Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news media and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

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Paul Krugman: Why Can’t Republicans Be Populists?

The establishment has been routed, but its economic orthodoxy rules.

President Biden’s American Rescue Plan is incredibly popular, even among Republican voters. We don’t have details yet on the next big Democratic initiative, but we can expect it to poll well, because we know that it will combine major infrastructure spending with tax hikes on corporations and the rich — which are all popular things.

But like the rescue plan, the next plan probably won’t get a single Republican vote in Congress. Why are elected Republicans still so committed to right-wing economic policies that help the rich while shortchanging the working class?

Fair warning: I’m not going to offer a good answer to this question. The point of today’s article is, instead, to argue for the question’s importance.

I ask why Republicans are “still” committed to right-wing economics because in the past there wasn’t any puzzle about their position.

Eugene Robinson: The world saw George Floyd’s final minutes. Now it will see whether he gets justice.

Derek Chauvin and the criminal justice system are on trial, not George Floyd.

With the beginning of the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on charges of killing George Floyd, remember that Chauvin is the man on trial, not Floyd. Remember that the only reason police approached Floyd in the first place was that they suspected him of a minor, nonviolent offense. Remember Floyd’s desperate pleas that he couldn’t breathe, that “they’re going to kill me,” that he was dying.

Remember — as if anyone could forget — that the U.S. criminal justice system is on trial as well. And remember that, quite literally, the whole world is watching. [..]

Put legalisms aside for a moment and think about that. How could anyone treat a fellow human being with such little regard for his life? After he stopped moving — after he stopped breathing — Floyd obviously posed no threat to anyone, let alone to the heavily armed police officers who surrounded his inert body. But Chauvin keeps kneeling on his neck anyway. Why? To keep an obviously inert man immobile? Or to make a point to the bystanders, Black and White, who witnessed the whole thing?

To me, it looks like a brutal demonstration of who has power and who does not. It looks like a performance showing that Minneapolis police had dominance over what Chauvin’s defense attorney, Eric Nelson, called the “high-crime” African American neighborhood the officers were patrolling. And that is the essence of the problem with police violence in this country. Policing is far too often seen by officers and their superiors as something done to a Black or Brown community — rather than with the community.

Megan Rapinoe: Bills to ban transgender kids from sports try to solve a problem that doesn’t exist

Megan Rapinoe plays for OL Reign in the National Women’s Soccer League and the U.S. women’s national team. An Olympic gold medalist and a two-time FIFA Women’s World Cup champion, she is also an ambassador for Athlete Ally, a nonprofit that advocates for equal opportunities in sports.

I remember how I felt when I played soccer for the first time. Long before I was winning World Cup matches, I was trying to keep up with my brother. Soccer has been a part of my life since I was 4 years old. I spent hours outside working to perfect that next move — I wanted to be the best.

Being able to play sports as a child shaped my life’s path. It taught me so much more than is seen on the field and brought me so much joy. Every child deserves to have that experience. That’s why I believe that all kids, including transgender youth, should be able to participate in sports they love.

But there are efforts across the country to ban transgender kids from participating in school sports. Already this year, lawmakers in more than 25 states have introduced legislation to ban transgender young people from sports. Mississippi enacted a law this month requiring schools to designate teams by gender assigned at birth. Efforts elsewhere are progressing.

Amanda Marcotte: Republicans have become more fascist since Jan. 6 — and they blame liberals for it

The “Liberals made us do it!” defense: Republicans rush to embrace fascism, but don’t want to take responsibility

For a brief, shining moment after Donald Trump incited an insurrection on the Capitol on January 6, it seemed that the forces of rising authoritarianism in America might be curtailed, shamed by the violence that had been unleashed by their lies and bitterness over losing the election. But nope, Republicans have quickly reverted back. After all, the fundamental problem facing the Republican party and the larger American right hasn’t been resolved. They still know full well that their ideology is unpopular, their arguments are indefensible, and that the only way they can hold onto power is by gutting the ability of the voters to throw them out. And so, as the past month has shown, conservatives are not only becoming more fascistic in the aftermath of the riot but more shameless about their intentions.

