Don’t Let The Door Hit You

Good riddance you Jackbooted Assholes.

There are a lot of problems with Law Enforcement including (but not limited to) Systemic Racism and Militarization.

Another one is Police Unions.

They are generally run by the Fascists who were so monumentally Bigoted (and for the most part incredibly stupid) that they’re not fit to have a regular Police job. Their primary mission (pay no attention to higher pay and benefits or improved working environment) is to make sure no Officer is ever fired, even if they’re trigger happy murderers in Klan Hoods and Swastika Arm Bands.

Entire BPD Emergency Response Team resigns in support of suspended officers
Jun 5, 2020

News 4 has learned the entire Buffalo Police Department Emergency Response Team has resigned from the team.

That’s a total of 57 officers.

We’re told this is a show of support for the officers who are suspended without pay after shoving 75-year-old Martin Gugino.

They are still employed, but no longer on ERT.

Mayor Byron Brown responded saying the city is aware of these resignations.

Here’s his full statement below:

“The City of Buffalo is aware of developments related to the work assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force. At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community. The Buffalo police continue to actively work with the New York State Police and other cooperating agencies.”

Your Resignation is accepted. Turn in your Badge and Gun. Now. This Officer will escort you to your car. Your personal belongings will be collected and sent to you.

What? Too down on Cops?

‘Nazi Nuremberg defense’: Buffalo police ripped for defending cops who pushed elderly man
By Bob Brigham, Raw Story
June 5, 2020

The Buffalo Police Department Emergency Response Team was harshly criticized online after all 57 officers resigned from the team in solidarity with officers who were suspended for shoving an elderly man during protests against police violence.

Video went viral on Thursday that showed police shoving 75-year-old Martin Gugino, who bled from the ear after his head hit the concrete with a thud.

“Fifty-seven resigned in disgust because of the treatment of two of their members, who were simply executing orders,” Buffalo Police Benevolent Association president John Evans said in a statement.

The “superior orders” defense is also known as the Nuremberg defense, which was used by Nazis tried for war crimes.

Oh, and Martin Gugino is still in Serious Condition. Bleeding from the Ears is a strong indicator for Cerebral Hemorrhage.

Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news media and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

New York Times Editorial Board: Mayor de Blasio, Open Your Eyes. The Police Are Out of Control.

This is not what serving and protecting should look like.

Hundreds of protesters walked toward Cadman Plaza Park in Brooklyn on Wednesday night around 9 o’clock. Encountering a line of New York City police officers in riot gear, they chanted peacefully, hands in the air. Officers responded by beating them with nightsticks.

Similar scenes have played out across New York in recent days. Even as the police struggle to prevent looting and other illegal activity, the city has sent scores of armored officers to contain and confront peaceful protesters. Video footage shows officers pushing, punching and beating people, pepper-spraying people, hitting people with police vehicles.

New Yorkers have taken to the streets of the city to demand an end to police brutality, to express their pain and their hope that their voices will be heard — that their rights will be respected. All too often, the police have responded with more violence.

New York’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, is responsible for the city’s failure to protect the safety of its residents. As evidence of police abuse has mounted, he has averted his eyes, insisting Thursday that the Police Department uses as “light a touch as possible.” [..]

But Mr. de Blasio appears unwilling to confront the reality that the department is failing to meet the demands of this moment. Officers have been allowed to behave in a manner that disgraces their mission to protect and serve, and violates the public trust.

The mayor is allowing that to happen.

Paul Krugman: Donald Trump Is No Richard Nixon

He — and his party — are much, much worse.

On May 4, 1970, the Ohio National Guard opened fire on student protesters, killing four. The 50th anniversary of the Kent State massacre passed with little notice in a nation preoccupied with Covid-19 — but now, suddenly, echoes of the Nixon era are everywhere. And Donald Trump seems to be deliberately invoking Nixon’s legacy, tweeting out “LAW & ORDER!” in the apparent hope that it will magically rescue his political fortunes.

And given Trump’s determination to put troops in the streets of America’s cities, it’s quite likely that innocent civilians will be shot at some point.

But Donald Trump isn’t Richard Nixon — he’s much, much worse. And America 2020 isn’t America 1970: We’re a better nation in many ways, but our democracy is far more fragile thanks to the utter corruption of the Republican Party.

The Trump-Nixon comparisons are obvious. Like Nixon, Trump has exploited white backlash for political gain. Like Nixon, Trump evidently believes that laws apply only to the little people.

