The Breakfast Club (Burning In The Soul)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

Timothy McVeigh convicted in the Oklahoma City bombing; Coronation day for Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II; Pope John Paul II visits Poland; Baseball’s Lou Gehrig dies.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Fire really means a certain kind of burning in the soul that one can no longer tolerate when one is pushed against a wall.

Cornel West

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Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news media and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

Paul Butler: Policing in the US is not about enforcing law. It’s about enforcing white supremacy

Police treatment of two CNN reporters at a George Floyd protest shows the US has opposite systems of justice – one for white people, one for people of color

On Friday the CNN journalist Omar Jimenez was arrested on live television as he covered protests of police brutality in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Jimenez identifies as African American and Hispanic, and when the cops confronted him, he did just what minority parents tell their kids to do. Jimenez cooperated; he was respectful, deferential even. He said: “We can move back to where you like … We are getting out of your way … Wherever you want us, we will go.”

It didn’t matter; the police officers put handcuffs on him and led him away, and then came back to arrest his crew. Jimenez narrated his arrest as they led him away. His voice is steady. His eyes, though. Jimenez is masked so his eyes are the only clue to what he’s feeling. His eyes are perplexed and terrified. I get it. When a black or brown person goes into police custody, you never know what is going to happen. You just know that when you leave police custody, if you are lucky enough to leave, you will be diminished. That is the point. [..]

But what’s most interesting is what happened to Josh Campbell, a white CNN journalist who was in the same area as Jimenez and not arrested. Campbell said his experience was the “opposite” of Jimenez’s. The cops asked him “politely to move here and there”. “A couple times I’ve moved closer than they would, like, they asked politely to move back. They didn’t pull out the handcuffs.”

It’s a cliche that the US has two systems of justice, separate and unequal, but I prefer the word Campbell used. The US has “opposite” systems of justice – one for white people and another for racial minorities, especially African Americans, Latinx and Native American people.

White progressives love to focus on class subordination (I see you, Bernie Sanders!) but there is something sticky about race. Jimenez’s professional status and calm demeanor did not stop the police from treating him like a regular black dude – the subject of their vast authority to detain and humiliate. They didn’t have an actual reason and they didn’t need one. Jimenez’s dark skin was the offense.

Mark Joseph Stern: The Supreme Court Broke Police Accountability. Now It Has the Chance to Fix It.

George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police officers shows the damage the court has wrought.

The video of George Floyd’s death that emerged on Tuesday is both shocking and distressingly familiar. Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, is lying on the ground as a white police officer pins him to the ground by the neck. We hear Floyd begging the officer to stop, telling him repeatedly: “I cannot breathe.” But the officer does not let up, and his colleagues taunt Floyd as he dies. “You having fun?” one asks. “You a tough guy,” another says. “Tough guy, huh?” After killing Floyd, the officers falsely claimed he had “physically resisted officers,” necessitating their brutal response.

We’ve seen this before, over and over and over again: police officers, usually white, killing black people who pose no threat to their safety. Although we have only recently begun to witness these executions ourselves thanks to smartphones, they are not a new phenomenon. For as long as law enforcement has existed in the United States, white officers have murdered black people. After the Civil War, Congress sought to address the problem by letting victims and their families sue abusive government officials. But the Supreme Court has butchered that law to prevent countless victims of police brutality from seeking justice through one of the only state-sanctioned avenues available to them. At their conference on Thursday, the justices will have an opportunity to begin unraveling the catastrophic case law that allows so many officers—including, apparently, Floyd’s killers—to murder civilians with impunity. The court has an obligation to fix what it broke.

Robert Reich: Fire, pestilence and a country at war with itself: the Trump presidency is over

A pandemic unabated, an economy in meltdown, cities in chaos over police killings. All our supposed leader does is tweet

You’d be forgiven if you hadn’t noticed. His verbal bombshells are louder than ever, but Donald J Trump is no longer president of the United States

By having no constructive response to any of the monumental crises now convulsing America, Trump has abdicated his office.

He is not governing. He’s golfing, watching cable TV and tweeting. [..]

Since moving into the Oval Office in January 2017, Trump hasn’t shown an ounce of interest in governing. He obsesses only about himself.

But it has taken the present set of crises to reveal the depths of his self-absorbed abdication – his utter contempt for his job, his total repudiation of his office.

Trump’s nonfeasance goes far beyond an absence of leadership or inattention to traditional norms and roles. In a time of national trauma, he has relinquished the core duties and responsibilities of the presidency.

He is no longer president. The sooner we stop treating him as if he were, the better.

Charles M. Blow: Destructive Power of Despair

The protests are not necessarily about Floyd’s killing in particular, but about the savagery and carnage that his death represents.

