( – promoted by buhdydharma )
Fort Hood is not an end story. Nor is it a beginning. It is the dead middle of a planned story. It is a story about division and fear tactics, patsies and martial law. Its a story about raising the frog’s bathwater incrementally to boil.
That our Muslim citizens are becoming all suspect is no less devious than the beginnings that created our ability to inter the Japanese, or what created Nazism.

Lets move back to April of 2009, when the US Homeland Security Department reclassified Right Wing American Veterans as potential Terrorists. Wow, this incident conveniently creates an atmosphere for keeping surveillance on the only people who might protect us, should a military coup create havoc in our country.
But further back in the way-back machine is the story about Northcom being deployed as of October 2008 on US soil effectively killing Posse Comitatus, for the express reasons of:
“They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control,” said the Army Times when it first reported on it. These duties would be in addition to dealing with “potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.”
Nothing happens in a vacuum, and these taken together weave quite a pattern. The newest incident justifies ever less freedoms for security.
I would refer you to the Brasscheck TV link from a few days ago, reiterating my initial position on the Ft. Hood horror, posted live that night and expounded on Friday past on WWL Radio, but that video is no longer up.
Instead, I will quote the email from the creator of that site:
ONE guy shooting a hand gun killed HOW many people – and on a military
base? Are you serious?And the one shooter is now in a coma?
And, as of now at least, there’s no surveillance camera footage?
And he’s a Muslim who also happens to be a serviceman with a mental disorder involving gunplay who did it with privately owned weapons?
This thing could not have been scripted or casted better if Hollywood had produced it.
Let’s see:
1. Private gun ownership demonized – check
2. Muslims demonized – check
3. Military personnel demonized – check
4. Base dwelling troops at home terrorized
by a fellow American – check
5. Yet another chance to distract the public – checkIf this really happened the way it’s been spun, there have to be a lot of social engineers
high fiving each other at their good luck.And what about the logic of the gunman?
He was afraid of being deployed to a combat zone…so he created one at home so he could be killed sooner? I realize the man was “crazy” but come on.
(I wonder what prescribed medically-endorsed pharmaceutical substance(s) he was one. We’ll
never know because it would violate his privacy. Score another one for Big Pharma.)13 killed and 30 wounded by one man with two pistols.
Nearly a 50% kill rate.
Ever fired a handgun? Ever tried aiming and firing two at a time? Under pressure? Ever reload a handgun under pressure? There were people shooting at him. That’s
a little pressure.We’re talking about yet another superhuman performance by a “lone gunman” who is conveniently not conscious to tell the tale.
Caliber doesn’t matter and the bogus non-fact that these were “automatic”
pistols is bullshit as well.Meanwhile, we’re being drowned in flags, memorials and interviews with the victims’ families – and a total absence of any information that makes sense.
“But the government would never do such a thing to its own troops!”
Uh, excuse me. It’s putting thousands of them through a meat grinder in a pointless, unwinnable charade of a war as we speak – in two countries, while gearing up for two more (Iran and Pakistan.)
Do you think the dead and wounded from overseas are any less dead and wounded victims from Fort Hood?
Assume the gunman was crazy. What does that make the Bush-Bama regime?
Here’s a news report about another mass shooting by a lone gunman with two pistols that sneaked its way onto the air before it was pulled off and never replayed.
Reality please, just a little reality.
No one asked about friendly fire, either.
The news is now “leaking” all kinds of information claiming that the alleged shooter was radicalizing, and had poor reviews.
The Right is beefing up its “We need to be safe from Muslim Terrorists” right around the Flag-waving celebration of our War Culture that is Veterans Day. Not to insult Veterans of any sort; plenty of well-intended, brave and honorable men and women have served in our armed forces. It is merely that this authors opinion that many of these were lied to, indoctrinated and used as pawns in wars of aggression, wars of hegemony, and wars for profit; justified in the name of “Patriotism.” Patriotism, a word that has become the Manchurian trigger for committing any act whatsoever Globally in order to serve the interests of the vested Elite Class.
Worse? Any one questioning the story is being branded as naive or misguided by many on the Left, who INSIST that this man, should he have committed this impossible act against his own, MUST have been guided by Religious Ideology.
“Muslim Extremism and Terrorists are REAL,” they say, “and I cannot believe Liberals would defend this filthy murderer, because they think the US sucks or something.”
