I had to share this.
From the AP, Obama: Democratic voter apathy ‘inexcusable’:
WASHINGTON – Admonishing his own party, President Barack Obama says it would be “inexcusable” and “irresponsible” for unenthusiastic Democratic voters to sit out the midterm elections, warning that the consequences could be a squandered agenda for years.
“People need to shake off this lethargy. People need to buck up,” Obama told Rolling Stone in an interview to be published Friday. The president told Democrats that making change happen is hard and “if people now want to take their ball and go home, that tells me folks weren’t serious in the first place.”
Anyone who says Obama’s peeps don’t read Daily Kos? Ahem.
Now I just know that this stern lecture will bring out the vote.
After all, it’s the fault of the voters. We need to buck up!
I’d laugh, but I’m too apathetic and lethargic. Sorry.
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Do you hear me??? Hard work!
Lord have mercy.
yes and somebody posted a diary at GOS. Its excerpted from the Oct 15 Rolling Stone interview… oy vey.
Bolded sentenced mine. WTF…. “werent serious in the first place”? good lord
It worked so well for Harriet Miers.
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/9/28/10131/0045, by me…
Instead of making concessions of error and token gestures of reform, Obama is telling progressives to shut up and sit down. This spells the end of his presidency, as far as I am concerned. There is no excuse for his sinister perpetuation of the Bush regime’s secrecy, torture, and murder policies. No. Excuse. Whatever.
This shameless opportunist is the hand-puppet of the American war machine and the national security state that sustains it. He promised peace, yet he engages in endless war. He promised transparency, yet he expands state secrecy powers. He promised change, yet he reinforces the worst principles of Bush-era unaccountable Presidential power.
No votes for Obama and his craven and treacherous Democratic party!
The “farce advocate” ought to know.
Shucks, nobody was serious about ending the unending wars–
And the people who couldn’t afford thousands of dollars for
medical insurance before they could treat their and their family’s suffering were just joking and are now happily waiting 4 years for that wonderful piece of legislative
Oh ya, and I’m thrilled with yesterday’s bully pulpit advocacy of extending the school year forever and getting rid of those shitty teachers, what balls! But most of all, he’s right about hard work. It’s extremely difficult for him to say something in simple language when he’s obliged by the nuanced, deal making requirements of real politik.
Those back room dealings are real taxing. And keeping tabs of terrorists under every bed is even harder than tracking down all them commies during the cold war; where’s good old Joe Mac when you need him?
They can just go back to their “So the voters are not good enough for this president” story. They used to pull out the rug from Jimmy Carter after the “Crisis of Confidence” speech that they framed as the malaise speech. The Democrats sat on their hands through that speech about the nation turning adult getting twisted into anti-progress propaganda and history indicates that they would do the same here.
Really all Obama need at this point is a killer rabbit and a replay of 1978 when a really powerful Democrat accused Carter of “failure of leadership.”
Democrats. love them or leave them.
. . . one of Nightprowlkitty’s.
What nerve. No, not Npk’s, but Obama’s. What friggin’ gall.
I’ll be back, later in the day afternoon or evening.
reactions to this. Greenwald is just beside himself…lol.
tonight and said (and I paraphrase)
When I wonder will that sensation down his leg give up already. It’s wearying me.
one of the reasons i’d like this position is that this company – which builds green and affordable housing – is doing more for environmental and social justice than i can expect my government to accomplish in my life time. i have lost total confidence in my government.
he’ll collapse a lung.
His Out-of-touchness is staggering, staggering to behold.