Late Night Today

Late Night Today is for our readers who can’t stay awake to watch the shows. Everyone deserves a good laugh.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert:

President Biden’s Peloton Instructor Has Some Weird Requests

Mr. President, if your Peloton asks you for classified information, please shut it off.

Pandemic Reset: Biden Moves On Masks and Workplace Safety While Fauci Zings Previous Administration

On his first full day in office President Biden presented the country with a clear path forward in the fight against Covid-19, signing numerous executive orders and allowing Dr. Anthony Fauci to resume his vital role as a spokesperson for the government’s pandemic response.

Quarantinewhile… Stephen Offers A Solution For Colombia’s Cocaine Hippo Problem

Quarantinewhile… To our friends in Colombia who are grappling with the environmental devastation wrought by Pablo Escobar’s escaped pet hippos, Stephen Colbert offers a solution by way of Florida.

If You Liked “The Queen’s Gambit,” You’ll Love Stephen’s New Drama About The Rubik’s Cube

To cash in on the popularity of “The Queen’s Gambit,” Stephen Colbert is launching his own 14-part prestige streaming series based on the Rubik’s Cube. Tonight we’re excited to present the world premiere of the series trailer!

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah:

The NBA Takes On Corona & Russia Arrests Alexei Navalny

NBA players can’t shake hands anymore, Putin critic Alexei Navalny is arrested in Russia, a Bitcoin millionaire can’t remember his password, and Pablo Escobar’s hippos are taking over Colombian marshlands.

Late Night with Seth Meyers

Biden Gets to Work Undoing Trump’s Damage: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at Joe Biden working to clean up the mess left by Donald Trump on his first full day as president, making Republicans lose their minds.

Jimmy Kimmel Live

Goodbye Donald Trump

States certify results after ensuring ballots are properly counted and correcting irregularities and errors.

Biden Inherits the Mess of a Lying Madman

It was our first full day of Trumplessness here in the USA and there were no crazy tweets from the POTUS accounts, Tom Hanks hosted a star-studded “Celebrating America” concert for the Inauguration, President Biden hit the ground running by signing many Executive Orders, Dr. Fauci returned with lots of information about the COVID-19 response, Trump plans his return to the political stage while Lindsey Graham continues to butter him up in Washington, the prophecies that the QAnon crowd has built their life around did not come to fruition, Trump’s final lie tally was 30,573, and we take a trip down memory lane with a 41 pun salute to the many nicknames we have given Donald Trump over the past four years, brought to life in a song by the great Rufus Wainwright.

The Late Late Show with James Corden

Which of These Are Real Superheroes?

James Corden challenges “Watchmen” star and “One Night In Miami” director Regina King to a game of Superhero or Super Zero, in which she meets a lineup of six potential superheroes. After learning each character’s origin story, Regina must decide which are indeed real.

Freezing Bernie Sanders Is In the House!

James Corden kicks off the show surrounded by cutouts of the freezing Bernie Sanders meme, and they may have gone too far with the joke. with a room full of cutouts of cold Bernie Sanders cutouts inspired by the Senator’s presence at the inauguration that went viral. And James recaps President Joe Biden’s first full day in office, including getting the country back in the World Health Organization and removing the Diet Coke button.

Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news media and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

Paul Krugman: The Corrupt, the Clueless and Joe Biden

Unity is a fine goal, but don’t expect much cooperation.

The inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was an astonishingly emotional moment. I know I wasn’t alone in suddenly, unexpectedly finding myself tearing up. For a little while it felt as if we were living in a dream — a dream about the nation we should be, a land of decency, honesty, justice and unity in diversity. (E pluribus unum, to coin a phrase.)

But now the work begins, and it won’t be easy. Biden spoke movingly about unity, but let’s face it: He won’t sway many people in the other party.

Some, perhaps most, of the opposition he’ll face will come from people who are deeply corrupt. And even among Republicans acting in good faith he’ll have to contend with deep-seated cluelessness, the result of the intellectual bubble the right has lived in for many years.