Check: Extremists exist in every religion. Bomb the US back to the Stone Age, destabilize our governments to the point of non-existence, and see what the Clinic Bombers and Palienites create. There would be extremist groups of Christian soldiers killing and torturing in the name of their one true God. Heck, some already do. Look at how the Jewish Religious extremists act in Israel, recently beating a female journalist for daring to use a camera on the Sabbath.
We real Liberals who question this story are not in denial.
We are, however, capable of the logic and reason that tells us this man could not have possibly shot that many people no more than a magic bullet made turns and shot Kennedy from the front of the neck, while making a quick detour through the wrist, then chest of Connelly in the front seat.
We are also painfully aware that the US government is capable of scapegoating patsies and creating evidence to create a bias against a group of people by proxy: Remember the Cuban-commie that was Oswald?
I listened live, and wished I had recorded the TV coverage. When Military Personnel take down a shooter, and confirm kill live, I tend to believe them. When Military Personnel name at least three shooters, I believe their ability to count. When Military Personnel claim to have one dead, and two in custody, and then claim they are still taking sniper fire, I assume that after many deployments, taking live action and gunfire, they are quite capable, if not experts at assessing a situation, in facts are EXPERTS at such assessments.
There were in fact heinous murders at Fort Hood. Tragic, sad murders. Murders more likely caused by a bunch of brave young soldiers put at wits end, victims of PTSD gone untreated that the Army is pushing its medical staff not to diagnose.
“I am under a lot of pressure to not diagnose PTSD” (another anonymous army psychiatrist)
Even was this Nidal Hasan involved, I would think that this fact should at least be given consideration before people jump on the “Evil Islam” bandwagon.
But, even having listened live to the trained soldiers reporting live at Ft Hood, no one dare question the official story, one man, one Muslim, in a coma. A doctor not combat veteran, shoots forty people with 12 bullets and none of the brave, trained combat soldiers could take him down.
There was a great deal more journalism alive in Kennedy’s day, and far more openness to question the “evil commies” than today’s transcribers have to grant a populace increasingly closed to the idea that “Islam” is not inherently evil.
The so-called enemy came from within. So now our own troops will be increasingly suspect, increasingly pressured to denounce any religion but Christianity, and Judaism to a lesser degree. They will be pressured to act as though they have no complaints with the Military, for any criticism nowk, could be used as future condemnation as a traitor.
In the American view, in this the new American Fascist State, intense paranoia serves them well.
In this, the land of increasing desertion, suicides and friendly fire (fragging) incidents, both the Military and our Citizenry just suffered a wake up call.
Be Afraid. Always be afraid. Toe the Line.
This incident was horrific, and my heart bleeds for the dead and wounded, bleeds for their loved ones.
I have no idea who the shooters were, we will never know their mindset or their reasons.
But on this day, I support our Veterans by doing the most Patriotic thing a Citizen can do. I QUESTION.
I question the what the Truth is behind the story, I question the timing as 40k+ more troops are being sent by President Obama to kill Muslims, I question why Hillary is claiming a group of 100 or less is imminent threat.
I question our very reason for these wars.
Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
The best way to support our troops is to question war itself.
“The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else.”
Theodore Roosevelt
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anything once its established a suspect is Muslim, or any denomination other than Christian or Jewish.
Of course, they never ask anything about “official stories” anymore.
Transcribers never Question.
It is a very distinct possibility that Hasan was also a victim of the same syndrome that he was treating. I posted these two articles a day or two after the incident about the stress on those treating our military personnel for PTSD, the pressures on them and the effects of the constant barrage of stories from the patients.
Treating trauma victims may cause its own trauma
Painful Stories Take a Toll on Military Therapists
Those of us who work in Emergency Medicine in busy ER’s, disaster areas, war zones and refuge camps are well aware of the toll it takes on our own the minds and bodies. It is the reason I am sitting here tonight, a mandatory sabbatical fro at least 6 months and therapy sessions. Maj. Hassan was not only a psychiatrist, he was Muslim and an American born Palestinian who according to some accounts had been harassed about his religion and background. I can only imagine. There is way too much speculation about this man’s state of mind and his motives. Innocent until proven guilty in the press and the “official story”, disgusting.
BTW. Very good question about “friendly fire”.