Nixon, however, doesn’t seem to have been a coward. Amid mass demonstrations, he didn’t cower in the MAGAbunker, venturing out only after his minions had gassed peaceful protesters and driven them out of Lafayette Park. Instead, he went out to talk to protesters at the Lincoln Memorial. His behavior was a bit weird, but it wasn’t craven.

Eugene Robinson: Trump is uniting Americans — against him

The first time I witnessed the use of tear gas and brutal force against lawful, peaceful protesters was in Chile during the reign of military dictator Augusto Pinochet. The shocking abuse of state power we saw near the White House on Monday reminded me of that place and time — and made clear the peril we now face.

Pinochet had seized power in 1973 in a bloody U.S.-backed coup. In 1988, believing himself invincible, he called for a plebiscite to give him eight more years in power. I covered the run-up to that vote. And when those calling on Chileans to vote “no” held rallies, Pinochet’s goon squads inevitably found or invented some reason to disperse the crowds with overwhelming force. The worst kind of tear gas, I discovered the hard way, was some concoction the strongman had bought from the apartheid government in South Africa.

That sort of thing doesn’t happen here in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Except this week, in Lafayette Square. [..]

On Wednesday afternoon, as I visited the site where demonstrators were gassed and manhandled, I wondered whether Trump’s attempt at division might not be having the opposite effect.

The lawless law-and-order president

“We need law and order,” President Trump declared this week, calling for military and police forces to crush protests against police brutality. “LAW & ORDER!” he has tweeted four times in recent days, as his aides call for the same.

Perhaps they might consider leading by example.

This administration, after all, must be among the most lawless and disorderly in U.S. history.

An exhaustive catalogue of the Trump White House’s demonstrated contempt for the rule of law is hardly possible within my allotted column inches. But let’s consider some of the highlights, among the heaps of wrongdoing committed by White House aides, Trump Organization employees and the president himself — as well as lawbreaking outside the administration that our president has either ignored or encouraged.

Including, most recently, lawbreaking by law enforcement itself. [..]

Shortly after officers fired tear gas and rubber bullets Monday at peaceful protesters and clergy outside the White House gates, Trump called for an “overwhelming law enforcement presence until the violence has been quelled,” neglecting to recognize the implicit paradox of that statement.

“I am your president of law and order,” Trump declared. He conveniently failed to specify which laws — and whose order.

Michael Gerson: Trump wants to turn his opponents into infidels to be destroyed, not defeated

Jill Filipovic: Biden’s startling weapon against Trump

Finally, on Tuesday, we heard presidential remarks about the protests against police violence that are roiling the nation.

Too bad they weren’t from the actual president.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, spoke from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this morning, a city — like many across the country — where thousands have been taking to the streets to protest the latest death of an unarmed black man in police custody: George Floyd, who died after a Minneapolis police officer dug his knee into his neck for more than eight long minutes.

Biden’s speech could not have distinguished him more from President Donald Trump. While Trump seems to think chaos benefits him and acts to drive it at any turn, Biden struck a markedly different tone, issuing a call for calm, reconciliation, and understanding. “We’re a nation in pain,” Biden said. “We must not let our pain destroy us.”

In a pointed critique of the President, who has long refused to take responsibility for any of his actions and never accepts blame — even when his failed response to a pandemic has left more than 100,000 Americans dead — Biden said, “I’ll do my job and take responsibility. I won’t blame others. I’ll never forget that the job isn’t about me.”
Whatever you think of Biden — and he wasn’t my pick for the Democratic nomination — it was almost startling to hear from an empathetic, rational adult who understands he’s asking to be the public’s most prominent servant, not its petty disciplinarian.

It was a window into what a Biden presidency might look like: Hardly the stuff of progressive dreams, but also leaps and bounds better than the current nightmare of narcissism, division, and autocracy from a President primarily concerned about his ratings and anyone he perceives to have slighted him. Biden promises to listen, lead, and to try to do right by the whole country, not just the angry few who don red hats and shout the loudest at political rallies.
He may not be offering the kind of enormous progress voters like me crave. But he does promise to pull us back from the abyss.

The Gray Lady

It’s an old name for the Times that mostly refers (at least when I was exposed to it) to the fact they were one of the last newspapers to use color presses even though their Printing Plant had been capable of doing it for 20 years.

So it’s fair to characterizes them as a hide-bound, ossified, conservative institution.