Let’s start with the face of corruption: Ted Cruz. OK, there are other prominent Republicans just as bad or worse — hello, Josh Hawley. But Cruz epitomizes the bad faith Biden will have to contend with.

Jamelle Bouie: We Have to Make the Republican Party Less Dangerous

The crisis Trump set in motion is far from over.

In his Inaugural Address on Wednesday, Joe Biden said that after four years of Trumpian chaos — including two months of thrashing against the results of the election, culminating in an attack on the Capitol itself — “democracy” had “prevailed.” But it might have been better, if inappropriate to the moment, for the new president to have said that democracy had “survived.”

In so many ways, Donald Trump was a stress test for our democracy. And as we begin to assess the damage from his time in office, it’s clear we did not do especially well. [..]

Yes, we held an election, and yes, Trump actually left the White House — the Secret Service did not have to drag him out. But the difference between our reality and one where Trump overturned a narrow result in Biden’s favor is just a few tens of thousands of votes across a handful of states. If it were Pennsylvania or Arizona alone that meant the difference between victory and defeat, are we so sure that Republican election officials would have resisted the overwhelming pressure of the president and his allies? Are we absolutely confident the Supreme Court would not have intervened? Do we think the Republican Party wouldn’t have done everything it could to keep Trump in the White House?

We don’t have to speculate too much. At points before the election, key actors signaled some willingness to stand with Trump should the results come close enough to seriously contest. And recent reporting from Axios shows that the plan, from the start, was to try to use any ambiguity in the results to claim victory, even if Trump lacked the votes.

We were saved, in short, by the point spread. This does not reflect well on American democracy. But it does make clear the source of our dysfunction: the Republican Party.

Catherine Rampell: Right on schedule, Republicans pretend to care about deficits again

It never fails: As soon as a Democrat enters the White House, the fiscal hawks return.

It’s almost like clockwork. As soon as a Democrat enters the White House, Republicans pretend to care about deficits again.

“The one thing that concerns me that nobody seems to be talking about anymore is the massive amount of debt that we continue to rack up as a nation,” Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) complained during a confirmation hearing this week for Treasury Secretary-nominee Janet Yellen. “For me,” he continued, “that is a huge warning sign on the horizon, the fact that we have an ever-growing deficit, an ever-growing debt and no apparent interest in taking the steps that are necessary to address it.” [..]

The nation does indeed face long-term structural budgetary problems. (Exactly when those problems will become painful remains a matter of ongoing debate.) But the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining, as budget-watchers and economists repeatedly reminded developed countries in the years between the last recession and the current one.

The United States, unlike some other advanced economies, refused to listen. Instead of getting our fiscal house in order, we let the roof rot further.

Now the U.S. economy actually needs more federal spending, and President Biden has proposed a $1.9 trillion plan to provide it. Biden has asked Congress for more money for vaccines; child-care facilities; state and local aid; unemployment benefit extensions; food stamps; and other aid for the needy, hungry and near-homeless.

The proposal is not perfect, to be sure. Some elements could be better targeted (e.g., the proposed phaseout of expanded stimulus checks should be more tailored to assist those who actually need the money). But the greater risk now, as Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell and others have warned in recent months, is that policymakers will do too little, rather than too much, to prevent permanent damage to the country’s productive capacity.

And in any event, Republicans objecting to Biden’s proposal are not making narrow critiques about technical design. They seem to be writing off the need for more relief entirely, at least now that a Democrat is president.

Jennifer Rubin: Biden’s approach to covid-19: Flood the zone

The new administration is not holding back from the public and media.

If the prior administration’s approach to the coronavirus pandemic consisted of doing as little as possible, letting the president subsume experts and trying to get by on “happy talk,” the Biden administration’s plan seems to be to do as much as possible, let the experts talk and lower expectations for a fast turnaround. That was certainly in evidence on Thursday.