The GOP war on voting has become the number one priority, with a bevy of conservative groups reorienting their organizing around keeping Americans away from ballots. Republicans are leaning into the racist signaling around the voter suppression efforts, and when confronted with it, they barely bother to defend themselves, mainly because there is no moral defense possible. There’s lip-smacking from the right about “voter fraud” — which they continue to fail to show is a problem, much less one that voter suppression efforts will fix — but these excuses are pro forma, and you can tell their hearts aren’t in it.

Instead of trying to sell their behavior as good and righteous, instead, conservatives are coalescing around a different excuse: The liberals are making them do it! They don’t want to be fascists, you see, but gosh darn it, they have no choice!

Jamelle Bouie: The G.O.P. Has Some Voters It Likes and Some It Doesn’t

This is what happens when a political party turns against democracy.

The most outrageous provision of the Election Integrity Act of 2021, the omnibus election bill signed by Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia last week, is one that makes it illegal for anyone except poll workers to offer food or water directly to voters standing in line. Defenders of the law say that this is meant to stop electioneering at the polls; critics say it is a direct response to volunteers who assisted those Georgians, many of them Black, who waited for hours to cast their ballots in the 2020 presidential election.

Less outrageous but more insidious is a provision that removes the secretary of state from his (or her) position as chairman of the State Election Board and replaces him with a new nonpartisan member selected by a majority of Georgia’s Republican-controlled legislature. The law also gives the board, and by extension the legislature, the power to suspend underperforming county election officials and replace them with a single individual. [..]

This is what it looks like when a political party turns against democracy. It doesn’t just try to restrict the vote; it creates mechanisms to subvert the vote and attempts to purge officials who might stand in the way. Georgia is in the spotlight, for reasons past and present, but it is happening across the country wherever Republicans are in control.


Gravity binds us together and you thought it was duct tape.

The Universe: Gravity’s Powerful Hold on Humanity

Gravity is the most powerful and exacting force in the universe. It is pervasive and penetrating. Gravity binds us together, its reach hangs stars in the sky and its grip crushes ligh

TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (Everybody’s Business)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

President Lyndon Johnson announces that he isn’t running for re-election; Flag first unfurled on top of Eiffel Tower; Terry Schiavo dies; Oklahoma debuts on Broadway.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Now I say that with cruelty and oppression it is everybody’s business to interfere when they see it.

Anna Sewell

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NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament 2021: Elite Eight – Day Two

No upsets last night with both #2 Houston and #1 Baylor easily advancing to the Final Four on April 3.

Here are the winners and losers of yesterday’s Elite Eight:


Seed School Record Score Seed School Record Score Region
12 Oregon St. 17 – 12 67 2 Houston* 24 – 3 81 Midwest
3 Arkansas 22 – 6 72 1 Baylor* 22 – 2 81 South


These are the four teams playing in the Elite Eight today. I’ll post the scores as the games conclude.


Time Network Seed School Record Score Seed School Record Score Region
7:15 TBS 6 USC 22 – 7 66 1 Gonzaga* 26 – 0 85 Weest
9:57 TBS 11 UCLA* 17 – 9 51 1 Michigan 20 – 4 49 East

TMC for ek hornbeck

NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament 2021: Elite Eight – Day Two

The game between #1 UConn and #2 Baylor was close and had fans holding their breath in the final seconds. At he half, Baylor was leading by 2 points. It wasn’t until the 4th quarter that UConn was able to regain the lead and holding it against a team with bigger and faster players. They now move on to the final four on April 2 where they will play #3 Arizona.

Here are the winners and losers of yesterday’s Elite Eight:


Seed School Record Score Seed School Record Score Region
2 Baylor 25 – 2 67 1 UConn* 24 – 1 69 River Walk
4 Indiana 16 -10 53 3 Arizona* 16 – 5 66 Mercado


These are the four teams playing in the Elite Eight tonight. I’ll post the scores as the games conclude.