It’s really not that hard to understand Tom Cotton’s point in his Wednesday Op-Ed. He thinks we should mobilize the Front Line Combat Soldiers of the United States to suppress any Public dissent and kill the enemies of the Republican Party.

Nazi much Tom?

So I say it was obvious but as it turns out James Bennet (Op-Ed Editor) didn’t even bother to read the piece but actively solicited it after reading Tom Cotton’s inflammatory Twits.

Hard to call that a mistake, but they’re trying to.

New York Times Executives Take Turns Apologizing to Quell Staff Revolt
by Lachlan Cartwright, Maxwell Tani, and Lloyd Grove, Daily Beast
Updated Jun. 05, 2020

The New York Times apologized to its staff on Friday in a lengthy, tense meeting in which the paper’s top editors strongly suggested they will overhaul the oft-controversial and scrutinized opinion page.

Earlier this week, the Times published an op-ed, headlined “Send in the Troops,” in which Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) enthusiastically called for the deployment of American military forces to suppress the ongoing protests against police brutality. The column sparked immediate criticism from readers and many of the paper’s own staffers, who publicly denounced the decision to publish it.

One by one during Friday’s staff meeting, the paper’s top leaders apologized for the opinion piece. At one point, the paper admitted that it did “invite” Cotton to write the column.

The paper’s controversial top opinion editor James Bennet issued a mea culpa, claiming he let his section be “stampeded by the news cycle,” and confessed that the backlash had inspired him to rethink the op-ed section entirely.

“I just want to begin by saying I’m very sorry, I’m sorry for the pain that this particular piece has caused,” he said, adding: “I do think this is a moment for me and for us to interrogate everything we do in opinion.”

During the Q&A portion of the meeting, Bennet took several confrontational questions from irate staff. When asked why he did not personally read Cotton’s column before publishing it, Bennet said it was “another part of the process that broke down.” He further added: “I should have been involved in signing off on the piece…I should have read it and signed off.”

When asked about the senator’s claim that the Times approached him to write the op-ed, Bennet admitted that the opinion page had seen Cotton’s tweets on the subject and “we did ask if he could stand up that argument. I’m not sure we suggested that topic to him but we did invite the piece.”

The paper’s executive editor Dean Baquet, meanwhile, said he was “impressed” and “proud” of
the solidarity Times staffers showed each other following the publication of the op-ed, telling staff he stayed up all night following its publication on Wednesday reading their comments.

Under questioning, Baquet also reaffirmed the paper’s editorial positioning, referencing his previous declaration that the Times should not be “the opposition party,” adding: “I think some news organizations have gone a little bit far—not about Trump—but to please an audience.”

“We all work at the Times because we believe this institution can help right wrongs in a way that few others can,” added Meredith Kopit Levien, the paper’s executive vice president and chief operating officer. “I’m sorry that this time we increased pain rather than reduced it.”

Levien said the issue was a “leadership problem, and we will treat it as such.”

The newspaper’s publisher A.G. Sulzberger admitted the op-ed was “sloppy” and the tone was contemptuous and “inflammatory.” He emphasized that Times leadership regretted publishing the piece altogether.

Still, the publisher defended Bennet, saying he has “as tough a job as anyone I can imagine in any newsroom,” saying Bennett and his team had diversified and modernized the opinion section.

“I’m not defending the piece, but I suspect there was a good-faith attempt” to shine a light on Cotton’s point of view, Sulzberger added.

“Serious editorial mistakes” were made, said the paper’s CEO Mark Thompson, who said the company’s executives “have something to think about… the scale of the anger.” He called for a “a weekend of deep reflection” on what transpired.

Well, diversified. It doesn’t mean there is more representation of Minorities. He means they’ve made it more Conservative by putting Racist Hacks like Bret Stephens on it.

The piece has also increased scrutiny on Bennet. Since joining the Times in 2017, the paper’s top opinion editor has been subject to numerous outcries from readers and staff over various editorial decisions. The publication of Wednesday’s piece reignited some of the most contentious internal debates of the past several years.

The Times has said that as a result of the ordeal, the paper is considering reducing the number of op-eds published by as much as 20 percent in order to increase scrutiny on pieces before they run. During Friday’s meeting, Baquet said the criticism of the op-ed from Times staffers did not violate the paper’s strict social-media policies, which limit what Times reporters are permitted to say online.