The administration released another flurry of executive orders in addition to a nearly 200-page plan for addressing the pandemic. The Post reports: “The replacement plan synthesizes many of the goals and strategies for fighting the coronavirus that [President Biden] has mapped out in the weeks and days leading to his inauguration, including in a $1.9 trillion request to Congress for these efforts and to hasten the nation’s economic recovery.” While Biden described a variety of steps his administration will take — from reimbursement to states for their use of the National Guard to coordination with pharmacies to mandating worker safety for front-line workers — he warned, “Let me be very clear, things are going to continue to get worse before they get better.” He also stressed that public health officials will “work free from political interference and that they make decisions strictly based on science and health care alone, science and health alone, not what the political consequences are.” [..]

The bottom line is that for all the activity and information, the administration ultimately will be judged on what it does. The most the members of Biden team can do at this point is establish trust, give a sense of urgency to covid-19 vaccinations and testing, and apply pressure on Congress to get cracking on funding. So far, they seem to be hitting their marks.

Robert Reich: Biden cannot govern from the center – ending Trumpism means radical action

This Republican party traffics in conspiracy and thuggery – the new president must be bold on healthcare, equality and more

I keep hearing that Joe Biden will govern from the “center”. He has no choice, they say, because he will have razor-thin majorities in Congress and the Republican party has moved to the right.

Rubbish. I’ve served several Democratic presidents who have needed Republican votes. But the Republicans now in Congress are nothing like those I’ve dealt with. Most of today’s GOP live in a parallel universe. There’s no “center” between the reality-based world and theirs. [..]

his is the culmination of the growing insanity of the GOP over the last four years. Trump has remade the Republican party into a white supremacist cult living within a counter-factual wonderland of lies and conspiracies.

More than half of Republican voters – almost 40 million people – believe Trump won the 2020 race; 45% support the storming of the Capitol; 57% say he should be the Republican candidate in 2024.

In this hermetically sealed cosmos, most Republicans believe Black Lives Matter protesters are violent, immigrants are dangerous and the climate crisis doesn’t pose a threat. A growing fringe openly talks of redressing grievances through violence, including QAnon conspiracy theorists, of whom two are newly elected to Congress, who think Democrats are running a global child sex-trafficking operation.

How can Biden possibly be a “centrist” in this new political world?

There is no middle ground between lies and facts. There is no halfway point between civil discourse and violence. There is no midrange between democracy and fascism.


Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergies and Disease, has returned to the White House Press Room free to discuss the status of the fight to control the CoVid-19 pandemic. Yesterday was his first press conference under President Biden.

TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (Fortitude)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

U.S. Supreme Court legalizes abortion; Theodore Kaczynski pleads guilty; Queen Victoria dies; “The Crucible” opens;”Laugh-In” premieres.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Fortitude is the marshal of thought, the armor of the will, and the fort of reason.

Francis Bacon

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Late Night Today

Late Night Today is for our readers who can’t stay awake to watch the shows. Everyone deserves a good laugh.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert:

Welcome Home, Democracy!

The day so many Americans have been waiting for is finally here.

President Biden’s Joyful Inauguration Day Felt Like A Return To Normalcy

While the socially distanced crowd and the glaring absence of an outgoing president made for a most unusual Inauguration Day for Joe Biden, a sense of optimism prevailed as did the feeling that a return to ‘normal’ may be possible.

Officially In Charge, President Biden Begins Dismantling His Predecessor’s Legacy

In the Oval Office today in his first acts as America’s new leader, President Biden signed a number of executive orders reversing some of the worst policies of the previous administration, including halting construction on the border wall, ending the Muslim travel ban and revoking approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project.

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah:

Biden’s Inauguration & Trump’s Pardon Spree

Despite the pandemic, Joe Biden’s inauguration has plenty of pomp and circumstance, and Donald Trump shares a bizarre goodbye message after doling out tons of pardons on his way out the door.

Presidential Inaugurations – If You Don’t Know, Now You Know

How did Joe Biden’s swearing-in stack up against others? Here’s a brief history of presidential inaugurations, from a strict oath of office and inaugural speeches to presidential pettiness and parting letters.

Late Night with Seth Meyers:

Biden Sworn In as 46th President After Trump Leaves White House: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at Joe Biden being inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States, officially ending the Trump presidency.