In my inbox from UN Wire today:
And this comes from WAPO only a few days hot on the heels of an NYT propaganda piece Greg Palast wrote about…
Taliban = 9/11?? Afghanistan by Hypnosis
Escalation in Afghanistan is one thing, but there have also been media scare pieces in the past few days about “security concerns” about Pakistans nuclear weapons.
I’m starting to wonder if we’re being slowly set up for an invasion of Pakistan. Virtually all of the troops Obama has sent into Afghanistan this year, and any more he sends in the next few days, are going into southern Afghanistan just across a nice flat desert wilderness border from Pakistan….
I’ve been studying this whole mess the last few days.
It stinks.
Shades of Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman …..
One of the best things I’ve found regarding all of this is here:
And everybody is conveniently forgetting to talk about this:
Who were the “men in suits?” I grew up on military bases, and on a military base, the MP’s are the law. There isn’t anybody else. There certainly aren’t civilians overseeing stuff ON A BASE as it happens. They would show up later, probably hours later, or even the next day.
Don’t forget what else is going on, as far as Psyops being used against the U.S. citizenry. Last night they killed the D.C. Sniper, a guy whose name was “Muhammed” and they pronounced him dead at “9:11”.
I am not making this up.
Why the timing?
Also, the Ft. Hood thing happened on Guy Fawkes Day, and anyone who has studied false flag CIA blackops stuff knows that the perps have a sick sense of humor. 9/11 was also the anniversary of another CIA coup, and was the anniversary of GHWB’s speech about “the New World order”. These are not coincidences.
And the timing, of course, is all about Obama’s “deciding” whether or not to send more troops to Afghanistan, and how many. The day after the shooting, they leaked he was gonna send 40,000 more to see how it would play.
Did you see Monday night football the other night? Pure “patriotic” spectacle. A guy parachuted into the stadium trailing an enormous American flag. A player ran across the field, saluting (caught perfectly in slo-mo and used at the commercials breaks). Talk about “the troops” and how it was so cool when the commentators visited the troops and how great “the troops” were (if you like them so much, why don’t you get them out of a fucking WAR ZONE you assholes!).
We’re all being heavily manipulated right now, and it’s just obvious as all hell to anyone who’s been paying attention.
There’s one Congressman who apparently didn’t get the memo:
I’m sure he’ll change his tune very soon, as soon as he gets a little “talking to”.
Then, in a related story, there’s this:
Scahill: Obama may be afraid of Blackwater.
Yes, that’s the incredible REAL journalist Jeremy Scahill actually throwing out the possibility, on national TV, that Obama might actually be afraid of Blackwater, the CIA’s very own mercenary team.
is actually a real program that the CIA has used for a long time.
Sirhan Sirhan was quite obviously a victim.
And just last night, perusing another forum where we discuss and share info about this sort of things, I found this:
There it is, right out in the open. That’s the programmed code word that the mind control victim has to hear in order to stop what he’s doing and turn himself in. He just went to sleep at a truck stop, and they had him.
When I saw this last night, I was astounded. I guess back then I hadn’t yet studied MKULTRA and all of those things yet.
Also there’s the odd coincidence of the head investigator for the Police being named “Moose”. Kinda rhymes with “Noose”. How odd. And he and the shooter were members of the same Oregon National Guard unit earlier in life. Moose was a hero at the time, but then his star faded very quickly. Now he’s sorta disappeared into the Reserves and might be in Iraq or Afghanistan or anywhere.
More on Moose here. It seems that he wasn’t really the great lead investigator he was painted in the media as being. In fact, he deliberately told his men to avoid looking for anyone who wasn’t white, even after plenty of eyewitness accounts described the suspects as dark-skinned, possibly African American or Hispanic.
there is no press
you are on your own
can’t save 85% as they won’t wake up under any circumstances
The wife says the entire staff at the nursing home will never get the flu shot ever again
the horses are fed and my grandson is a gracious host
one day at a time.
It’s just amazing how the media and the military have turned this story into a very narrow narrative, completely controlled by them.
For instance, eyewitness accounts that there WAS in fact a second shooting.
This piece sums it up pretty well:
And here is the account of the 2nd shooting:
of all the fishy stuff, doesn’t even include the new revelation about the official story of the “heroic police woman” being false:
A lot of good information in this one.