During Friday’s call, staffers demanded a full autopsy of the publication of the op-ed. But Bennet pushed back, saying he was not pleased with the paper’s decision to publish the name and background information of the editorial assistant—Adam Rubenstein, formerly of The Weekly Standard, a now-defunct conservative outlet—who oversaw the piece.

Bennet confirmed that Cotton’s column will not run in the newspaper’s Sunday print edition.

Yeah, The Weekly Standard, War Criminal Bloody Bill Kristol’s old rag. You know, we killed Julius Streicher.

Also at the Daily Beast I Fixed Tom Cotton’s Op-Ed. It’s kind of visual and I can’t duplicate it in HTML so you’ll have to click through.


You remember Hasan Minaj of The Daily Show.

It’s not funny. They frequently aren’t.

The Breakfast Club (A Little Wild)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

Sen. Robert F. Kennedy assassinated in Los Angeles; The Six-Day War erupts in the Mideast; Birth of the Marshall Plan; First reported AIDS cases in the U.S.; Former President Ronald Reagan dies.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assaults of thoughts on the unthinking.

John Maynard Keynes

Continue reading

Dailyish Last Nightly (Not Funny)

Ek’s right. Late night isn’t really funny anymore. Hasn’t been for too long. But the ridicule and social satire is an important part of history. It shines a light on hypocrisy and makes people uncomfortable, or at least it should.

I’ve always looked at blogging as a way of documenting the times we live in, where future generations can read our posts and learn something. Like letters sent during the civil war found in an old desk drawer. This is the world as it was last night.

Bunker Boy’s TinyMan Square The Gospel According To Don
Frank Luntz rebrands Coronavirus Carole Baskin Gets “Tiger King’s” Zoo
GOP After Trump Gasses Citizens Who ordered the chicken?
Amber’s Minute of Fury: Police Legacy of Stop-and-Frisk in NYC
Fumes Over Bunker & Bible Photo Op We Cannot Stay Silent

In Therapy

It comes as no surprise to readers, been for years, it’s great. This last session my Therapist said she was quite pleased I was adjusting so well despite my underlying conditions. It made her very happy that I wasn’t wandering the streets with a Machete, muttering to myself and making threatening gestures at strangers.

Now if it was the empty air they have meds for that.

Anyway I need to catch up a bit so have some Video.

That’s not very funny actually. Why I don’t do late night so much now, don’t even watch it.

These aren’t very funny either.

Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news media and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

Jack Holmes: Tom Cotton Is Not Trying to Persuade You. He’s Trying to Bludgeon You.

Some arguments backing the New York Times‘ decision to publish the senator’s screed betray a dangerously naive view of how authoritarian rhetoric operates. Many more are just dumb.

After the New York Times published a fascist screed from a sitting United States senator on Wednesday, in which Tom Cotton argued—using false premises—for deploying the military to crush the ongoing protests in cities across America, a predictable argument erupted in the public square.

“Free speech!” some shouted, as if the First Amendment grants everyone the inalienable right to have their shitty opinions published in the Paper of Record and disseminated to as many people as possible. You have every right to use your speech to advocate for violent government suppression of speech, even on the eve of the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, but no one is obligated to hand you a megaphone. It’s not like Cotton could not have found some other platform from which to spew this constitutionally heinous bilge. The Times‘ decision to grant him their imprimatur, without challenging him in any way or providing readers with relevant context, is a moral atrocity. Make no mistake: his prescription would lead to the killing of American citizens in the streets of their own cities. He said so himself.


Joshua A. Geltzer, Neal K. Katyal, Jennifer Taub and Laurence H. Tribe: Trump’s authoritarianism in the streets is being matched in the courts

The Trump administration’s authoritarian behavior on the streets is being matched by its authoritarian positions in the federal courts. On Monday, as the administration used military force to push peaceful protesters out of Lafayette Square, administration lawyers filed an astonishing brief in the federal appeals court down the street, urging the court to order the trial judge to dismiss the case against Michael Flynn.

The brief represents a remarkable new position by the Trump Justice Department: The doors of federal courthouses should be closed to hearing arguments other than those advanced by the department itself, and federal judges may not even inquire into whether the administration has acted improperly. [..]

The Justice Department told the appeals court that it should take the extraordinary step of intervening in the case — before Sullivan has ruled or even held a hearing — to stop him from doing so. “Simply put, the district court has no authority to reject the Executive’s conclusion,” the department said.