Jimmy Kimmel Live

Joe Biden is Finally President & We Feel Great Again

Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States today, Donald Trump departed the White House with the help of an old friend, our new Vice President Kamala Harris made history, Bernie Sanders made headlines for his outfit, former VP Mike Pence was on hand before blasting off, Trump gave an ominous speech in front of a small crowd at Joint Base Andrews after pardoning 144 people the night prior, we imagine what it would look like if we put Donald Trump’s words in Joe Biden’s mouth, and we say goodbye to Donald Trump not with venom, not with scorn, but with optimism and celebration.

The Late Late Show with James Corden

Joe Biden Is Officially POTUS 46

James Corden recaps the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, from the giant Bible, to all the leather gloves to Bernie Sanders being instantly memed, James loved it all apart from a small issue he had with J Lo’s performance. And he looks at how the day began, with former president Donald Trump leaving Washington DC to the tune of “YMCA.”

Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news media and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

Jesse Wegman: Biden Can Heal What Trump Broke

Now that Mr. Trump is finally out of office, President Biden has the chance to lead America forward.

For a long time, Jan. 20, 2021, seemed like a day that might never come. It sat there far down the calendar, a tantalizing hint of a moment when America might at last be freed from the grip of the meanest, most corrupt and most incompetent presidency in the nation’s history.

The countdown was measured first in weeks, then in days, then hours and minutes, as though Americans were anticipating the arrival of a new year. In this case, it was not just the intense desire of more than 81 million Americans to turn the page on an abominable administration, but a legitimate fear of what Donald Trump could do while still in power, especially without the constant distraction of his Twitter feed. (Seriously, what does he do without Twitter?)

In the end, Jan. 20 arrived right on schedule, a cold, blustery Wednesday morning in the nation’s capital. There was no crowd on the National Mall this time, only a smattering of guests in carefully spaced folding chairs, in front of a vast field of flags. At 10 minutes to noon, Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath of office to Joe Biden. Mr. Biden’s swearing-in as the 46th president, and Kamala Harris’s swearing-in as the first female vice president — both standing on the very spot that Trump-incited rioters had stormed two weeks earlier — was the best possible rebuke of that dark day.

Steven G. Calabresi and Norman L. Eisen: The Problem With Trump’s Odious Pardon of Steve Bannon

It is corrupt and a possible obstruction of justice and should be legally challenged.

Donald Trump is exiting office with a final outburst of constitutional contempt. Like a Borgia pope trading indulgences as quid pro quos with his corrupt cardinals, Mr. Trump on Wednesday used one of the most sweeping powers of the presidency to dole out dozens of odious pardons to a roster of corrupt politicians and business executives as well as cronies and loyalists like Steve Bannon.

The pardon of Mr. Bannon, his former chief strategist, encapsulates the most repugnant aspects of Mr. Trump’s misuse of the pardon power: cronyism, criminality and cultivation of his far-right base. One of us is an originalist Republican and the other a living-Constitution Democrat, but we both think pardons like that of Mr. Bannon may be unconstitutional. [..]

Mr. Trump did not have the constitutional power to obstruct justice by failing to faithfully execute the law through pardons of associates like Mr. Bannon, who could potentially testify against him. The Constitution and its amendments work like a giant power of attorney by which the founding generation, and their successors, We the People, have delegated certain limited and enumerated powers to the president, Congress, the federal courts and the states. The president is empowered to take care that the laws be faithfully executed and not to break them.

Jeffrey Crouch: If Trump issued secret pardons, they won’t work

Jeffrey Crouch, an assistant professor of American politics at American University, is author of “The Presidential Pardon Power.”

Donald Trump left office with a spree of last-minute pardons, but is it possible there are more? Did the norm-breaking president break one more on his way out the door, issuing pardons in secret to his friends, family or even himself, break-in-case-of-emergency documents to be produced if necessary? If so, that would be a legally dubious step, inconsistent with the pardon power.

If Trump prepared pardons without telling anyone, he probably saw them as a way to satisfy two competing goals: avoiding offending Republican senators who could still vote to convict him in his impeachment trial and having a hidden defense ready if the Biden Justice Department proceeds against Trump or those close to him. Keeping the pardons quiet unless they are needed would also prevent Trump from appearing to dare the Justice Department to challenge a self-pardon, if he went that unprecedented route.