Despair has an incredible power to initiate destruction. It is exceedingly dangerous to assume that oppression and pain can be inflicted without consequence, to believe that the victim will silently absorb the injury and the wound will fade.

No, the injuries compound, particularly when there is no effort to alter the system doing the wounding, no avenue by which the aggrieved can seek justice.

This all breeds despair, simmering below the surface, a building up in need of release, to be let out, to lash out, to explode.

As protests and rioting have swept across the country in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by the police in Minneapolis, it’s evident that America has failed to learn that lesson yet again.

The protests are not necessarily about Floyd’s killing in particular, but about the savagery and carnage that his death represents: The nearly unchecked ability of the state to act with impunity in the oppression of black bodies and the taking of black life.

Jennifer Senior: What Trump and Toxic Cops Have in Common

It’s us versus them.

In his first Inaugural Address, and hopefully his last, Donald Trump talked about American carnage. He got it this week. What we couldn’t have known in January 2017 is that he wasn’t here to save us from this carnage, but to perpetuate it; that incitement wasn’t just a feature of his campaign, but of his governance. When historians look back at the Trump era, they may very well say his presidency was encapsulated by this moment, when a sadistic cop knelt on the neck of an African-American man for almost nine minutes in plain view and the streets exploded in rage.

Derek Chauvin was by no means the first cop to gratuitously brutalize and lynch an African-American. But he embodied something essential about Trumpism: It’s us versus them. That’s the poison ethos at the heart of police brutality, and it’s the septic core of our 45th president’s philosophy. Neither a toxic cop nor Donald Trump sees himself as a servant of all the people they’ve sworn to protect. They are solely servants of their own. Everyone else is the enemy.

Voting by Mail

Last Week Tonight is late posting their video so I’m going with a secondary source that may or may not stay up.


Les Stroud Prioritizes

The Breakfast Club (Electric Fences)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

The Beatles release their ‘Sgt. Pepper’ album; Actress Marilyn Monroe born; CNN hits the airwaves; Mormon leader Brigham Young born; Blind and deaf author and activist Helen Keller dies.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.

Will Rogers

Continue reading

Rant of the Week: Trevor Noah – Domino Effect

This is not so much a rant as it is a thoughtful look at societies response to racism and police brutality. Trevor shares his thoughts on the killing of George Floyd, the protests in Minneapolis, the dominoes of racial injustice and police brutality, and how the contract between society and black Americans has been broken time and time again.

Ok, this is a Rant.


I can’t not include this part- Ian Bremmer mentions Greenwich (pronounced Gren-itch) Connecticut. It’s exactly like that in Stars Hollow too. The little town that time forgot and the decades cannot improve. All the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.

But it’s not Greenwich, they’re hoity toity Gold Coast privileged pricks and we are salt of the earth working class folks who only pull down six figures and live in Million Dollar McMansions.

Not the only epidemic.

Diabetes is a disease that was already at epidemic levels pre-Corona. I’ve known several people with very bad conditions and some were careful and some were not. It raises your likelihood of dying from Corona by like a thousand percent (20% of Diabetics admitted for Corona die vs. 2% of a more general population).

There are people who think (though I’m being super charitable to call it thinking at all) recreational use of Insulin is a good idea. My Doctor friend says “Sure, take some pills too. Then jump off the roof.”

You see, if you’re producing enough Insulin any extra is poison. Like I say I’ve known several Diabetics and Hypoglycemic Shock is not pretty to witness and is frequently deadly. That’s why most of the Insulin dependent types I know also pack a tube of Glucose right next to their testing supplies.

Sugar? For a Diabetic?

You have to give that Insulin something to do if you don’t want to die. I’ve also been on high speed late night Convenience Store runs for folks though this one guy said, “I need 3 Sea Breezes- Stat!”

It’s something I don’t have to worry about. When I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration I had a whole lot of Blood Work done to test because it can be a cause or a contributing factor.

Nope. Me strong like Bull except for my 20 foot long list of pre-existing conditions.

No Sports?

Perhaps you’re curious about the Formula One eRacing. Well, nobody got suspended for deliberately driving into others, but a driver from Formula E (would that be eeRacing?) hired a Gamer Ringer as a substitute and got busted for it.

Anyway, here’s eMonaco.

They could do that every year and I’d be just as happy.

I’m thinking Marble Racing is it’s own weird thing that I’m going to treat separately, and Turn Left Bumper Cars is not a sport and Bundesliga and Premier League are boring which is why I don’t watch The Beautiful Game. Sorry, I find scoreless ties less than riveting entertainment even if they only last 90 minutes.

So next week I’m hoping I’ll find the stream of the Cornholing competition I just watched on ESPN, or some more Badminton or World Cup Yacht Racing.