In other words: “None of your business, Judge Sullivan.” The Justice Department wants the case dropped, and so that’s it — the case should just go away, no questions asked, before the American people learned what happened. [..]

It may be inconvenient, at least in Trump’s view, for the administration to have protesters at the White House. And it may be inconvenient, at least in the Trump Justice Department’s view, to have its extraordinary action on behalf of one of the president’s allies scrutinized by a federal court. But that is what our system of free speech and an independent judiciary entails — whether Trump and his enablers like it or not.

Charles M. Blow: No More Lynching!

Legislation won’t fix white supremacy. But a government response can ensure that cruelty is punished.

America is in full revolt.

A simmering pain has boiled over. Protesters are in the streets. Looters are on the prowl. Political leadership is on the sidelines.

Black people have reached yet another breaking point, tired of America’s unresponsiveness to their pain, tired of its flaying of their flesh, tired of it depriving them of equality.

Allies, of all races, have come to the black people’s side, shocked at the continuation of the cruelty, embarrassed, in many cases, by their own heretofore inaction.

This moment is enormous, packed with potential and possibility, but it must be seized. For now, people are continuing to march, to join in solidarity, to make their voices heard and bodies seen.

The rage is real. It is urgent. It is fresh.

But, as I often say, rage is an expensive emotion. Try as we might, for noble cause and righteous intent, we are physically and psychologically incapable of maintaining it. It eventually recedes.

Sherrilyn Ifill: How to Change Policing in America

George Floyd’s excruciating death at the hands of former Minneapolis Police Department officer Derek Chauvin and the ensuing nationwide protests have focused the country’s attention yet again on the decades-long issue of police violence against black Americans. Many are saying that we have “been here before.” But we haven’t.

With each new video of these horrifying killings and assaults, we move to a different place—and many black people have simply had it. We are weary of having “the talk” with our children that our parents had with us. And we are appalled by America’s tolerance for black death at the hands of law enforcement. And it’s not just black people. The protests in most cities have been multi-racial, with allies from many communities expressing their outrage. An impatience, a righteous anger, and an uncompromising demand for change lie at the core of these protests.

The response to activists’ demands must be swift, decisive, and transformative. After years of focusing on training and supervision, it is time to demand action by the elected officials and policymakers who are responsible for funding police departments, managing police leadership, and making and implementing laws governing police misconduct and accountability.

Amanda Marcotte: Poor sad #BunkerBoy: Now Trump wants to edit real life, like an episode of “The Apprentice”

While the country melts down, Trump tries to reshoot reality so we won’t know he’s total chickens**t “Bunker Boy”

Whatever the specifics of what Donald Trump’s diagnosis may be, from the moment protesters started to hit the streets to denounce police brutality, one thing was certain: The president’s brainworms would direct his energies away from doing anything useful and toward the task of managing his ego, relying on the reality TV tricks he mistakes for the real work of presidenting.

And so, while demonstrations began to spread and police engaged in ruthless attacks on nonviolent protesters, Americans have been subjected to Trump trying — feebly, but at great cost to both taxpayers and public safety — to assuage his ego by demanding that his real life display of weenie-ness be “fixed” with reshoots and post-production edits.

Everything goes back to the original narcissistic injury from the past weekend: The “Bunker Boy” meme. [..]

But Trump’s bunker-hunker on Saturday, made worse by his cruel and stupid Lafayette Square photo-op on Monday, are just out there in the real world. There is no way to fling the footage into the Trash folder, or to edit the crap out of it until it sends the “right” message. Trump’s continued demands that the world act like a reality-show producer who can keep giving him mulligans only reaffirms that he is, above all things, a narcissistic moron.

Candice Frederick: The brands rushing to defend black lives used to silence us. Does it get more shameless?

Vague platitudes about solidarity aren’t enough – not from organizations that discarded Kaepernick for taking a knee

When I first noticed that there were non-black faces in the myriad protests demanding justice for the police murder of George Floyd across the world over the last few days, I thought: it’s nice to see that oppressed black people aren’t the only ones speaking out about the oppression of black people. Because generally that’s been the case. But that feeling of relief dissolved after big organizations such as the NFL and The CW, as well as stars like Lea Michele, jumped on that bandwagon to align themselves with the fight for black humanity. Because these are some of the same platforms that have silenced us. [..]