Nobody knows for certain whether a secret pardon would be upheld in court because it has never been tested. However, the pardon power as imagined by the Constitution’s framers is checked by the ballot box, impeachment and the judgment of history. How can a president be made answerable for decisions that no one knows about?

Charles M Blow: Relief, but Lingering Rage

The fractured Trump administration is now behind us, but the wound is still fresh.

I watched as Donald Trump left the White House on Wednesday, tacky and lacking in grace and dignity — consistent with his life and presidency — and I watched as Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president of America.

I had many feelings as I observed this pageant of customs. The first was the feeling of having — remarkably, improbably — survived a calamity, like stumbling out of a wrecked car and frantically checking my body for injuries, sure that the shock and adrenaline were disguising the damage done.

To be sure, Trump has done real and lasting damage to this country. He has tested the rules we thought might constrain a president and found them wanting. He has shown the next presidential hopeful with authoritarian tendencies that authoritarianism can gain a foothold here.

Trump taught us, the hard way, that what we took for granted as inviolable was in fact largely tradition, and traditions are not laws. They have no enforcement mechanism. They are not compulsory.

There is the feeling of releasing resistance, of allowing the tension in the neck to relax and the shoulders to drop. It is the feeling of exhaling. It is the feeling of returning to some form of normalcy — a normal presidency, a normal news cycle, a normal sleep habit.

Amanda Marcotte: The anticipated violence at Biden’s inauguration never happened — thank Trump’s Twitter ban

Trump’s incitement was crucial whipping right-wing mobs to violence. Muting him helped settle them down

After the violent but failed insurrection of Jan. 6, federal and state authorities were understandably terrified about violence on Inauguration Day. The FBI warned of threats of violence not just in Washington D.C. on January 20, but all 50 state capitols, the homes of prominent members of Congress, and other federal buildings across the country. This was hardly an idle concern. The same far right channels that were used to organize the insurrection were alight with excitement about another round, and Inauguration Day was the target. One of the organizers of the “Stop the Steal” rally that kicked off the insurrection spent the days after upping the ante, promising to “bring hell to my enemies” and declaring “I am the tool to stab” Trump’s political opponents.

Yet Inauguration Day came and went in relative peace.

The calm was maintained not just in D.C., where the presence of 25,000 National Guard troops was an intimidating deterrent to would-be insurrectionists, but the planned pro-Trump protests at state capitols barely materialized — with mostly a few disparate and sad sign-wavers, rarely numbering more than a dozen at any single location. Outside the perimeter in D.C. set up by the National Guard, journalists outnumbered the Trump supporters so badly that any redhats who bothered to show up got swarmed by photographers. Only Portland, Oregon seemed to have seen any real violence, possibly only because the antifa and fascist groups that have spent the past four years street fighting there seemed interested in one final go-round.

There’s a number of reasons that Inauguration Day ended up being relatively peaceful.

For one thing, legal authorities took the threat seriously and took significant preventive action. For another, the mass arrests of the insurrections by federal law enforcement sent a signal that the impunity that Trump supporters were feeling was misplaced. But most importantly, the main driver of insurrectionist sentiment and the man who instigated the Capitol riot — Donald Trump — wasn’t on hand to incite more violence.


Sam Bee celebrates the inauguration of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Vice President Kamala Harris>


The blue wave finally arrived…and Sam’s surfing it! Featuring Jane Fonda, Catherine O’Hara, Jane Lynch, Sarah Silverman, Tan France, Andy Cohen, Amber Ruffin, Andrew Rannells, Kyra Sedgwick, Trixie Mattel & Katya, David Koechner, Tim Gunn, Patton Oswalt, Tony Hale, Karamo Brown, Cynthia Erivo, Shep Smith, Harvey Fierstein, and Full Frontal correspondents Mike Brown, Allana Harkin, Mike Rubens, and Amy Hoggart.

Democrats: They (Can Finally) Get The Job Done! Pt. 1

After four years of futile attempts to stop Trump from driving our country off a cliff, Democrats are finally in the driver’s seat! We’re hoping they’ve set the GPS to “A Better Place.”

