“Buying” Congress Back

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

“And the banks – hard to believe in a time when we’re facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created – are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place,” Durbin said.

They own the place.

OUR place.

Does The United States Government exist to legislate on behalf of the banking industry, the insurance industry and the coal/energy industry? At the expense of the People of the United States?

Mortgage relief for Citizens, credit card legislation, health care, Climate Change. All of these much needed legislative reforms that are intended to help We The People, the citizens of the United States, are either in danger, are being changed to benefit industry, or are downright dead. Killed at the behest of the “business sector.” At the bidding of The Ruling Class. At the hand of our very own government. Our government is working against us and for them.

Because the Ruling Class has bought our government out from under us.

Is our Congress in the business of exploiting us for the benefit of the “business sector?” As things stand now, yes.

Here’s how it works….and here is why we can “buy” our government back.

In order to get voted into office politicians need money. The candidate that spends the most money usually wins the election. Once they are elected, they need more money to win the next election. The corporations controlled by the Ruling Class “donate” that money. In return the politicians do what they want.

But what is that money for?

To buy votes.

Our votes.

We….if we choose to…..control the process because “we” control the most important commodity. The votes.

All the money in the system that allows these industries to buy our Congress exists for only one reason. To buy our votes. So….what we have ended up with is…

Our politicians use the money that the corporate interests of the Ruling Class buy them with….to buy our votes…..so that those politicians can then get elected… to pay back the corporate interests by enacting legislation that screws us.

Under this system as it exists….We The People essentially vote to screw ourselves.

We vote to elect politicians, that are then bought, to legislate to make the corporate interests of the Ruling Class richer, as we vote to get poorer.

It is that simple.

The vast majority of the problems we face are the result of our politicians being controlled by corporations and industries working against our interests.

The situation is simple, the solutions of course, are not.

Why? Because other than the solution of not voting for bought politicians,….all of the solutions are controlled by…..bought politicians!

Preemptive clarification: There are very few, if any politicians who are outright “bought” as we think of it from the movies and such. These industries just have critical access to them and enormous “influence” over them. Politics is pressure, politicians respond to pressure. By having access and making “donations” to our politicians, the Ruling Class are…currently…applying the most pressure.

But again, WE control the real mechanism of pressure….the voted needed to elect them. And that gives US the ultimate pressure.

We just need to learn to exercise it. We need to start to apply the pressure we have…

In other words…We The People need to Stand The Fuck Up.


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  1. Photobucket

    • Edger on May 11, 2009 at 20:09


    People have the leverage. They just have to realize it AND USE IT!

    Great post, Buhdy!

    • RiaD on May 11, 2009 at 20:12

    is your rec button?


    yes. you hit it.

    we MUST apply pressure

  2. it like buying a pig in the polk, You don’t know what’s in the bag until you open it up and it’s out, in power and definitely not what you bought. Even the pigs who are not cats or rats seem to morph after elected.

    ‘Pig-in-a-poke is an idiom that refers to a confidence trick originating in the Late Middle Ages, when meat was scarce but apparently rats and cats were not.

    The scheme entailed the sale of a “suckling pig” in a “poke” (bag). The wriggling bag would actually contain a cat – not particularly prized as a source of meat – that was sold to the victim in an unopened bag. The French term acheter (un) chat en poche (to buy a cat in a bag) refers to an actual sale of this nature, as do many European equivalents, while the English expression refers to the appearance of the trick.[1]

    A common colloquial expression in the English language, to “buy a pig in a poke,” is to make a risky purchase without inspecting the item beforehand. The phrase can also be applied to accepting an idea or plan without a full understanding of its basis’…..wiki

    I’m putting my money on the pressure end at this point, as the con seems by-partisan. A theater of politics with neither side offering any real change except the name of the party. Good cop bad cop, routines won’t change the  agenda, the agenda is say by those ‘who own the place’. Maybe the people who vote need to stop looking at the bag and demand that they get what they bought. That can only happen when they stop buying the concepts of banks falling on them, or terrorists killing their families or socialism is not American, the myths they hold so dear.            


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