For one split moment in time, it seemed like some of these influential white entities had finally gotten the point after years of directing their attention toward the absence of accountability, which extends far beyond the court system to the big and small screens as well as our football stadiums. But because we are living in a time when black people are so fed up that they are risking their lives marching in crowds during a pandemic to demand responsibility for white supremacy, pithy statements are no longer adequate declarations of alliance.

Drew Brees

As you know, Professional Throwball is all about which Teams you hate. You might think I’d relent on the Patsies but I hate Bob Kraft and Bill Belicheck every bit as much as Cheater Brady so the Net/Net is I’ve added the Sucks to the list of Teams that I hate.

As a matter of fact outside of Green Bay and the Giants a little because they’re local there are not many that I root for except situationally to knock out a Team I hate more.

In the past Teams like that have included the Seahawks (TMC likes them for some reason) and the Aints.

And then yesterday Drew Brees was an idiot.

So here I was all ready to move my Aints paraphernalia from my somewhat barren Trophy Case of Teams I find sorta acceptable to the 55 Gallon Drum I use for Trash Teams and Drew finds his mind.

I would like to apologize to my friends, teammates, the City of New Orleans, the black community, NFL community and anyone I hurt with my comments yesterday.

In speaking with some of you, it breaks my heart to know the pain I have caused. In an attempt to talk about respect, unity, and solidarity centered around the American flag and the national anthem, I made comments that were insensitive and completely missed the mark on the issues we are facing right now as a country. They lacked awareness and any type of compassion or empathy. Instead, those words have become divisive and hurtful and have misled people into believing that somehow I am an enemy.

This could not be further from the truth, and is not an accurate reflection of my heart or my character.

This is where I stand: I stand with the black community in the fight against systemic racial injustice and police brutality and support the creation of real policy change that will make a difference. I condemn the years of oppression that have taken place throughout our black communities and still exists today. I acknowledge that we as Americans, including myself, have not done enough to fight for that equality or to truly understand the struggles and plight of the black community. I recognize that I am part of the solution and can be a leader for the black community in this movement.

I will never know what it’s like to be a black man or raise black children in America but I will work every day to put myself in those shoes and fight for what is right. I have ALWAYS been an ally, never an enemy.

I am sick about the way my comments were perceived yesterday, but I take full responsibility and accountability. I recognize that I should do less talking and more listening…and when the black community is talking about their pain, we all need to listen.

For that, I am very sorry and I ask your forgiveness.

Eh, could use a little polish, not quite abject enough for starters, but it is recognizably an apology and he made it quickly and completely (“For That” is kind of weaselly, but at least he didn’t try to claim he said something else or he was right all along and it’s your reaction that’s wrong).

So that’s one way to do it.

Anyway I think I’ll postpone my cleaning and await developments. The best thing Drew Brees can do right now is shut up.


You want to know the worst part of biting the Heads off of Chickens?


The Breafast Club (Rage)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

Chinese troops crush a pro-democracy movement in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square; World War II’s Battle of Midway begins; Henry Ford tests his quadricycle; Bruce Springsteen releases ‘Born in the U.S.A.’

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time.

James Baldwin

Continue reading

All Four

Attorney General Keith Ellison to elevate charges against officer who knelt on George Floyd’s neck; also charging other 3 involved

By Stephen Montemayor and Chao Xiong Star Tribune

Attorney General Keith Ellison plans to elevate charges against the former Minneapolis police officer who knelt on George Floyd’s neck while adding charges of aiding and abetting murder against the other three officers at the scene, according to multiple law enforcement sources familiar with the case.

Ellison is expected to provide an update this afternoon on the state’s investigation into Floyd’s death. According to sources, former officer Derek Chauvin, recorded on video kneeling on Floyd’s neck as he begged for air on May 25, will now be charged with second-degree murder.

The other three officers at the scene — Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane — will also be charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder, according to the sources, who spoke on conditions of anonymity. Chauvin was arrested last Friday and charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter.

Thao was recorded watching as Chauvin continued to press on Floyd’s neck with his knee. Kueng was one of the first officers on the scene and helped pin Floyd down. Lane was detailed in earlier charges as pointing a gun at Floyd before handcuffing, and later asked whether officers should roll Floyd on his side as he was restrained.

The charges come just days after Gov. Tim Walz asked Ellison to take over the prosecution, which until Sunday had been led by the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office.

Up Date: At his press conference, Minnesota AG Ellison announced that officers Thao, Keung and Lane are being charged with aiding and abetting second degree murder in the death of George Floyd.

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