modern science has thoroughly discredited the existence of mythical demons, recent and current self-destructive behavior of humans give the appearance of springing from some power whose interests are at direct odds with the crucial needs of the human race. We will take a look at the parable of the tribes, an explanation of how ongoing war-culture pressures civilization to adopt increasingly self-destructive traditions, actions, beliefs, and symbols. We will then look at the antidote, focusing on an idea reached separately by the wise men of widely varying cultures, all in the throes of war and instability: the Golden Rule. I will present the Golden Rule as neither a commandment from god nor as a merely moral imperative; rather, it can be seen as a technology of human psychology and spirituality. Empathizing with others before acting may be the key to human behavior which can free us from our current accelerating death spiral.
Jul 15 2008
Spiraling War Culture and Human Empathy
A people who plans, organizes, and executes the torture of human beings must consider whether they are properly called demonic or evil. The word demonic implies agency from an autonomous power, While modern science has thoroughly discredited the existence of mythical demons, recent and current self-destructive behavior of humans give the appearance of springing from some power whose interests are at direct odds with the crucial needs of the human race. We will take a look at the parable of the tribes, an explanation of how ongoing war-culture pressures civilization to adopt increasingly self-destructive traditions, actions, beliefs, and symbols. We will then look at the antidote, focusing on an idea reached separately by the wise men of widely varying cultures, all in the throes of war and instability: the Golden Rule. I will present the Golden Rule as neither a commandment from god nor as a merely moral imperative; rather, it can be seen as a technology of human psychology and spirituality. Empathizing with others before acting may be the key to human behavior which can free us from our current accelerating death spiral.
Jul 13 2008
Obama Supporters, ACTION NEEDED
I’ve come alot closer to my full support of Obama, I just don’t ever make total decisions when elections are months away, I also don’t just look at the single person trying to give their resume, I look at how they present themselves, smear and slam are big no no’s, and I look at who they bring close to them in their campaigns and try and figure out, if they win, who will they surround themselves with while in office ( and I hit the nail on the head, which I do for a living, as to the bush crowd, not exactly reading the future but seeing alot of what was to come do so! ), especially as to Federal Representation and the Presidential Office, more towards my Representation on who I would Hire.
Jul 10 2008
AFGE Says McCain Wrong on Veterans Health Care
This week, the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) launched a nationwide radio ad campaign raising serious concerns about Senator McCain’s commitment to veterans’ health care. In addition to the radio ads, AFGE, which represents employees in the Department of Veterans Affairs, launched a Web site, Fund The VA, and a series of YouTube ads featuring union veterans voicing their concerns about McCain’s controversial veterans health care platform.
Jul 08 2008
WAR Powers
Putting them back where they belong comes from an Op-Ed written by James A. Baker III and Warren Christopher in the New York Times today, 7-08-08.
They led a bipartison group, the National War Powers Commission, they concluded:
Jul 06 2008
A Tribute To War
From one of my favorite radio artists, Joe Frank:
[WARNING: Dark satire — not for the seriously-depressed or humor-impaired.]
If you like this piece, I encourage you to check out Joe’s website for more of his radio shows:
Jul 06 2008
“Changing Us”
Counseling and medication weren’t enough to help Laef Fox recover from his grim war experience in Iraq, and drugs and alcohol didn’t work either, so he tried making a movie instead.
There’s a new Documentary out, that was shown in a premeir private showing on July 4th in Denver.
Jul 05 2008
Final Salute
Last night, on the PBS Newshour, they had an appropriate July 4th interview, especially in these times of two occupations:
Jul 04 2008
“Independence Day”, and No Celebration?
Yesterday I got an e-newsletter about the same time I caught this post. The e covered what prompted the post by ScottyUrb.
Today, the 4th of July, we here in the States celebrate our “Independence”, no need to go into an explanation, or give a link to read about, we’re all supposed to know and understand what that means, and so are others who think they’ve achieved that.
This year there’ll be alot less traveling to a further destination for relaxation or whatever, more home bodies, we all know the reasons, or we should.