The Breakfast Club (Sugar free)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club!

AP’s Today in History for May 31st

Breakfast Tune Fountains of Wayne – Stacy’s mom – Beginner Banjo Cover – Clawhammer

Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below


Protestors Criticized For Looting Businesses Without Forming Private Equity Firm First
The Onion News In Brief

MINNEAPOLIS—Calling for a more measured way to express opposition to police brutality, critics slammed demonstrators Thursday for recklessly looting businesses without forming a private equity firm first. “Look, we all have the right to protest, but that doesn’t mean you can just rush in and destroy any business without gathering a group of clandestine investors to purchase it at a severely reduced price and slowly bleed it to death,” said Facebook commenter Amy Mulrain, echoing the sentiments of detractors nationwide who blasted the demonstrators for not hiring a consultant group to take stock of a struggling company’s assets before plundering.

“I understand that people are angry, but they shouldn’t just endanger businesses without even a thought to enriching themselves through leveraged buyouts and across-the-board terminations. It’s disgusting to put workers at risk by looting. You do it by chipping away at their health benefits and eventually laying them off. There’s a right way and wrong way to do this.” At press time, critics recommended that protestors hold law enforcement accountable by simply purchasing the Minneapolis police department from taxpayers.



Something to think about over coffee prozac

Who Exactly Is Doing the Looting, and Who’s Being Looted?

eadlines this morning are all about looting — specifically, looting in Minneapolis, after the police killing of an unarmed African-American man was caught on video. In the modern vernacular, that word “looting” is loaded — it comes with all sorts of race and class connotations. And we have to understand that terms like “looting” are an example of the way our media often imperceptibly trains us to think about economics, crime, and punishment in specific and skewed ways.

Working-class people pilfering convenience-store goods is deemed “looting.” By contrast, rich folk and corporations stealing billions of dollars during their class war is considered good and necessary “public policy” — aided and abetted by arsonist politicians in Washington lighting the crime scene on fire to try to cover everything up.

To really understand the deep programming at work here, consider how the word “looting” is almost never used to describe the plundering that has become the routine policy of our government at a grand scale that is far larger than a vandalized Target store.

Indeed, if looting is defined in the dictionary as “to rob especially on a large scale” using corruption, then these are ten examples of looting that we rarely ever call “looting”:

Pondering the Pundits: Sunday Preview Edition

Pondering the Pundits: Sunday Preview Edition” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

On Sunday mornings we present a preview of the guests on the morning talk shows so you can choose which ones to watch or some do something more worth your time on a Sunday morning.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

The Sunday Talking Heads:

This Week with George Stephanopolis: The guests on Sunday’s “This Week” are: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA); Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN); and Trump National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien.

The roundtable guests are: Former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ); ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Cecilia Vega and Open Society Foundations President Patrick Gaspard.

Face the Nation: Host Margaret Brennan’s guests are: Tom Wyatt, CEO Kindercare Daycare centers; David Brown, Superintendent, Chicago Police Department; Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Former FDA Commissioner; and Benjamin Crump, Attorney.

Meet the Press with Chuck Todd: The guests on this week’s “MTP” are: Rep. Val Demmings (D-FL).

The panel guests are: President of Voto Latino, María Teresa Kumar; former Gov. Pat McCrory (R-NC); and MSNBC Anchor, Joshua Johnson;

State of the Union with Jake Tapper: Mr. Tapper’s guests are: Mayor Melvin Carter (D-St Paul, MN); Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D-Atlanta, GA); Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ); Trump National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien; and Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD).

Ma Nishtana

Well, because tonight is the night Yahweh struck down the First Born of Egypt, all of them, but spared the Houses of Hebrews marked with the Blood of the Korban Pesakh.

Freedom from slavery? Plagues?

Look, did you even go to Sunday School?

It’s also why no leavening and roasted only and double dipping and “Bitter” Herbs and not Vegetables.

But the point is that it’s an annual remembrance of a People’s struggle against oppression.

This is why Colin Kaepernick took a knee
By Sally Jenkins, Washington Post
May 30, 2020

Two knees. One protesting in the grass, one pressing on the back of a man’s neck. Choose. You have to choose which knee you will defend. There are no half choices; there is no room for indifference. There is only the knee of protest, or the knee on the neck.

NFL owners chose the knee on the neck. They did. They may rationalize it as controversy avoidance, or respect for the flag, or audience mollification, or economic strategy, or business exigency. But when they collectively ostracized Colin Kaepernick for his protests against police brutality on unarmed black citizens, they chose the wrong knee. They chose the knee on the neck, the knee that pressures, stifles, gags, chokes and silences.