Democrats: They (Can Finally) Get The Job Done! Pt. 2

Samantha Bee Cleaning: White House Edition

The White House has always had to go through a cleaning in between administrations. But we’re expecting a bit of a, uh, deeper clean this time around. Samantha Bee, expert cleaner, is here to help!

Full Frontal Daytime Edition!

It’s the dawn of a brand new day in our nation…and a brand new daytime show! Sam’s positivity is at an all time high and to celebrate she’s spending time with some of her favorite people….the activists who helped save our democracy! Featuring LaTosha Brown, Nada Al-Hanooti, Sheyla Street, Tara Benally, Luis Velasquez.

Sam’s Inaugural Ball

It’s her party, she can cry (tears of joy) if she wants to.

TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (Paving Roads)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

France’s King Louis XVI executed; Vladimir Lenin dies; Alger Hiss found guilty of lying to grand jury; President Jimmy Carter pardons Vietnam draft evaders; Concorde begins service.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.

Dolly Parton

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Late Night Today

Late Night Today is for our readers who can’t stay awake to watch the shows. Everyone deserves a good laugh.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

center>This Inauguration Playlist Definitely Doesn’t Have A Hidden Message

If you found a message in the names of the songs, that’s on you. Joe and Kamala just want the jams.

After Four Challenging Years, America Is Ready For This President To Hit The Road

The man who kept us on the edge of our seats for four weird and painful years leaves office on Wednesday as the least popular president in American history. Not that we’ve been counting down the days in our theater’s dome or anything.

Quarantinewhile… White Castle Won’t Let Covid Ruin Valentine’s Day

Quarantinewhile… Stephen’s deranged underground zine of news turns its focus to some happy news from the place where chicken rings and romance collide.

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

The UPDATED List of Trump’s Most Tremendous Scandals

We counted down Trump’s 100 Most Tremendous Scandals back in October. Rookie mistake. Here’s an updated list, now including “inciting an insurrection,” among others.

Late Night with Seth Meyers

The End of the Trump Presidency: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at Donald Trump spending his last full day as president of the United States stewing in private, mulling pardons for well-connected allies and releasing a meaningless, lie-filled farewell message.

Jimmy Kimmel Live

The Final Full Day of Donald Trump’s Presidency

Jimmy breaks down the final full day of the Trump presidency, and talks about all the campaign promises he made and didn’t keep, the 100 pardons Trump is expected to give out, Joe Exotic hoping to be on the list, whether or not all of this was worth it for Donald Trump, Mike Pence planning to attend Biden’s inauguration instead of Trump’s farewell party, Tiffany Trump’s perfectly timed engagement, discovering Rudy Giuliani voted with a provisional ballot after months of discrediting them, and Jimmy looks into his crystal ball to see what the future holds for the members of the Trump administration.

The Late, Late Show with James Corden

‘One Day More’ of President Trump – Les Misérables parody

James Corden arrives at work in a good mood knowing there’s only One Day More of monologue jokes with Donald Trump serving as President of the United States. Our thanks to our wonderful cast: Joshua Grosso, Jillian Butler, Emily Bautista, Kyle Scatliffe, Shuler Hensley, Patti LuPone and Matt Lucas.

There’s Only a Few Hours Until Trump Is Dumped

James Corden recaps the headlines on Donald Trump’s last full day as president of the United States, including the Trumps deciding to skip Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony and his farewell message to the country. And James looks at a story about cocaine hippos becoming a big issue in Colombia.


Inauguration of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Vice President Kamala

TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (The First Day)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

Iran releases American hostages; Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy innaugurated as President

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

The biggest organ in your body is your skin, and it’s a permeable membrane. Anything you put on it goes into you. If you can’t pronounce most of the words on the back of the bottle, it’s probably not good for you.

Philippe Cousteau, Jr.

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United We Serve: A Celebration of the National Martin Luther King Day of Service

As the National Day of Service comes to a close, we’re celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with an evening full of entertainers and inspiring speakers. Tune in for “United We Serve.”

TMC for ek hornbeck

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