Time Network Seed School Record Score Seed School Record Score Region
7:00 ESPN 5 Louisville 23 – 3 63 1 Stanford* 25 – 2 73 Alamo
9:00 ESPN 6 Texas 18 – 9 34 1 S. Carolina* 22 – 4 62 Hemisfair

TMC for ek hornbeck


USS Alliance and the Last Battle of the American Revolution

On this day in history, March 10, 1783, the last naval battle of the American Revolution is fought off Cape Canaveral, Florida, as Captains John Barry and John Green try to deliver a shipload of Spanish silver to the Continental Congress. John Barry, captain of the USS Alliance, arrived in Martinique from France in January, 1783. There he found orders from Robert Morris of the Continental Congress to sail to Havana, Cuba to pick up 72,000 Spanish silver dollars that were to be used to finance the Continental Army.

When Barry arrived in Havana, he discovered that Captain John Green, aboard the USS Duc de Lauzun, was already there with the same orders from Morris. The silver was already loaded on Green’s ship so the captains decided to sail together in case they encountered any enemies along the way. The ships left Havana on March 6 and sailed part way with a Spanish and French fleet that was making its way to Jamaica.

On the 7th, the Americans left the fleet and headed north, but ran into two British ships, the HMS Alarm and the HMS Sybil. Barry and Green headed back toward the Spanish and French fleet and as soon as the British ships saw the fleet they sailed off. On the 8th, Barry and Green sailed to the north again and reached Florida, with Barry constantly slowing his ship because the Duc de Lauzun was much slower. On the 9th, the two agreed to transfer much of the money to the Alliance because the Duc de Lauzun’s slow speed made it vulnerable to the British ships patrolling the area.

On the 10th, the Alarm, the Sybil and a third British ship, the Tobago, found the American ships off the coast of Cape Canaveral. As the British gave chase, as usual, the Duc de Lauzun dragged behind. Captain Barry pulled alongside Green and persuaded him to throw most of the ship’s cannons overboard to lighten the load. A fourth ship of unknown origin appeared on the horizon, which caused the British ships to hold back, making Barry think it must be French or Spanish. Barry then maneuvered between the Duc de Lauzun and the Sybil, which began firing.

The Alliance took several direct hits, including one in the captain’s quarters which killed one and wounded several others. Barry commanded his men not to fire, but sailed directly for the Sybil. When they were in extremely close rage, he ordered the men to fire and they unleashed a torrent of cannonfire on the Sybil. After a firefight of 40 minutes, the Sybil fell quiet and began to sail off. Nearly 40 had been killed on the ship and another 40 wounded.

The Alliance, the Duc de Lauzun and the ship from the horizon, which turned out to be the French ship Triton, chased the British ships, but lost them in the night. The rest of the silver was transferred to the faster Alliance and the ships headed north. The Duc de Lauzun was able to travel up the Delaware to Philadelphia on the 18th and the Alliance made it to Newport, Rhode Island on the 20th. Only a few days later, word arrived that the Treaty of Paris had been signed on February 3, bringing the Revolution to a close and making this engagement the last naval battle of the Revolution.



TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (Powerful Spirits)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

President Ronald Reagan is wounded in an assassination attempt; The U.S. reaches a deal with Russia to buy Alaska Territory; Actor James Cagney dies; Musician Eric Clapton born.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Children are resilient and strong with powerful spirits.

Rhea Perlman

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NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament 2021: Elite Eight – Day One

Not surprising the Play -in team #11 UCLA beat #2 Alabama in a close game that went to overtime that UCLA dominated. Of course #1 Gonzaga easily won against #5 Creighton becoming only the third unbeaten team in NCAA history to make it to the Elite Eight.

Here are yesterday’s winners and the scores.


Seed School Record Score Seed School Record Score Region
12 Oregon St.* 17 – 2 65 8 Loyola Chi. 24 – 4 58 Midwest
5 Villanova 16 – 6 51 1 Baylor* 22 – 2 62 South
15 Oral Roberts 16 – 10 70 3 Arkansas* 22 – 6 72 South
11 Syracuse 16 – 9 46 2 Houston* 24 – 3 62 Midwest
5 Creighton 20 – 8 63 1 Gonzaga* 26 – 0 85 West
4 Florida St. 16 – 6 58 1 Michigan* 20 – 4 76 East
11 UCLA* 17 – 9 88 OT 2 Alabama 24 – 6 78 OT East
7 Oregon 20 – 6 68 6 USC* 22 – 2 82 West

These are the four teams playing in the Elite Eight today. I’ll post the scores as the games conclude.