Kaepernick is still so present in the American consciousness that he might as well be playing in the league. Oh, the owners thought they made him disappear with a settlement. But the image of the kneeling, bow-headed Kaepernick becomes newly indicting each time someone is pinned down by a brute in a blue uniform and dies pleading in a street. The owners misidentified the problem, you see. The problem they can’t get rid of isn’t Kaepernick, or his knee. It’s themselves. Their own denial, that’s what dogs them.

The result of indifference, evasion and avoidance, of stoppered ears and shaded eyes, is not benign. It leaves people defenseless. Anyone who isn’t against this drumbeat of unredressed wrong is exposed as a guilty abettor. Former NFL player Desmond Marrow was body-slammed to the ground and choked by a Georgia cop, though he was already in handcuffs, over a simple roadside argument. “I thought I was going to die,” he said. Retired tennis star James Blake was tackled and cuffed on a New York City sidewalk simply because his skin color met a criminal description. Jaylan Butler, the only black member of the Eastern Illinois University swim team, had a police gun put to his forehead for wandering too far from a team bus. Matthias Askew, a retired NFL defensive lineman, was plied with a stun gun in front of his 7-year-old daughter during a traffic stop.

A recent study out of Stanford shows that black drivers are 20 percent more likely to get pulled over than white drivers.

How is this not the NFL’s problem? Seventy-five percent of the league’s players are black.

How are Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd not the NFL’s problem, too?

Kaepernick was treated as un-American and radical simply for asking the question, “Isn’t this lethal racism every American’s problem, and aren’t we letting down our flag by not fulfilling its promise?” Instead of defending him, most NFL owners stood by and quailed or in some cases projected tacit acceptance as Donald Trump called him a son of a bitch and suggested any player who took a knee be thrown out of the country. It was the ugly political version of a chokehold. Oh, the owners protested the “divisive” language. They issued statements. But where was their full-throated resistance to such an obvious, aggressive, bullying wrong?

All those who vilified Kaepernick, where is the same demand for banishment, the same level of ugly feeling, the same red-faced, foaming sense of injury over the insult to America in that video of Floyd’s death, three white cops with all of their weight on his burdened back, grinding him into that pavement?

“I haven’t seen the same OUTRAGE from people of influence when the conversation turns to Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and most recently George Floyd,” Miami Dolphins Coach Brian Flores said in a statement. “Many people who broadcast their opinions on kneeling or on the hiring of minorities don’t seem to have an opinion on the recent murders of these young black men and women. I think many of them QUIETLY say that watching George Floyd plead for help is one of the more horrible things they have seen, but it’s said amongst themselves where no one can hear. Broadcasting THAT opinion clearly is not important enough.”

You know what else isn’t important enough to NFL owners? Curing their abidingly racist hiring practices. There are surely some fine individuals among NFL owners whose hearts burn on the issue of race — the Atlanta Falcons’ Arthur Blank quickly comes to mind — but collectively they act with such lazy consciences that they need “incentives” to address the fundamental disparity of just three black head coaches out of 32.

The truth about Kaepernick is that he’s not a radical or a SOB. He’s a reformer, in the great American tradition. As Frederick Douglass said of reformers, “They see what ought to be by the reflection of what is, and endeavor to remove the contradiction.” The NFL might have been proud of that, but it wasn’t.

You cannot seal off murderous racial injustice in American life, partition it, any more than you can restrict a defective murmur to a single chamber of your own heart. “Do not blink it out of sight,” the great abolitionist Sen. Charles Sumner warned of racial violence at the end of the Civil War. “Approach it. Contemplate it. Study it. Deal with it.” Too many of us have tried to blink it out of sight, and NFL owners more than most. Time and again they have placed race into a separate compartment, tried to soundproof it like their glass-paneled limos, gate it like their subdivisions and say, “This isn’t our problem, it has nothing to do with the game, and don’t make it the problem of our audience, either.”

Colin Kaepernick’s real offense was to open the box and hold up what is in front of the audience, instead of the triumphalist, self-congratulatory image the NFL wanted. The league owners had a chance, with Kaepernick, to be more than hucksters guarding their brands and bottom line. They might have been tremendous influencers on the problem of injustice in this burning moment. They might have been real allies of, and advocates for, their great players. They might have been examples of true, righteous Americanism. They might have been bonders rather than dividers, healers of mistrust. But who would ever buy that now? They missed their chance. They chose the wrong knee. It was a terrible choice. One that may even make you weep.

Hey, I kept at it until they wanted to do this “Confirmation” Ceremony to affirm I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, Lord, and Master and I didn’t and don’t so I left.

It was the respectful thing to do. If forced to attend I stand up and sit down with everyone else so as not to be particularly rude, but I utter not a sound and I don’t kneel or bow.

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