Time Network Seed School Record Score Seed School Record Score Region
7:15 CBS 12 Oregon St. 17 – 12 2 Houston 24 – 3 Midwest
9:57 CBS 3 Arkansas 22 – 6 1 Baylor 22 – 2 South

TMC for ek hornbeck

NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament 2021: Elite Eight – Day One

Three of the Women’s number one teams have made it to the Elite Eight, also known as, the Regional Finals. There were three upsets, two biggies and the other not so biggie. In the last game of the night, #6 Texas defeated #2 Maryland in a very close game with the lead bouncing back and forth with Texas finally taking the last 3 point lead.

Here are the winners and losers of the Sweet Sixteen:


Seed School Record Score Seed School Record Score Region
5 Iowa 18 – 8 72 1 UConn* 24 – 1 92 River Walk
6 Michigan 14 – 5 75 OT 2 Baylor* 25 – 2 78 OT River Walk
4 Indiana* 16 – 10 73 1 N. Carolina St. 23 – 2 70 Mercado
3 Arizona* 16 – 5 74 2 Texas A&M 23 – 2 59 Mercado
5 Georgia Tech 15 – 8 65 1 S. Carolina* 23 – 2 76 Heisfair
5 Missouri St. 21 – 2 42 1 Stanford* 25 – 2 60 Alamo
6 Oregon 13 – 8 42 2 Louisville* 23 – 3 60 Alamo
6 Texas* 18 – 9 64 2 Maryland 24 – 2 61 Henisfair


These are the four teams playing in the Elite Eight today. I’ll post the scores as the games conclude.


Time Network Seed School Record Score Seed School Record Score Region
7:00 ESPN 2 Baylor 25 – 2 67 1 UConn* 24 – 1 69 River Walk
9:00 ESPN 4 Indiana 16 – 10 53 3 Arizona* 16 – 5 66 Mercado

TMC for ek hornbeck


America Unearthed: Cryptic Symbols Hide Templar Secrets

TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (If You Care)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

President Ronald Reagan is wounded in an assassination attempt; The U.S. reaches a deal with Russia to buy Alaska Territory; Actor James Cagney dies; Musician Eric Clapton born.

Breakfast Tunes

Who knew George Segal played the banjo. TMC

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

If you care about injustice, and if you care about freedom, and you care about human rights, then you care about them everywhere.

Lara Logan

Continue reading

NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament 2021: Sweet 16 – Day Two

The Men’s team underdogs keep winning: #12 seeded Oregon State won over #8 Loyola Chicago. The only game that was worth watching was the #15 Oral Roberts#3 Arkansas match which was tied in the last seconds. At times this game looked more like a football match with pile ons for possession of the ball. Disappointingly, ek hornbeck’s #11 Syracuse lost last night. I’ll be cheering for #1 Gonzaga!!!!.

Here are yesterday’s winners and the scores.


Seed School Record Score Seed School Record Score Region
12 Oregon St.* 17 – 2 65 8 Loyola Chi. 24 – 4 58 Midwest
5 Villanova 16 – 6 51 1 Baylor* 22 – 2 62 South
15 Oral Roberts 16 – 10 70 3 Arkansas* 22 – 6 72 South
11 Syracuse 16 – 9 46 2 Houston* 24 – 3 62 Midwest


Here is the schedule and match ups for the eight teams from the East and West. I’ll post the scores as the games conclude.


Time Network Seed School Record Score Seed School Record Score Region
2:10 CBS 5 Creighton 20 – 8 65 1 Gonzaga* 26 – 0 83 West
5:00 CBS 4 Florida St. 16 – 6 58 1 Michigan* 20 – 4 76 East
7:15 TBS 11 UCLA* 17 – 9 88 OT 2 Alabama 24 – 6 78 OT East
9:45 TBS 7 Oregon 20 – 6 68 6 USC* 22 – 7 82 West

TMC for ek hornbeck-

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